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Tommy: Heh... fell right into my trap... DIVINE RETRIBUTION!


Two beams of light appeared on the ground, right above the two dragons.


Tommy: When I see your tombstones, tell God I said "FUCK YOU".


The two beams of light struck down on both of them.

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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2 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Heh... fell right into my trap... DIVINE RETRIBUTION!


Two beams of light appeared on the ground, right above the two dragons.


Tommy: When I see your tombstones, tell God I said "FUCK YOU".


The two beams of light struck down on both of them.


Rudra: Moron! Absorption!


The beams of light were absorbed into Rudra's body, causing him to begin to radiate with a brilliant glow.


ABSORPTIONThe user of this skill will absorb any energy related to their primary element(s) into their body, causing them to be temporarily strengthened depending on how much energy was absorbed.


Agni proceeded to wrap a seething hot hand around Tommy's body.



Agni: That's enough of that from you. 


Agni proceeded to open his massive maw, and lunged down at Tommy's neck, attempting to sink his seething hot fangs into it.



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Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Nice try, Agni, but I still have one last trick up my sleeve...


Tommy held up a metallic shield that showed Agnis own reflection.


Tommy: Original The Character; do not steal.


ooc: i am so, so sorry

Agni sank his fangs into the shield...and then yanked it out of Tommy's grasp, tossing it away.



Agni: I said that's enough.


He proceeded to lunge down at his neck again, going for another neck bite.

Rudra proceeded to fly up into the air, and began charging a powerful light-based attack.



Rudra: This is going to be fun...for me!

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1 minute ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Too late!


Tommy blocked Agni with a lennyface.


Tommy: I'm sorry, but you're never preventing Meme-ception from happening.


ooc: that's right, i just went there

Unamused by this silliness, the dragon proceeded to sink his fangs into Tommy's neck. Afterwards, he proceeded to begin shaking him around by it and eventually throwing him towards the group.



Agni: Which one of you spineless cowards is next?!


Rudra was still charging the attack. Agni was watching the group closely to make sure there were no surprise attacks.

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2 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Then, all of a sudden, from behind Rudra...


E.T: nope.avi


E.T summoned a wall of Gaster Blasters around Rudra.


E.T: geeettttttt dunked on!!

Agni proceeded to spit a fireball at Evil Tommy.



Agni: I thought I killed you! How are you still alive?!


Rudra, unaware of the imminent threat, proceeded to unleash the attack he was preparing.




Rudra proceeded to fire off concentrated rays of light from his body in all directions, their power amplified to an even greater level due to the power absorbed from Tommy's Divine Retribution attack. Even looking at the dragon for a second as he used this attack was enough temporary blind anyone, and getting hit by the rays would cause massive damage.


GIGRANTS: An advanced version of Grants, the user of this skill will send rays of light in all directions from their body, each ray causing burns to those they hit. Observing the user as they are using this skill can cause temporary blindness, and getting hit by the rays can cause confusion to someone who is unaware of what is going on.

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1 minute ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

E.T fired one of the Gaster Blasters right at the fireball.


E.T: ...You DO know, Tommy's half-elemental, right? Anyways...


E.T fired the other Gaster Blasters at Rudra.



The fireball was consumed by the beam, which Agni hopped out of the way of. Rudra seemed relatively unfazed by the blasters.


Agni: So you're NOT the human I just killed? Because I actually enjoyed the free power he gave me. Anyway, Rudra, let's show this human something nice, shall we?


Rudra flew down to Agni's side, and turned towards E.T.



Rudra: Certainly, Agni!


They both opened their mouths, and aimed at E.T.


1d7033588a.pnga20702a7e1.pngCelsius Blast!


A powerful blast of blue, extremely cold fire exited their mouths, the blast heading directly towards E.T. and growing larger the closer it got to him.


CELSIUS BLASTA skill requiring the combination of fire and ice, the user(s) of this skill will send out a massive blast of fire known as Celsius Fire, a blue, cold fire that freezes anything it touches along with burning anything it touches, making it a very dangerous fire. As the blast goes further away from the user(s), it will expand, making it more difficult for an enemy to evade it. However, it will fade away after traveling a good distance.

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  • World: World of Distortions
  • Location: Flame Core (?)

Revenant: ... *points halberd at LightFlare*


Anna: R-Revenant, please sette down! He is my friend!
Revenant: ...?


Anna: All of them are here to help us, so pointing your halberd at them is really rude. Will you refrain from doing that in the future, please?

Revenant: ...


Anna: I believe you will, Revenant.


