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Juri Han by Chuchoryu Released 9/5/14


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Includes Japanese and English voices. Aside from some of Chuchoryu's history with multitasking with beta characters, this is another character he committed himself to finishing, like Kazuya in the past.

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Yea, even at guild, most of the comment are positive for this Juri. I'm not hating Chucho, just dont like when he released a really2 unfinished thing. If he really focus making a character, he has a potential to be a good chars creator. His Kazuya is undoubtly his masterpiece creation so far.


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Wow, it's amazing to see a Chucho post not exploding the Guild. And the best, the feedback was actually useful. Maybe we are seeing history being made friends. I hope someday I can look at Chucho and see him sharing space with the greats in the Mugen Hall of Fame.


Let's hope he goes through with this one, because right now, it's in a better state than most of his other creations.


Maybe he could ask Borewood for help, the guy already have a lot of experience with Juri, he would be useful to make the character a little more streamlined.

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Yea, even at guild, most of the comment are positive for this Juri. I'm not hating Chucho, just dont like when he released a really2 unfinished thing. If he really focus making a character, he has a potential to be a good chars creator. His Kazuya is undoubtly his masterpiece creation so far.

After seeing XCB's feedback, I'm convinced now that guild has gotten a case of NICE CHAR +1s noobs coming in.



Wow, it's amazing to see a Chucho post not exploding the Guild. And the best, the feedback was actually useful. Maybe we are seeing history being made friends. I hope someday I can look at Chucho and see him sharing space with the greats in the Mugen Hall of Fame.


Let's hope he goes through with this one, because right now, it's in a better state than most of his other creations.


Maybe he could ask Borewood for help, the guy already have a lot of experience with Juri, he would be useful to make the character a little more streamlined.

That's because the mods have started to threaten to ban and people generally stopped caring for Chuchonryu.

The only potential Chucho has is on sprites, not on coding. And I would rather have someone other than Werewood code her.

Edit: Guild did blow up on Chucho again. Just that the mods quickly moved all those posts into the shit thread.

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So just found,out my phone can transfer files so can someone give me an alt link to media fire since the link on guild isn't clickable


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Edit: Guild did blow up on Chucho again. Just that the mods quickly moved all those posts into the shit thread.


Yes, some comments in the Guild topic were quite rude and the administrators delete it to not begin some shit desnecessary discussion.


So just found,out my phone can transfer files so can someone give me an alt link to media fire since the link on guild isn't clickable.


There it is ZB


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Considering how Chuchoryu admitted that he never played SSF4 in his life and made this character solely based on recorded videos, I'm gonna perform a combo breaker here in this thread with XCB's feedback from guild:


You really can't make a character like this just by watching videos. Juri has a bunch of little nuances that you can only really discover by playing around with the character. I'll give you just a few issues I found from 2 minutes worth of testing.


  • Standing MP is supposed to move a step forward on the first frame. It may seem like a little detail, but it's important gameplay wise as the move can be Kara-cancelled to extend her throw/special attack range a little
  • Jumping forward MP not only knocks down, it's supposed to put the opponent in a juggle state.
  • Close HP is also supposed to put to the opponent in a juggle state. Also, while it can be special cancelled, the move actually doesn't come out until her feet touch the ground.
  • Sekku (Forward+MK) should put her in the air after the second frame.
  • Shikusen (Dive Kick): Each button is supposed to change her dive arc. I can do Second Impact, but where is Third Strike? The EX version has Third Strike, but where's the wall bounce? Not as important, but as of Ultra, Shikusen cannot be used from a backwards jump, but this is up to your discretion.
  • Senpusha(Pinwheel): LK is supposed to do 2 hits, MK/HK is supposed to do 4, and EX is supposed to do 6. MK and HK are supposed to knock down on the last hit. Startup of each version is different (LK version is fast enough to combo from a LP/LK, but MK/HK shouldn't work.)
  • Kasatushi(Counter): I'd suggest coding it as a ReversalDef instead of a HitOverride. EX version should be the HP version, except you can control her jump.
  • Fuhajin (Fireball): The biggest offense by far - YOU CAN'T STORE HER FIREBALLS. This is the attribute that makes Juri who she is and what makes her gameplay so unique. Also, the fireballs hitboxes are WAY too big. MK fireball should miss completely on crouching opponents.
  • Fuharenjin (Fireball super): Each button changes how the super is performed. LK makes her stay in place. MK makes her more forward on the first kick. HK makes her flip backwards before executing the move.
  • Feng Shui Engine: To put it bluntly, Feng Shui engine is NOT Custom Combo. She's bound to a L-M-H combo path. It also changes the way some of her attacks work (her dash goes farther, Sekku has more hitstun, etc.)
  • Kaisen Dankairaku: After she leaves the ground, it should miss the opponent. It should also juggle falling opponents, which is the main use of the move. As much as people will hate me for saying this, it also executes way too fast. KD isn't a reversal super, but more along the lines of a "punish" super. It's not designed to save your ass, but to punish your opponent for making a mistake. Also the presentation is a bit.... bad.

She also has these issues present:



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Considering how Chuchoryu admitted that he never played SSF4 in his life and made this character solely based on recorded videos, I'm gonna perform a combo breaker here in this thread with XCB's feedback from guild:


She also has these issues present:



Ah, about that great feedback that XCB made, in Guild too Chucho said that thanks to this feedback, he could work in an solid update.

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How to DL?I`m confuse @_@


You click on the link in the first post that redirects you to MFG and there you copy and paste the 4shared link you see right below the video in your address bar. Then download her like you would with any other character from 4shared.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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