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Wario WIP by RobotMonkeyHead

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Some other suggestion...


Since the classic Bomberman games & Wario Blast: Featuring Bomberman! have a top down view and the bomb explosion flames shoot horizontally and vertically in a straight line, use that for Warios bombs too. Don´t give the explosion a round radius, but rather a "+" shape.



Dunno if you´re going with an assist gameplay (p.e. Waluigi). If so, use Bomberman as one striker or (if you don´t use a assist style) use Bomberman as a hyper "helper"...




Use his Victory theme from SSB4 as a win animation theme...




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I´m referring to the bomb explosion design to have a "+" shape, suggest a Bomberman assist or hyper helper and a victory theme for one of Warios win animations. Nothing out of the ordinary to code in mugen...



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A little off topic, but how did you get that far in Bomberman? On the first level alone, it would simply not give me any power-ups. And I tried a lot...


Anyway, I agree with the bomb hyper, but it could just be a EX move to be a little more trappable.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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^ I don't know about the plus shaped blast.  It is classic, but it's designed for a top down game, it would just look out of place in mugen I think.  Maybe if I made a hyper bg out of a stage like the one you posted above and shrink him down, and have him move around on there and throw some some bombs for a little while...  I'll think about it.

After a bunch of noob flailing I got the Dolphin Emulator to work (only runs at about 60% speed tho) and downloaded a Wario Land Shake It 100% save file.  Now I can screen capture (or if I can figure out how to dump sprites) all the sprites I need but don't have.  That means I can finally (after 3 days of hard searching) get that little coal thing that sets Wario on fire.  The rest of the flaming Wario hyper is already coded using the sprites from Shake It and a couple personal additions.

After that, the Snowball hyper's getting coded, then the Bomb hyper / special.

EDIT:  omhfgita, texture dump?  I check one box in the graphics configure and it dumps every new sprite the game loads into a folder named dump?  Who designs this wonderful stuff?  I'm sitting here like, "ok, got my pause, frame advance and screenshot hotkeys ready, all set to clean up a mountain of sprites..." then I notice that.  Oh ma goodness.


After an embarrassing number of hours, here's the sprite set for that little coal thing that sets Wario on fire.  Uploaded in case anyone feels like tossing it up on Spriters-Resource.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: The flaming Wario hyper is complete, as close to source (Wario Land Shake It!) as I could get it.  Snowman Wario is underway.

Also, about the off topic stuff, I'm not really the type to care at all if my threads derail, as long as when on topic subject matter comes up it's not missed on account of it ;)



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cool to see you posting again :P. Also that offtopic thing is a rule we use its great it doesn't bug you, but they can easily pm you if they have a question not relating to this.


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I have to stop for a second just to say this new layout is gorgeous.  Fantastic work on Ryon's part and whoever else helped pull this off.

Anyway I'm just recently back from 2 months of out of state work so most of my time is spent with my girlfriend as of now, which means Wario's taken a bit of a back seat in the last couple weeks.  I haven't lost any interest in finishing him, progress has just slowed lately due to higher priorities. 

Progress update:  Got the sprite set for the Snowman Wario hyper complete, loading it in and beginning coding tonight.  I've been racking my brain for something fun / unique to spice up the bomb hyper, and I think I've got something good in store.  As for the bobomb special I was thinking a basic bomb toss, but have each punch button throw a different kind of bobomb, maybe each from a different game.  One with a plus style explosion like Staubhold and SPRI were talking about, one a typical bobomb, walks around, stops shakes and explodes, and one... I don't know, open to suggestion?

Ok let's talk about this Beta Staubhold's asking for.  Being someone who usually does edits, rather than entire character overhauls like this one, I'm kind of new to the ins and outs of Beta releasing.  If I release a beta every time I update something there will be no hype left for the actual release, and any updates to the release are more likely to be released.  Take Chuchoryu for example.  His characters are cool, but he releases updates constantly, so I never know if I actually have the most up to date version, and I kind of stop caring as much if I do.  

