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Call of Duty AW


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Just played the introduction level and I have to say, beyond the friendly fire = last checkpoint thing it wasn't very realistic. its trailer lied about how awesome your marine is. The infrared grenade is awesome and makes you feel like a terminator, but the smart grenade makes things a lil easy. speaking of terminator, the first level plays like it was part of terminator salvation with big ass walker mechs for nothing, drones that aren't very smart, and transformer 4 style transformer swarms. has anyone else played this yet?


Your powerless against my genjutsu, The Reign of Kreation will consume you.........

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I almost pre ordered it but im awaiting some reveiws first

Well, the exo movement is definitely a welcome change for multiplayer and the maps were designed with it in mind. But at the same time, it's made them pretty open so sniping is a viable option.

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Yea, hating on COD for no reason other than to blindly follow the sheep and be part of the "cool kids crowd".

Please leave as your blatant blind anti-fanboyism is not welcomed here.

The game just came out so I figured I would give it a go... Some people just read blogs and shit and that's where they get their opinion from. SMH. I'm hoping the grenades will help to point out the snipers.


Your powerless against my genjutsu, The Reign of Kreation will consume you.........

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Yea, hating on COD for no reason other than to blindly follow the sheep and be part of the "cool kids crowd".

Please leave as your blatant blind anti-fanboyism is not welcomed here.

Thumbs up'd for being to "cool"


I am proud to be a cool kid. It is where I was meant to be. Anything else? 

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I've been very sceptical about this game, expecting it to not be any different than any previous CoD games since CoD4 even with the addition of the exo-suit.


However after having seen some reviews, half of the people say this entry has alienated the franchise making it look too much like Titanfall (some comparisons are fair but others are not) while others say this is THE game that injects the CoD franchise with the life it so desperately needed.


I might pick this up myself because I heard the single player is pretty good, certainly better than those of the past 4 games and multiplayer seems more fun than ever.


But I'm still on the fence about this. Can anyone who has this game please be so kind to post his own pro's and cons about the game based on his own experience? I can then compare that with the reviews I've seen and my own thoughts in order to make a better informed purchase or not.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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It's just Call of Duty, you shouldn't buy it for the "thrilling" 6-hour single player. As that stands, it's Call of Duty, it's like the other games, if you want something innovative or whatever don't look at this game.

It's really badly optimized, so it's going to run like shit with really ass frame dips half of the time so if that's going to be a problem with you then I wouldn't bother.


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Not innovative when the exo movement is the biggest most obvious change ever made. They're comparing it to Titanfall for a reason and even then there's the whole started development at roughly the same time thing.

Campaign's pretty standard fare. Nothing stands out and the only "new" change to it is that you can get upgrades in between missions. Then again, nobody plays COD for the story.

I'm still reserving opinion since I'm waiting for the new game effect to wear off. Besides, we still don't know what the stupid OP weapon is yet.

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Going back to the topic at hand, I managed to find a group of randoms to finish all 25 rounds of Survival.
Too bad we were all burnt out to bother going through the "flipped" rounds. Seriously, it took an hour to do that and there's actually an achievement for beating the "flipped" rounds as well?

Been reading up that a lot of people have some lag issues and I have to agree, most matches I see the ping value in the red. Could be everyone playing at once the first few days or an actual issue. I'm expecting a patch for it either way.

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Considering I'm getting a Ps3/Ps4 soon this could be my first game to get. This CoD AW  reminds me of 'Gears Of Wars' abit which I played to death on the 360*. with more realistic graphics and some new weapons. I see that going to be fun to play online. ^_^


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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@ Darkflare & Cayne :


Which console are you guys playing AW on?



Considering I'm getting a Ps3/Ps4 soon this could be my first game to get. This CoD AW  reminds me of 'Gears Of Wars' abit which I played to death on the 360*. with more realistic graphics and some new weapons. I see that going to be fun to play online. ^_^

COD is more traditional FPS than Gears. It's going to feel a lot different.

ps3  win 1-1 and DF is right. Way too much LAG my way..........figures lol. Its call of duty advance matrix

Yea, it shifts between fine and laggy too much. Fortunately, it's not a big issue on Survival mode. Been thinking of grinding up the rounds cleared in Survival to get Riot once I hit level 50 in Multiplayer.

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So what im seeing is that CODaw IS better than ghosts and breathes new life to the Franchise...in multiplayer.

or a titanfall rippoff version of COD..

never played titanfall. as i am part of the PC master race clan and i thought it was COD ripoff with mechs.. also heard it wasnt that good.


i'll give it a week for someone to find a game breaking flaw, if not i will mst likely pick up as ive liked what ive seen so far.

Til then i'll play binding of Isaac :Rebirth.


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Hahaha Ghosts.

Ghosts was awful. Terrible maps, terrible balance, feels like you die way too quickly. Complete step back from the other COD games.

My bro was given this game when one of his friends stopped playing it when he asked for it.

Tried to give it a chance multiple times, but it really is that bad.

If you want an earlier Call of Duty, I would go with any of Treyarch's COD games(Although World at War has hacked servers in online Multiplayer, which is a shame because WaW is so damn good.)

No surprise that Titanfall feels like a ripoff of COD with mechs considering the guys that made Titanfall are the original COD guys.

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