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1 hour ago, A person said:

Agni turned towards the newest opponent, and swung his arm at him, sending a wave of fire in his direction.



Agni: No interlopers allowed! If you ignore me, you will regret what you will cause.


Rudra decided that taking to the air would be the best plan of action, and did so, flying higher into the air.



Rudra: Haha, he thinks he can actually do anything to us! Here, Agni, I'll make things easier for you! Coclea!


Agni's body was now shrouded in a shell of light, temporarily protecting him from attacks up to a certain extent, but also allowing him to attack and use magic against his opponents.


COCLEAThe user of this skill will create a shell of light around an intended target, protecting the target from an amount of damage proportional to the amount of damage they can handle. While under the effects of this shell, all attacks will not affect the target until it is broken, meaning the effects of all non-piercing attacks(physical and magic) will be absorbed by the barrier. Piercing attacks will deal more damage to the barrier.

 Yamazaki leapt past the flaming arm of Agni and began taunting the behemoths.........


"Fire?! Pah! You ain't seen nothing yet!"






Yamazaki aimed straight for the dragon and proceeded to beat the living hell out of it.



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Tommy's eyes finally opened, before he got up.


Tommy: ...Thanks, Elias... I thought I was gonna die for a second... guess you could say I had a...


E.T: oh, nononononononononononon -


Tommy: LIVING of an experience!


E.T covered his face with his own hand and SCREAMED.

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5 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy's eyes finally opened, before he got up.


Tommy: ...Thanks, Elias... I thought I was gonna die for a second... guess you could say I had a...


E.T: oh, nononononononononononon -


Tommy: LIVING of an experience!


E.T covered his face with his own hand and SCREAMED.

Elias appeared to cringe slightly at Tommy's pun, but at the same time, was happy that he was able to keep him alive......


"Welcome back, Tommy. I just need you to do us a favor: never make that joke again. I saw E.T.'s reaction and he wouldn't want that repeated."

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Tommy: Okay... I just thought we needed a bit of lightening the mood...


E.T: ...Tommy, this is supposed to be serious, was there really a need for that?


Tommy: ...Sorry, E.T... I just couldn't help myself.


E.T: Oh well, at least you're okay, that's better then nothing.

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9 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

 Yamazaki leapt past the flaming arm of Agni and began taunting the behemoths.........


"Fire?! Pah! You ain't seen nothing yet!"






Yamazaki aimed straight for the dragon and proceeded to beat the living hell out of it.



Agni, having been protected by the barrier Rudra placed upon him, stared at him for a moment before wrapping a blazing hot hand around his body and arms. The barrier was slightly damaged, but still remained.



Agni: Do you think speedy strikes will save you? Haha, you're very funny! Do you REALLY think you can fight us alone?! If so, allow me to teach you otherwise!


Agni proceeded to lunge down at Yamazaki's neck, aiming to sink his fangs into it. Rudra scanned the area, watching out for any other unwanted guests.



Rudra: And if anyone else dares to interfere, I will make sure they regret it!

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6 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy's eyes finally opened, before he got up.


Tommy: ...Thanks, Elias... I thought I was gonna die for a second... guess you could say I had a...


E.T: oh, nononononononononononon -


Tommy: LIVING of an experience!


E.T covered his face with his own hand and SCREAMED.


18 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Elias appeared to cringe slightly at Tommy's pun, but at the same time, was happy that he was able to keep him alive......


"Welcome back, Tommy. I just need you to do us a favor: never make that joke again. I saw E.T.'s reaction and he wouldn't want that repeated."


15 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Okay... I just thought we needed a bit of lightening the mood...


E.T: ...Tommy, this is supposed to be serious, was there really a need for that?


Tommy: ...Sorry, E.T... I just couldn't help myself.


E.T: Oh well, at least you're okay, that's better then nothing.

"Fiona" gasped and charged at Tommy, giving him a big hug.



"Fiona": Tommy, you're alive! Thank goodness, I thought we had lost you forever!


Despite the bad pun, "she" still giggled at it.



"Fiona": Still as amusing as always!