If I don't release any beta's the hype might be more for the actual release, but what's the actual point of hype?  I mean I know for me it kind of sucks waiting a long time for someone to finish a project, where I would really like to have a beta just to mess around with in the meantime.   So I guess I'm trying to find that sweet spot of how often is too often to release an update.

Anybody with a bit more experience have any insight they'd like to offer?



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  • 2 weeks later...

@ SPRI YAR ZON, sorry man I missed that comment.  No prob :)  It's been pretty fun working on him so far.


More work done on hypers: Flaming Wario essentially finished 99%, Snowman Wario about 80%
Projectile eating animation updated

Anyone happen to know any good *free* screen-video capture for mac? 
The one I was using before was a demo and it ran out.

Progress update, new hyper BG ripped (swirling clouds from Wario Land Shake It)



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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally, got the dark swirling clouds from Wario Land Shake It to work for a hyper bg!  Bye bye MvC hyper bg, hello good lookin custom hyper bg!  Acap to source accurate.

So the Flaming Wario and Snowman hypers are basically complete. 
Moving on to the Lunch Money hyper, and then to the Bobomb hyper, which is still completely open to suggestion.
I was thinking a bunch of parachuting bobombs + a bunch of bobombs marching in from the sides...




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Video preview of Flaming Wario hyper, Snowman Wario Hyper and new hyper bg:


While in the small snowball state you can walk , turn and jump (which works as an attack) for up to 10 seconds.  During that time you're immune to regular attacks, but projectiles will destroy the snowball, causing no damage.   Any attack button causes the large rolling snowball. 

During the Flaming Wario hyper you have no control while running, but once Wario is completely engulfed in flames you can turn him left and right, as per source.  The coal thing that falls from the ceiling can be avoided.  If touched by an opponent it will disappear, unless it's already flaming then it will deal them a small amount of damage.

All animations are as close as I could possibly get to source accurate, including exact angle rotations of the snowball, and exact number of tics per frame all around.  The actual pixels are exact from source, but the colors have seen the same filters as Wario's sprites.  The only sprites I couldn't get were for the smoke and sparks, so I had to remake those, but I think they came out decent enough.



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My apologies for keeping this project in the dark momentarily.  We got into some feedback discussions via email (the beta testers and myself), but from here on out we're going to keep everything related to the project out in the open on the thread.  Suggestions are totally appreciated from anyone and everyone, and this way is a lot more conducive to that format.

So I'm going to copy the relevant emails from our discussion so far and post them here, just to keep everyone who might be interested up to speed:

First off, thanks for helping test drive this thing. 

  This is the first time I've overhauled a character to the point of pretty much rebuilding it entirely, so there's bound to be a lot of mistakes.  None the less, I'd really like to get as many of the fine details dialed in as possible before releasing him, so anything at all that you notice, velocities, pixels whatever it is, please don't hesitate to point it out.  Also any random suggestions you might have are more than welcome.  Please feel free to just through whatever it is out there.  I obviously can't guarantee I'll use all of it, but the more options the better he'll turn out in the end. 

  My goal so far has really been to make him fun to play for someone who's into fighting games.  Lots of little tech stuff, alpha counters, parry, focus attack/canceling, throw chaining, hunter chain combos, lifters etc.  I've tried to stick with a side scroller play feel for his movement.  He runs the same speed forward and back, facing back while running back, optional jump control in the config, head bounce etc.  At this point I'm hoping to add in any Wario nostalgia that ties in things from existing games, which is where my frame of reference is really lacking. 

