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You're welcome, Blaz. :)

Uhh, random update, I guess. o w o

Since all the cool kids are doing it. Lol.

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you look great~

(I hope Laharl wont kill me for saying that. I'll just say im sorry if he sees this..then he wont ban me..but then again i am just complimenting..so he shouldn't mind..he is the lucky one to have a gf who is pretty..I dont even have a gf..so...)

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you look great~

(I hope Laharl wont kill me for saying that. I'll just say im sorry if he sees this..then he wont ban me..but then again i am just complimenting..so he shouldn't mind..he is the lucky one to have a gf who is pretty..I dont even have a gf..so...)

He shouldn't mind it all. :)

But thank you. ^^

Your very pretty :)

Thank you, Blaz. :)


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Lol yeah Laharl should feel honored

I mean he's the one thats lucky enough to have a great gf

Me...It's gonna be awhile before I get a gf or be in a realtionship

or even know what love is..

Yeah, I guess he's lucky. >w>

But I'm lucky too. ^^

There's no rush in being in a relationship, though. *pat pat*


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I Could Post Mine but the reactions I Might get Might be rude..........idk I Might think about it loool Its not bad its just people Think I got Glasses that well you know XD

http://prntscr.com/qxqslb < My Sig Since I cant use Image Atm


http://anime2013freak.blog.fc2.com Please Visit it Guys ^^ I Update Matches Post pics etc

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@Ceno Long range gunning, eh bro?

Right, thats my specialty in b-balling.

I'am pretty bad at going to the basket like layups etc, but one of my goal for the next year is to get the slamming skill, will stop drinking alcohol and make a excessive jump training + loose some weight (i'm allready thin, but beer goes pretty much on the stomach lol).

I'm about 6.1 tall and was able to dunk a volleyball at the age of 20/21 but since then I got to heavy and didn't do to much sports, but I want to be able to make a dunk before turning 30, wich will happen next july :angry1:

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