Anna smiled as Revenant backed his halberd off and stood right next to her. Like Light, Anna was curious about her new ally's origins, much as well for his reasons to be there,



Anna: Well, I do not possess much of a clue... but Revenant says that he is here to help me, first and foremost. He has not spoken his reasons yet, but there is something strange.


Anna: He keeps calling me as "Lady Anna". I do wonder why... maybe Mephilia could give more insight of this once we reach her and Argento.

  • World: Multiversal Netherworld
  • Location: The Scarlet Border that Divides the Worlds


Renko: M-More of them!!


Kogorou: Razor Gale.


Kogorou summoned winds, sharper than blades, to counter their moves alongside the rest. Surprisingly, the flames were cut into pieces. Soon, Tommy took his stance against the dragons. Not only he, but Nero stood with his brother and they both stepped forward.



Nero: You two are in for some pain!


Kogorou: We will hold them. Go after Sir Magio and Lord Necrox at haste!


Giovanni: But what about you?!


Nero: We'll be fine. We're just gonna hold them up while you guys play the heroes!


Nero: But listen up! I want Lil' Mau in perfect condition when we get back, got it?!


Mauriet: Brother...


Maribel: Don't worry. We'll look after each other pretty well.


Giovanni: Alright, we'll leave them to you.


They didn't knew if someone were to stay behind with them, but Giovanni went ahead with Maribel, Renko and Mauriet. Kogorou and Nero stood there, waiting for their move.


BGM: The Tyrant -Remix- still plays


No. 367 defended the flurry as most as she could and evaded at the last moment. She went directly to Ralf, ready to attack him.


No. 367: A simple human like you could never beat a former weapon of the gods. Now, prepare to-


But just as she said that, she was raided by an incoming motorcycle that rammed directly at her, point blank, and exploded. Necrox and Magio landed near Ralf.



Magio: You didn't had to pull me, got it?


Necrox: Whatever works. Now, let's grab her by surprise. *rushes ahead*


Magio: Hey... I know what I'll do might be wrong, but I hope you don't mind if I alternate your move, just like old times. *follows Necrox*


The smoke was cleared by the opening of her wings. No. 367, with her eyes closed, spoke.


No. 367: Miserable...! How dare you!


Necrox: And I dare even more, you bitch!

No. 367: The Tyrant Overlord?!


But her time to react was short to nothing. In no more than five seconds, she was caught by Necrox. He slashed her with the scythe three times and sent her in the air, only to be received by a Strike Raid from Magio, who dived right at it and took with back with a thrust. Together, both brothers went all out on her before backing off and using moves.



Necrox: Pyre Raid!!


He pointed his shotgun and started to shoot endlessly, keeping her into the air with dark bullets. Magio breathed hardly, as his thoughts revolved about using that move. However, he held his sword backhands, charged his sword with star energy and took out a Spell Card.



Magio: (This is only a fake of it, but I hope it works well...!)


Magio: Astral Influence "Cosmic Getsuga Tenshou"!!


A variation of Ralf and Ichigo's move. It was charged with Magio's astral magic, represented by the fact that his projectile gleamed yellow and it was filled with stardust. It was also considerably smaller, yet faster than the ones they used. It hit No. 367 and with the connection with Necrox's bullets, black and white dust stood around her. And before she could even react...


Magio and Necrox: Baptism of Salvation and Corruption!!


The dust enveloped No. 367 and soon she reappeared enveolped by gold and black chains around her.


No. 367: (I... I cannot move!!)


Necrox: You better do this with a damn style that'll break records!!


Magio: Use our own energies and judge her!!


Magio and Necrox fused their energies at Ralf's blade, charging it with light and darkness. The power of an eclipse was now at his possession. They maintained the chains at a whole, while No. 367 struggled to get out.


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4 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:
  • World: Multiversal Netherworld
  • Location: The Scarlet Border that Divides the Worlds


Renko: M-More of them!!


Kogorou: Razor Gale.


Kogorou summoned winds, sharper than blades, to counter their moves alongside the rest. Surprisingly, the flames were cut into pieces. Soon, Tommy took his stance against the dragons. Not only he, but Nero stood with his brother and they both stepped forward.



Nero: You two are in for some pain!


Kogorou: We will hold them. Go after Sir Magio and Lord Necrox at haste!


Giovanni: But what about you?!


Nero: We'll be fine. We're just gonna hold them up while you guys play the heroes!


Nero: But listen up! I want Lil' Mau in perfect condition when we get back, got it?!


Mauriet: Brother...


Maribel: Don't worry. We'll look after each other pretty well.


Giovanni: Alright, we'll leave them to you.