All that being said, here's a synopsis of the progress so far:

__/ Aspect        __/ Progress    __/ Needs
Basic attacks:   4/5                  Finishing touches, chaining to specials / hypers, corner pushes, stun & pause timing tweaking
Tech:                 4/5                  Alpha Counter Fart needs finishing for different garlic levels.  Open to suggestion.
Specials:           3/5                  Chaining.  Add bobomb specials. redo motorcycle special with new wheelie sprites.
Hypers:             1/5                  Only Flaming Wario is done.  All others remain mostly untouched.
Sounds:            1/5                  Barely touched the sounds so far.  Needs to be redone completely.

He doesn't work for 1.0 it says he needs a camera zoom function.

It would be nice to get him working in both.  Here's the lines of code that make him require 1.1.  If anyone can figure out a work around I'd be happy to implement it.

[State 0, ChangeAnim]

type = PosSet

trigger1 = time = 0

trigger2 = pos y >= 0

x = ifelse(time = 0, parent, pos x, pos x)

y = ifelse(time = 0, (1 / camerazoom) * -screenheight , 2)

This code controls the starting (before falling) and resting position of the little coal thing that sets Wario on fire.

alrighty so heres my feedback.

1. when Wario shakes his hands up and down seems kind of silly and pointless.

2. why is there a purple fireball if this was left from before I apologize but its unfitting.

3. make him spin a bit faster on qcf c.

4. the frames when he opens his mouth I understand you frankensprited that but it looks a bit weird... I was also hoping for him to grab them in his mouth like in smash.

5. Please please ditch the crappy mvc effects for the backround and whatnot I know its in there from before but I never liked them and they just don't work for this char.

6. alot of sounds are missing but guessing you knew about that

7. this char does not need mvc mechanics imo hoping you can go for something to further separate it from the mess that it used to be

8. his palletes on his alts look like a mess of weird pixels in areas

9. theres a bike sound and I am guessing you are still coding that but currently it doesn't do anything

10. one of his grab supers does some weird shit lol I reccomend completely deleting the command and code from supers no longer used.

its definitely improving from the original but still a long way to go looking forward to the finished product.


Feedback, feedback, feedback... All tested in MUGEN 1.1


 - Jumping HK jitters around and repeats itself in the air...

 - taunt has no clsn

 - throws all have a grab sound that plays twice

 - Focus Windup Punch animation stops at the beginning before he starts winding the punch up, looks not good

 - Wustache Twister air version is not in the readme

 - Dash attack is really nice

 - 100 Hand Wimp Slap sound plays too long, animation already stops before the sound is over

 - Sonic Knuckles gives a debug message

 - Projectile Eating animation looks so nice!!

 - Flaming Wario hyper looks great! Very source accurate...


I agree, get rid of the MvC bg´s...

Use as much as sounds for Wario you can find. Maybe later more.


@Laharl, thanks, I copied and pasted your feedback and I'm going to reply point by point.

1. when Wario shakes his hands up and down seems kind of silly and pointless.

-- When are you talking about exactly?

2. why is there a purple fireball if this was left from before I apologize but its unfitting.

-- I kind of like the purple fireball.

3. make him spin a bit faster on qcf c.

-- I'll consider that.  It took quite a while to get the hit timing right to lift the enemy properly for the Wustache chain to work, and I'd have to redo that, but I'll consider it.  It would look better I think. 

4. the frames when he opens his mouth I understand you frankensprited that but it looks a bit weird... I was also hoping for him to grab them in his mouth like in smash.

-- There's a possibility I'll re-animate that with a bit more of a "chomp" using run sprites from the flaming Wario hyper.  I actually didn't frankensprite it tho, those sprites came from the sprite sheet.

5. Please please ditch the crappy mvc effects for the backround and whatnot I know its in there from before but I never liked them and they just don't work for this char.

- Yes that's definitely going to happen.  I have plans to use the swirling clouds from the telescope portal in Wario Land Shake it for the hyper bg.

6. alot of sounds are missing but guessing you knew about that

-- Yep.

7. this char does not need mvc mechanics imo hoping you can go for something to further separate it from the mess that it used to be

-- Which MvC mechanics are you talking about removing exactly?  If you think of anything specific that would help move him toward a more unique feel I'm definitely open.

