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Rouga Zanma by R@CE AKIR@ & LANCEL


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Yea, just cause it's custom doesn't mean you may have made some terrible mistakes when doing your custom work.

Just so we're clear on this.


I got a buddy who plays Rouga in source and he's checking it right now.


No one said I didn't make any mistakes, and I know I surely I didn't say that I didn't. That is what updates are for after all. And source or not, if I were to make him play how I wanted then that's my own choice, and not any one else's. But I did try to make him play how he does a little bit from the original game.


Sometimes in the process of making these, I change things around either because I want to, or because its needed to fit the gameplay style. That's mainly why I label them as to being custom, because it's not truly like the character is from source game to let people who download know up front so they know what they are getting.

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Still custom or not, at least make him feel like the same char from the original game and not someone who bears his name, sprites, sounds, and movesets, but make him feel entirely different in terms of how he plays like. I know: different style, but still it needs to at least have some feel of the original character.


And furthermore, I have some things to say about your Rouga:


-Messed up on the mid pos.


-Blue clsn on both his Jump Fwd seems a bit too wide.


-Any reason on why having his mk move forward a bit, even though it's better if he's standing still?

-Missing hitbox on a frame of MP


-His backdash's hitbox change in a weird way.


-Throw's hitbox is messed up (both vers).


-HK's hitbox looks a bit too wide for a kick


-Air LP is also a bit too big for a punch


-Same for Crouch HP


-Dunk deal the same damage (100), no matter what strength you use (aside from Ex).

-Napalm Wolf Flash hitbox is too wide, and too long for a pillar.


-His Wild Fang is also has a hitbox larger than the wolf effect (same for Wolf Fang).


-I have a feeling that the "punch" trail is not aligned in center with the circle effect thingy during Fang.


-His Napalm Wolf Flash for each strength has a minor difference in damage, it's almost unnoticeable (each hit in strength just increase by 2).

-His both of his Lvl 3s doesn't do that much damage (standard's around half a lifebar, which is almost 500. His lvl 3 only does around 390-400 in damage).

-Unneccessary big red hitbox during Wild Wolf Sharpshooter.


-You also forgot an extra move in the readme: Napalm (Which oddly uses the command used for Dunk, according to the readme). Speaking of...

-Dunk's command is wrong in the readme. It was F, D, DF K



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@ Zemilia I know for a fact he has moves that he had from the original game. And that may be how you think a character should be made even if custom, but that doesn't mean that I have to abide by set rules just because others think I should. Not trying to be rude or anything, I'm just saying dude, there are characters in mugen that don't play the same or have things exactly how it was in source game. This Rouga has mostly all of his moves from the original game anyway, plus his commands for his attacks are mainly the same like they were in source game.


I hope you don't take what I said in the wrong way, I just want to make that clear because there is a custom Rouga out there and that doesn't play exactly how he did from source game and others, and also mind you I used Lancel's Rouga to make this one, hence the credit given. 


-His Lvl 3 moves are meant to do 400 damage, as most of my characters have near the same or a lil more


-Hit box on hard kick is meant to be long as it is a kick that is lunging forward but I will adjust it


-Hit boxes on some air attacks are big because of air combos so they will be able to hit p2 


-Medium punch lunges forward because I didn't like how it was by him just standing still plus it didnt look right to me with him just standing in place doing it.


-All the other stuff your dead right on


Anyway, thanks for the feedback, this is what I needed to improve him. I will make adjustments

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-Fixed all collision boxes
-Adjusted Mid and Head position
-Adjusted both attack and hit boxes on Wild Fang and Max Wild Fang
- Adjust attack collision boxes on Wild Wolf Sharpshooter
-Adjust attack collision boxes on both throws
-Took collision boxes off one of his his intros
-Adjusted damage values on Smash, Knuckle, Fang EX, Napalm, Napalm EX, Dunk, Dunk EX
-Adjust Dampener on Special Attacks
-Adjusted positioning of FX on Knuckle
-Adjusted positioning of Ground Impact FX when P2 lands on the ground
-Changed Atrr on Wild Wolf Sharpshooter to HA because it was NA
-Added voice snd to the end of power charge Stateno 731
-Added Napalm special move to the Read Me
-Added LANCEL's name to the top with my name in the Read Me
-Adjusted the command noted for Dunk and changed it what it should be in the Read Me
-Noted that both Smash and Knuckle are chargeable in the Read Me
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Nice work R@ce. I didn't want to jump in on anything seeming off about the character since youre pretty quick anyway with fixes haha. But Overall Gameplay is fun so far. I don't know much about this character in its source but for a first time in your style hes pretty fuckin cool so far. I also like his A.I. (you know I love watchin characters duel against my terry lol). He puts in work on the Aggression! Oh and damn good ideas on those supers man!......

Never limit your imagination as a Visionary 4FIwcw8.png

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Nice work R@ce. I didn't want to jump in on anything seeming off about the character since youre pretty quick anyway with fixes haha. But Overall Gameplay is fun so far. I don't know much about this character in its source but for a first time in your style hes pretty fuckin cool so far. I also like his A.I. (you know I love watchin characters duel against my terry lol). He puts in work on the Aggression! Oh and damn good ideas on those supers man!......


Thanks Demonkai! I appreciate your comments! About his A.I. I like how it is, but I think I might want to let Infinite test him out with the newer A.I. I did and see if I can improve more than it already is. He give you a good fight, but I might can tweak a tad bit more in a future update.


There are somethings I took out and changed because putting him in with other Pots like characters, I didn't want him to be too overpowered or broken like he was in Big Bang Beat, as many of the people said he was and I even watched videos of his combos and etc..


I did try to include some set ups in there so some combos he did were possible but overall I was satisfied with what the end result was, as were the other testers who tried him out. 


Thanks for your input though man. That Terry of yours can really kick some butt lol

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Thank you R@CE! Really unexpected and nice!

Some feedback...

- debug massage after "Napalm"

- Napalm Wolf Flash (and MAX)... IMO the animation of p2 requires two "fall down" sounds
- no super ko text after "Wolf Fang" & "Wild Wolf Sharpshooter"

Good job. Can we expect more BBB chars from you?



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Thank you R@CE! Really unexpected and nice!

Some feedback...

- debug massage after "Napalm"


- Napalm Wolf Flash (and MAX)... IMO the animation of p2 requires two "fall down" sounds

- no super ko text after "Wolf Fang" & "Wild Wolf Sharpshooter"

Good job. Can we expect more BBB chars from you?


Yeah I saw this at MMV and I have already fixed it and I'm going to upload the fix


Also, im not sure about robert getting hit like that during that move.

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