They didn't knew if someone were to stay behind with them, but Giovanni went ahead with Maribel, Renko and Mauriet. Kogorou and Nero stood there, waiting for their move.

Brothers in Arms still playing.


Agni and Rudra looked at the two new opponents. Agni scoffed at them.



Agni: Rudra, it's the two traitors.



Rudra: Those rats? Hmm...where's the third? I would've loved to have been able to take a bite out of him!



Agni: Maybe you'll get a chance to take a bite out of one of them. How about...we make that possible now?



Rudra: Gladly! Unda Gelu!


Rudra proceeded to slam a paw onto the ground, sending out a wave of sharp icicles along the ground at the trio in front of them, attempting to impale them upon them, or at least heavily damage them.


UNDA GELUThe user of this skill will slam a limb into the ground, causing a wave of icicles to be sent out in a wide arc in front of them, the icicles growing in size the further the wave goes. At the end of the wave's distance, the largest icicles will come out, dealing the most possible damage. Stronger versions will cause enemies to also be frozen to the ground upon being hit by this.


Agni ran in an arc at the trio, staying out of the path of the icicle wave coming at them.



Agni: I've been waiting for this moment for a long time...Kogorou and Nero. Show me what you're capable of! And as for you, human...you had best stay out of this if you want to live.


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Scarlet Boundary



Ralf: Well, if you're just a weapon, i'm a full-fledged Death God...


   Then, he sheathed his sword, all that energy seemely dissapeared.



Ralf: Eclipse Style - Vanishing Draw


   With a single draw, he releases all the compressed energy into a single slash. After the pillar of energy disspates, Ralf sheathes his sword and it returns to its base form.



Ralf: Let's go, Ichigo probably reached Medusa already.



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As the battle ensued, "Fiona" had quickly snuck in and grabbed Tommy's body, dragging it out of the chaos.



"Fiona": Someone, anyone, help! Tommy is injured badly! I am not sure if he is even alive!


"She" proceeded to set "her" sword down, and examined him closely. Tears welled up in "her" eyes.




"Fiona": If only I was able to help...


Jebediah was going mad on the inside.


5112be5fab.pngJebediah: Kill...kill...kill, kill, kill KILL KILL KILL! KILL THEM ALL! KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! END THIS TORTURE, PLEASE!

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2 hours ago, A person said:

OOC: (No. 367 is a bad guy.)

OOC: I think I have an idea......don't know if it'll work though.......


4 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Renko: M-More of them!!


Kogorou: Razor Gale.


Kogorou summoned winds, sharper than blades, to counter their moves alongside the rest. Surprisingly, the flames were cut into pieces. Soon, Tommy took his stance against the dragons. Not only he, but Nero stood with his brother and they both stepped forward.



Nero: You two are in for some pain!


Kogorou: We will hold them. Go after Sir Magio and Lord Necrox at haste!


Giovanni: But what about you?!


Nero: We'll be fine. We're just gonna hold them up while you guys play the heroes!


Nero: But listen up! I want Lil' Mau in perfect condition when we get back, got it?!


Mauriet: Brother...


Maribel: Don't worry. We'll look after each other pretty well.


Giovanni: Alright, we'll leave them to you.


They didn't knew if someone were to stay behind with them, but Giovanni went ahead with Maribel, Renko and Mauriet. Kogorou and Nero stood there, waiting for their move.


BGM: The Tyrant -Remix- still plays


No. 367 defended the flurry as most as she could and evaded at the last moment. She went directly to Ralf, ready to attack him.


No. 367: A simple human like you could never beat a former weapon of the gods. Now, prepare to-


But just as she said that, she was raided by an incoming motorcycle that rammed directly at her, point blank, and exploded. Necrox and Magio landed near Ralf.



Magio: You didn't had to pull me, got it?


Necrox: Whatever works. Now, let's grab her by surprise. *rushes ahead*


Magio: Hey... I know what I'll do might be wrong, but I hope you don't mind if I alternate your move, just like old times. *follows Necrox*


The smoke was cleared by the opening of her wings. No. 367, with her eyes closed, spoke.


No. 367: Miserable...! How dare you!


Necrox: And I dare even more, you bitch!

No. 367: The Tyrant Overlord?!


But her time to react was short to nothing. In no more than five seconds, she was caught by Necrox. He slashed her with the scythe three times and sent her in the air, only to be received by a Strike Raid from Magio, who dived right at it and took with back with a thrust. Together, both brothers went all out on her before backing off and using moves.



Necrox: Pyre Raid!!