8. his palletes on his alts look like a mess of weird pixels in areas

-- Holy shit man I tried so hard for about 3 whole days to find a filter series that properly separated his colors, but in the end there were just too many shared colors to get a clean separation. closest I got was a super subtle gaussian blur that localized most of the tones without blurring the image but it wasn't enough.  He's going to need to be properly color separated at the end of all this.  Do you know anyone who's good with color separating who might be willing to help out?

9. theres a bike sound and I am guessing you are still coding that but currently it doesn't do anything

-- Yes I made some new sprites for the bike and I separated it from Wario.  I want him to be able to jump off it mid ride and let the bike work sort of as a ground based projectile, while he flies toward the opponent in the air.  There will likely be the option between that and a wheelie for more vertical coverage.  Back for a wheelie, up to jump off. Can't do both. 

10. one of his grab supers does some weird shit lol I reccomend completely deleting the command and code from supers no longer used.

-- Oh god, yeah I know, that's leftover from the swarms of useless code I cleaned out.  I'm in the process of going through his hypers, and after I add the flaming wario, snowman wario, and bobomb hypers, they'll all be addressed one at a time.

its definitely improving from the original but still a long way to go looking forward to the finished product.

-- Thanks, glad you're liking it so far, and thanks again for the feedback Laharl.



@Staubhold, thanks for the feedback.  It's very much appreciated.  I'll respond point by point.

Feedback, feedback, feedback... All tested in MUGEN 1.1

 - Jumping HK jitters around and repeats itself in the air...

R: Yea it was supposed to be a triple air kick.  It looks pretty bad tho, I think I need to redo it.  As bad as it is, the kick that was there before it was about 3 times worse.

 - taunt has no clsn

R: Ah, thanks, will fix.

 - throws all have a grab sound that plays twice
R: I'll make sure to fix that when I redo the sounds.

 - Focus Windup Punch animation stops at the beginning before he starts winding the punch up, looks not good

R:  Oh, sorry, holding medium punch and medium kick will cause it to wind up.  It's kind of a charge up move with 3 levels.  The quickest level is what you're getting if you just tap medium punch + kick.

 - Wustache Twister air version is not in the readme

R: Ah, good catch, I'll make sure to add that.

 - Dash attack is really nice

R:  Thanks!

 - 100 Hand Wimp Slap sound plays too long, animation already stops before the sound is over
R: Thanks again, I'll make sure to fix that when I overhaul the sounds.

 - Sonic Knuckles gives a debug message
R: Huh, ok I'll check that out.

 - Projectile Eating animation looks so nice!!
R: :) Thanks.

 - Flaming Wario hyper looks great! Very source accurate...

R: Thanks again, man that took a Lot of work!  But yea, all the sprites and most of the alignments are straight from source, filtered of course.  The only sprites I had to frankensprite were the smoke and the sparks, but those came out pretty decent imo.

- I agree, get rid of the MvC bg´s...

R: Yup, those are going.  I'm going to use the spinning dark clouds from Wario Land Shake it.

Use as much as sounds for Wario you can find. Maybe later more.

- Cool, yea any more feedback is always appreciated.  Thanks again Staubhold.


its the move I believe where he normally grabs things in the game and shakes them. its really weird to be a normal move that just hits and does a bit of damage.

I mean like the super jumps, Launcher into combo stuff like that feels very unwario like. I think they used the EOH template originally for this lol.

Fun little idea for the bike but but possibly add a 3rd possibility he "buries" them into the ground its a custom move of his in smash and I believe sprites are used for this for another char for "Sprite standard" I can talk to toaster about it if you are interested.

well since you didn't make that sprite I can be brutally honest it looks really bad lol. if thats a source sprite then that thing has no excuse to exist XD. can't wait to see the chomp improved and to look way better than it does.

about a question from earlier I have an idea why dont you use a mix of smash U and wario world from the GC its the same voice actor so I don't think theres much of a problem?