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Tommy: Aww, thanks... that's so nice of you to say!


Tommy: Anyways, I have to take these guys down... they might've already taken Ryuji out, so who knows what might happen to the others?


Tommy charged a fireball, before firing it right at Rudra.


Tommy: I just hope that hurts him somehow...

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42 minutes ago, A person said:

Agni, having been protected by the barrier Rudra placed upon him, stared at him for a moment before wrapping a blazing hot hand around his body and arms. The barrier was slightly damaged, but still remained.



Agni: Do you think speedy strikes will save you? Haha, you're very funny! Do you REALLY think you can fight us alone?! If so, allow me to teach you otherwise!


Agni proceeded to lunge down at Yamazaki's neck, aiming to sink his fangs into it. Rudra scanned the area, watching out for any other unwanted guests.



Rudra: And if anyone else dares to interfere, I will make sure they regret it!

Yamazaki staggered at the bite he received and threw knives aiming for Rudra's eyes.....



"Try to kill me, why don't ya?! Hope you enjoy being blind!"

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4 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Aww, thanks... that's so nice of you to say!


Tommy: Anyways, I have to take these guys down... they might've already taken Ryuji out, so who knows what might happen to the others?


Tommy charged a fireball, before firing it right at Rudra.


Tommy: I just hope that hurts him somehow...


4 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Yamazaki staggered at the bite he received and threw knives aiming for Rudra's eyes.....



"Try to kill me, why don't ya?! Hope you enjoy being blind!"

Seeing that he was still struggling, Agni proceeded to go for another bite, this time towards his head.



Agni: You WILL learn what a grave mistake you've made, human!


Rudra, on the other hand, had to fly up and out of the way of the attacks, the knives cutting off a bit of his fur.



Rudra: That human you bit is still alive, Agni! Let me fix that...Bullesco!


Rudra proceeded to spit out several large bubbles that started to make their way towards Tommy.


BULLESCOThe user of this skill will summon forth several bubbles which will seek out a target. Upon being near the target or colliding with an object, the bubbles will explode, sending out a powerful blast of water in all directions. This blast is capable of breaking bones if a victim is close enough to the explosion, and can knock the victim far away. The bubbles can be nullified by a spell of equal or greater power.



Rudra: Perhaps I'll have to take a bite out of YOU instead, human!

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Tommy: Sorry, death, but I have no plans on dying yet.


Tommy sent a massive fire trail at the seven bubbles.


Tommy: Maybe you fools do, on the other hand...


E.T sent a massive trail of water at Agni.


E.T: Alright, how about a best 1 out of 9?

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3 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Sorry, death, but I have no plans on dying yet.


Tommy sent a massive fire trail at the seven bubbles.


Tommy: Maybe you fools do, on the other hand...


E.T sent a massive trail of water at Agni.


E.T: Alright, how about a best 1 out of 9?

OOC: (Rolled a d4 for this result. 1 would cause the water to be nullified, 2 would cause both the water and the fire to be nullified, 3 would cause the bubbles to explode, 4 would cause the fire to just be nullified. I rolled a 4.)


The fire trail dissipated upon contact with the bubbles, which kept going until they were close to Tommy. The first would explode when it got close to him. Rudra, seeing the water trail coming at Agni, had acted quickly.



Rudra: Watch your back, Agni! Absorption!


The water trail would be pulled into his body, causing excess amounts of water to being dripping from his maw as he absorbed it.



Rudra: Humans are very stubborn, aren't they?


OOC: (I'm hoping this battle doesn't last for a lot longer...)

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ooc: i thought this one up just in case


Tommy: Yes, they sure are...


Tommy held up a button that had "Win Button" written on it.


Tommy: It's just such a shame that they've also thought up with some pretty creative ideas as well...


Tommy pressed down on the Win Button.


Tommy: Automatic win for all of us! Good-bye...


ooc: i am so, so sorry if that seemed unfair at all

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11 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

ooc: i thought this one up just in case


Tommy: Yes, they sure are...


Tommy held up a button that had "Win Button" written on it.