He pointed his shotgun and started to shoot endlessly, keeping her into the air with dark bullets. Magio breathed hardly, as his thoughts revolved about using that move. However, he held his sword backhands, charged his sword with star energy and took out a Spell Card.



Magio: (This is only a fake of it, but I hope it works well...!)


Magio: Astral Influence "Cosmic Getsuga Tenshou"!!


A variation of Ralf and Ichigo's move. It was charged with Magio's astral magic, represented by the fact that his projectile gleamed yellow and it was filled with stardust. It was also considerably smaller, yet faster than the ones they used. It hit No. 367 and with the connection with Necrox's bullets, black and white dust stood around her. And before she could even react...


Magio and Necrox: Baptism of Salvation and Corruption!!


The dust enveloped No. 367 and soon she reappeared enveolped by gold and black chains around her.


No. 367: (I... I cannot move!!)


Necrox: You better do this with a damn style that'll break records!!


Magio: Use our own energies and judge her!!


Magio and Necrox fused their energies at Ralf's blade, charging it with light and darkness. The power of an eclipse was now at his possession. They maintained the chains at a whole, while No. 367 struggled to get out.

As the bout intensified, the additions of Agni and Rudra only made things worse. Yamazaki and Elias both left to assist Tommy, E.T, Kogorou, and Nero in dealing with the two monsters; Malin stayed with the remainder of the crew for three reasons. 1. She wanted to get rid of Nessiah so he wouldn't be a nuisance to Giovanni, 2.  Ralf, Ichigo, Magio, Alice, Giovanni and Mauriet would need as much help as possible, and 3. She wasn't going to kill No. 367, that would be up to Ralf and Ichigo, though she suspected that she was being used...........



"Hey guys, hold on a sec! Lemme talk to this chick!"


Malin ran up towards the reject and had a few words with her........



"Okay, I may not get the chance to say this again, but before you do anything and accept your fate. Just look at yourself.........you got your own sorry ass in this mess for acting like you were some sort of immortal being, and the only way you can stop yourself from biting the dust is by helping us get rid of Medusa. If you can't do that, then I really should tell you that Medusa's just toying with you. She'll kill you even if you get yourself out of this mess for failing......so......yeah. Better choose quickly, otherwise........*looks at Ralf and Ichigo, who are ready to kill her*....it was nice knowing ya. Nessy, I'd tell you the same......but you're not worth it. Bye!"


Malin stood back, waiting for No. 367's response.......


@Agni Blackheart, the choice is yours!



4 hours ago, A person said:

Brothers in Arms still playing.


Agni and Rudra looked at the two new opponents. Agni scoffed at them.



Agni: Rudra, it's the two traitors.



Rudra: Those rats? Hmm...where's the third? I would've loved to have been able to take a bite out of him!



Agni: Maybe you'll get a chance to take a bite out of one of them. How about...we make that possible now?



Rudra: Gladly! Unda Gelu!


Rudra proceeded to slam a paw onto the ground, sending out a wave of sharp icicles along the ground at the trio in front of them, attempting to impale them upon them, or at least heavily damage them.


UNDA GELUThe user of this skill will slam a limb into the ground, causing a wave of icicles to be sent out in a wide arc in front of them, the icicles growing in size the further the wave goes. At the end of the wave's distance, the largest icicles will come out, dealing the most possible damage. Stronger versions will cause enemies to also be frozen to the ground upon being hit by this.


Agni ran in an arc at the trio, staying out of the path of the icicle wave coming at them.



Agni: I've been waiting for this moment for a long time...Kogorou and Nero. Show me what you're capable of! And as for you, human...you had best stay out of this if you want to live.


Yamazaki's decision to help Nero, Kogorou, and the fallen Tommy was a fairy easy one for the bloodthirsty Southtown maniac. He dodged the icicles with ease as they got closer to the group......



"Come on, you freaks.........you think a little ice will stop me? HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!"


Yamazaki then lunged at the evil duo, with the intent on repeating his beatdown of Gommorah on them both.....


9 minutes ago, A person said:

As the battle ensued, "Fiona" had quickly snuck in and grabbed Tommy's body, dragging it out of the chaos.



"Fiona": Someone, anyone, help! Tommy is injured badly! I am not sure if he is even alive!


"She" proceeded to set "her" sword down, and examined him closely. Tears welled up in "her" eyes.




"Fiona": If only I was able to help...

Elias, on the other hand, came over to assist anyone who had fallen in battle......


"It will be okay, Fiona. Just give me a bit to tend to his injuries........"


@A person, your move!

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2 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Yamazaki's decision to help Nero, Kogorou, and the fallen Tommy was a fairy easy one for the bloodthirsty Southtown maniac. He dodged the icicles with ease as they got closer to the group......