I dislike the fireball and I thought that was being changed to an arcing bob omb. If you want it to remain a fireball then at least find a new animation cause its way to static right now for it.

I am not good with color separating or fixing crap like that but I know a few ppl I will ask around and see what I can do no promises though. I have a specific person in mind and if he won't do it for free I have no issue paying a bit to him to get it done :P. (if I do shell out money I expect massive credits for it as well as him lol)

wondering if you found anything waluigi useable yet lol.

wondering if you would take any inspiration from some of marios party game appearances for his Intro. I was mainly thinking mario strikers charged would be pretty funny if you need a video I can show you.

Overall I am very happy to be a part of his testing and can't wait for the finished product :).


Oh, yeah. Speaking of Strikers Charged, one of his lose poses could be blowing himself up with a Bob-omb.

ok got you an update he doesn't have time to screw with it but

Well, those rips you linked look fine enough.
10:11 AM

I'd suggest just grabbing them, putting them in a 1.1 sff and resize via the cns

thats what ghost killer told me basically rerip the frames without that ugly ass filter and just add it back in resize a tad if needed.


So you think the 100 Hand Wimp Slap should go? (The special attack made from the "shake item" sprites)

Yea I might drop the super jump, given that the running jump already proved a bit of extra lift off.  I kind of like the launcher into air combo thing.  I don't think that's a purely MvC mechanic.

I'm not really interested in relying on the opponent having a "buried" animation for the bike special.  I do plan to give Wario a buried animation, but I'd like to keep him as universally compatible as possible.

The chomp animation has been updated, now that I have the sprites I wanted for it loaded in.  When he eats the fireball he chomps forward now instead of just closing his mouth.

I'll consider that suggestion for the sounds.

For the fireball sprite, I wasn't too happy with it at first, but after aligning it and all its sparks and adding an after image, I'm fine with it. But if you want to post a link to a different sprite set, I'm open to suggestion.

If you actually pay to have him color separated, that's like insane huge all the credits you want in whatever file you want with like your name in full page ascii art.  I never would've expected anything like that.  I don't even know what else to say about it honestly.

I haven't found any usable Waluigi sprites.  I did spend a solid couple of hours searching, but I came up empty handed.  I was thinking of maybe having him drive through in a car, like static sprite / 2 sprite style, tossing bobombs or something?  Cause there is one or 2 decent sprites out there, just no decent full animations. 

Yea a video for that Wario Party / Mario strikers thing you're talking about would definitely give me clearer visual to work with.

Glad you're happy with his progress so far!  I can't wait to see the finished product either, it's been a crazy lot of work just to get him to where he is!


@Laharl update,

Thanks for trying at least.

Clean color separation on the sprites without doing it manually is impossible, or at least out of my skill range.  There's too many exact tone overlaps between the shirt/skin and pants/nose in the original sprites.  I tried an extremely subtle gaussian blur to try to "localize" those overlapping colors without blurring the image, and I got close, but no cigar.  I actually spent about 3 solid days trying different things like that to get a clean color separation, but alas manual separation is the only way I can see it working. 

As for that ugly ass filter, the original character before I edited it uses the original un filtered sprites.  Try playing one against the other and tell me which you prefer the look of.  They're at the original ripped size right now too.


I am gonna say it looks better without it I don't understand why color separation is really needed anyway, just change his overalls for his palletes its not that big a deal.

yes that wimp slap just looks awkward it doesn't look like a slap at all lol.

see the problem I have with the fireball is its unfitting very rarely does wario nowadays use fireballs he uses bombs.

My idea on the buried animation wasn't a "you need this animation to make it work" it was a if you have it great if not you use a default sprite that works for it. Do you need help understanding how thats coded?

the idea for waluigi sounds like a good one actually.


those are all the animations wario is included in the compilation.