Tommy: It's just such a shame that they've also thought up with some pretty creative ideas as well...


Tommy pressed down on the Win Button.


Tommy: Automatic win for all of us! Good-bye...


ooc: i am so, so sorry if that seemed unfair at all

The button did absolutely nothing for anyone. Rudra gazed at him for a moment.



Rudra: ...I'm getting tired of these games of yours. Watery Grave!


Rudra proceeded to spit out a large ball of water at the ground. The water started to move along the ground, making its way towards Tommy. The excess water in his mouth went away afterwards.


WATERY GRAVEThe user of this skill will place some water on the ground. This body of water will start to pursue a target. Once the target is completely surrounded, the water will form around the target, slowly drowning them. During the drowning, the victim will be able to move, but will be unable to use skills. Once the victim has been drowned, the water will splash back onto the ground and act as normal water should. An ally can slap the water off of the target to stop the drowning.

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Tommy: ...Looks like I need to show you my true potential, then. METEOR SHOWER!


Very large meteors began to rain on the two dragons, most of the meteors being aimed right at the two dragons


Tommy: I'll see you two when Hell freezes over!

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2 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: ...Looks like I need to show you my true potential, then. METEOR SHOWER!


Very large meteors began to rain on the two dragons, harming them even though they still were some of the strongest things in the Underworld.


Tommy: I'll see you two when Hell freezes over!

OOC: (This is starting seem very immature.)

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12 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: ...Looks like I need to show you my true potential, then. METEOR SHOWER!


Very large meteors began to rain on the two dragons, most of the meteors being aimed right at the two dragons


Tommy: I'll see you two when Hell freezes over!

OOC: (Worrying about Agni after @TotalDramaXtremist responds to the attack...)


Rudra flew around the area, evading each meteor as best as he could, though he was grazed by a few here and there, and hit by one.



Rudra: Dammit...you've forced this upon yourself. Coclea!


A shell of light wrapped around Rudra's body, protecting him from damage. He then started to prepare a very powerful ice-based attack.



Rudra: You can only blame yourself for what's to come.

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Tommy: Alright, fine, I'll just fall down...


Tommy fell down onto his back and then waved up a white flag.


E.T: ...You... you can't really be serious. You can't really be serious! Tommy, I thought you never surrendered!


Tommy: By the way, might I mention, you two guys are very skilled fighters.

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6 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Alright, fine, I'll just fall down...


Tommy fell down onto his back and then waved up a white flag.


E.T: ...You... you can't really be serious. You can't really be serious! Tommy, I thought you never surrendered!


Tommy: By the way, might I mention, you two guys are very skilled fighters.

Rudra laughed at him as he continued to charge the attack.



Rudra: Good, then you can sit there and die peacefully along with the rest of your friends!

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1 minute ago, NijikakuFan61 said:



A barrier of fire appeared around Tommy, and Team Underworld as well , preventing them from getting harmed.


Tommy: I'm not letting anybody die on my watch!

OOC: (Dang it, @TotalDramaXtremist, I'm limited with my actions here!)


Rudra continued to charge the attack. Seeing how long he was charging it, even the strongest barrier might not be enough to stop it.



Rudra: Use all of the magic you can, human; it's better to have no options left when you die!


OOC: (This feels so cheesy...)

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Meanwhile back on the chariot, LightFlare is a bit weary of the armor. 



If you say so, Anna. I'm ready when you are...(I hope she's right...)


LighthFlare waits with the others on the chariot.


(O.O.C. yo! When are we leaving?)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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27 minutes ago, A person said:

OOC: (Dang it, @TotalDramaXtremist, I'm limited with my actions here!)


Rudra continued to charge the attack. Seeing how long he was charging it, even the strongest barrier might not be enough to stop it.



Rudra: Use all of the magic you can, human; it's better to have no options left when you die!


OOC: My bad......


Yamazaki made various attempts to avoid being attacked by Rudra and Agni while Tommy and E.T. fought. He was started to get very irritated.......



"Shut up and die!"


With all his might, Yamazaki tossed two of his knives and lodged them into Agni's eyes.....

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