"Come on, you freaks.........you think a little ice will stop me? HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!"


Yamazaki then lunged at the evil duo, with the intent on repeating his beatdown of Gommorah on them both.....


Elias, on the other hand, came over to assist anyone who had fallen in battle......


"It will be okay, Fiona. Just give me a bit to tend to his injuries........"


@A person, your move!

Agni turned towards the newest opponent, and swung his arm at him, sending a wave of fire in his direction.



Agni: No interlopers allowed! If you ignore me, you will regret what you will cause.


Rudra decided that taking to the air would be the best plan of action, and did so, flying higher into the air.



Rudra: Haha, he thinks he can actually do anything to us! Here, Agni, I'll make things easier for you! Coclea!


Agni's body was now shrouded in a shell of light, temporarily protecting him from attacks up to a certain extent, but also allowing him to attack and use magic against his opponents.


COCLEAThe user of this skill will create a shell of light around an intended target, protecting the target from an amount of damage proportional to the amount of damage they can handle. While under the effects of this shell, all attacks will not affect the target until it is broken, meaning the effects of all non-piercing attacks(physical and magic) will be absorbed by the barrier. Piercing attacks will deal more damage to the barrier. 




"Fiona" looked up at Elias, hopeful that he would be able to do something.



"Fiona": Please, help him...I don't want him to die...




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3 minutes ago, A person said:

"Fiona" looked up at Elias, hopeful that he would be able to do something.



"Fiona": Please, help him...I don't want him to die...


"Hmm...It appears that he's been bitten in the neck. Fiona, do you have anything I can use to put pressure on the wound? The bleeding needs to be stopped if I intend on helping Tommy."

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Just now, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"Hmm...It appears that he's been bitten in the neck. Fiona, do you have anything I can use to put pressure on the wound? The bleeding needs to be stopped if I intend on helping Tommy."

His words gave "her" some hope. "She" soon stopped crying, and immediately tore off a part of the ribbon on the back of "her" dress. "She" handed it to him.



"Fiona": I do not know if this will be good enough, but I am hoping it will at least do something!

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21 minutes ago, A person said:

His words gave "her" some hope. "She" soon stopped crying, and immediately tore off a part of the ribbon on the back of "her" dress. "She" handed it to him.



"Fiona": I do not know if this will be good enough, but I am hoping it will at least do something!


"Thank you, Ms. Wakefield."


Elias proceeded to apply pressure to the bite wounds on Tommy's neck, making sure no blood spilled. Luckily, once the blood stopped, Elias wrapped the ribbon around Toomy's neck to prevent further bleeding and he checked the pulse of his comrade to make sure nothing was wrong.......



"He still has a pulse. He'll make it."

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15 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"Thank you, Ms. Wakefield."


Elias proceeded to apply pressure to the bite wounds on Tommy's neck, making sure no blood spilled. Luckily, once the blood stopped, Elias wrapped the ribbon around Toomy's neck to prevent further bleeding and he checked the pulse of his comrade to make sure nothing was wrong.......



"He still has a pulse. He'll make it."

"She" let out a sigh of relief.



"Fiona": Thank you so, so much. If it wasn't for you, he may not be with us anymore...



"Fiona": ...but what did you mean when you said "Ms. Wakefield"? Might that be someone you know?

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11 minutes ago, A person said:

"She" let out a sigh of relief.



"Fiona": Thank you so, so much. If it wasn't for you, he may not be with us anymore...



"Fiona": ...but what did you mean when you said "Ms. Wakefield"? Might that be someone you know?

Elias realized that he said Fiona's last name wrong and quickly rebounded from his minor slip......



"I apologize, Fiona. It would seem that I got your last name incorrectly. Would you mind repeating it again so I won't forget next time?"


OOC: *facepalms at the obvious last name slip-up*

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3 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Elias realized that he said Fiona's last name wrong and quickly rebounded from his minor slip......



"I apologize, Fiona. It would seem that I got your last name incorrectly. Would you mind repeating it again so I won't forget next time?"


OOC: *facepalms at the obvious last name slip-up*

"She" giggled. It made "her" feel more comfortable knowing that he was prone to minor mistakes like "she" was.



"Fiona": It's okay; I sometimes find it difficult to remember the names of others as well. My last name is Mayfield.

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11 minutes ago, A person said:

"She" giggled. It made "her" feel more comfortable knowing that he was prone to minor mistakes like "she" was.



"Fiona": It's okay; I sometimes find it difficult to remember the names of others as well. My last name is Mayfield.


"Mayfield......I'll remember that."

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