I have to agree, 100 Hand Wimp Slap isn´t really good.

Super Mario Striker Wario voice clips are great, if you can use those too.

Alrighty, given the fact that I'm going to use the Wimp Slap animation for that hyper where he shakes the coins out of the opponent there's a pretty good chance it'll just get re-purposed, rather than repeated.  I know SPRI kinda liked that move as a knock back, but I think using the anim in both places would look repetitive.  Plus the Wustache Twister serves that purpose well enough anyway.   

As far color separation goes, it's needed in order to be able to make multiple palettes.  Or at least ones that don't looks as bad as his current p2 palette.  Without it, changing the color of his overalls affects is nose, and changing his shirt color affects his skin.  If anybody happens to know of anyone I can ask, that would be wonderful.  I've never done it myself, and I'm sure someone with experience could do it in about a quarter of the time it would take me.

About the fireball, at this point I'm inclined to keep it.  After I add the bobomb specials tho, I'll give it one last consideration and see if it just repeats their functionality.  I'm still not entirely sure what I'm going to do with the bobombs.

That home intro is sweet too, pretty sure I got the sprites to make that happen, and the sound wouldn't be hard to coax into existence (yell increasing in volume over its duration).

for the bobomb as I said I pictured it as an Arcing bobomb being throw and exploding on impact of whatever it hits. That is weird that his overalls share colors I might be able to get something done if its just the nose part or w/e?

Actually, on the spare laptop, I had Tatsu's empty screenpack lying there, and it used 1.1. so I got to try him there. I remember that he was pretty glitchy. His motorcycle would never spawn at all, kinda leaving him floating in a jump state and slowly moving forward, whenever he attempted to grab, his mid section would vanish, he'd switch to Evil mode mid match, (I.E.sometimes the charge and Wimp Slap would have electricity, and sometimes wouldn't.) and the piledriver left enemies in their stand state at the end. The coal thing is awesome, too. How do I spawn it, though?

Oh that's cool then I'm glad you at least get to try him out.  I'll probably just do a 2 version 1.0 / 1.1 final release then.

The motorcycle is currently under construction.  I made some new sprites for it involving a wheelie and a got rid of the old ones, just haven't recoded it yet, so it's no surprise it's acting weird.

The midsection vanishing during the grab has been fixed already.  You'll see that in the next update which should be pretty soon.  As soon as I finish up the Snowman hyper anyway.

I'm not sure what's causing him to switch to evil mode mid match. I'll see if I can reproduce the problem ( I haven't had it myself) but if you find a reliable way to make it happen, please do share.

The piledriver has been fixed as well.

To spawn the coal, down + all three punches with at least 2000 power.



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I tried the new beta, and I love the cloud animation hyper background for the Coal and Snowman hypers. His midsection still vanishes doing two of his normal grabs and the piledriver, though. The Odd Swoosh Attack seems to be giving me the same problem as before. The piledriver also acts a bit strange like before, but it deals damage now. I haven't got to try the projectile eating thing, most of the characters I fight never use projectiles, so I can't comment on that.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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Yea I was really happy with the way that cloud hyper bg came out too.  
I can't seem to get his mid section to vanish during any of his throws...  Who are you playing him against?
The odd swoosh attack is just lingering garbage the only reason I' haven't deleted it yet is in case I think of something creative to do with it...  
Feel free to ignore it completely for now tho, unless you have any ideas for something completely different to do with it?
I also can't get the piledriver to leave the opponent in a stand state at the end of it...  Again, who are you playing him against?

Progress: Just about finished with the Lunch Money Shake hyper. 




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I used him against 5 different characters, and the mid section vanishing actually only happens during the piledriver startup, and his air High Punch. After slamming the opponent into the ground with the driver, they'll take damage, bounce out of the ground, then go into stand state, while floating slightly above the ground, where they can move and such. It happened with every character I tried him against.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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