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-If you download the special ver. use him in his own stage, the stage of this one scales your character and is Winmugen ONLY.

-the standard version fits in any stage.....also the standard stage is 1.0 ONLY.



for the char


For the stage

Mugen>Stages>Misc stages

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i was just about to say who in the F&CK still makes a winmugen only character still ...... and i really like the way this guy worked


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Ah , gotcha , still its not like i can DL it anyway, but i did watch the vid and he looks cool


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Question, when the scythe is spinning in the first round and the first half of 2nd round, can it hurt you while it's spinning?

yes, but if the scythe gets hit, or if it hits you, then gives you a time of 25 ticks of null attack.

Just use localcoord in [stageinfo ]to resize the stage, then build up the code from there

Mugen 1.0 currently doesn't scale characters through stages  
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I still make winmugen characters. That's what I use for my Tales series characters. I'll upgrade them eventually, but still. Not everyone can use 1.0.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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yeah, don't know why so much problem upon deciding for 1.0 or stay with Winmugen..... I just use both.

You can put LOCALCOORD on the character o-O

not sure if the problem was already understood.

I wanted to scale the opponent of the reaper through the stage, so people didn't have to do it manually, this way each time you fight the reaper(in arcade or something) your char automatically gets the correct size, sure I can make him fit in any stage, but the problem is that, if ppl fight against him with a normal sized character, thanatos will be cheaper than he should be, even for chars whose playstyle is like a platformer

anyway, a quick update to the stage

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I agree with you. I do chars for both systems, at least for now. I mainly do chars for winmugen because it works on both versions. Some others I do exclusive for mugen 1.0 I really don´t understand why some people acts SO NAZI when they see someone with winmugen yet. They forget that some people still wants to use it and some people CAN'T RUN Mugen 1.0 on their computers. Come on, guys... about the char, its a very nice char. I like bosses a lot. keep the good work



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Prob the effect of Thanatos? About that auto scaling, I doubt mugen had that feature for a character to change targetstate`s x-y scale. Even though IT MAY have, all character are in all different sizes. Thanks for clearing the situation for me though, should of looked twice D=

Milla Maxwell - Spirit Guardian of Reize Maxia
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yes, it haves, but will work only in custom states

I did say - IT MAY HAVE ._.

I had my doubts, now its cleared XD

I also did say that it might cause drastic differences to different characters of different sizes.

Milla Maxwell - Spirit Guardian of Reize Maxia
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