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7 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Hm...


Tommy hesitated for a second.


Tommy: Of course you can! You are such a polite young girl, has anybody ever told you that?


Tommy patted "her" head very gently.

"She" smiled up at him.



???: Thank you! And yes, many people have. I come from a noble family, so politeness is a necessity!


"She" then realized "she" forgot to do the most important thing: introduce "herself".



???: Oh, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot to introduce myself!


"She" set "her" sword down upon the ground, and curtsied. 



"Fiona": My name is Fiona Mayfield. I grew up in a noble household. Though I'm...not the smartest, I'm still willing to help in any way I can! Might I ask what your names are?

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50 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: My name is Tommy... it's very nice meeting you, Fiona!


Tommy pointed at G.T and E.T.


Tommy: These two are my "escorts", G.T and E.T.

"She" curtsied towards the two, but couldn't help but notice that the two "escorts" looked almost exactly like Tommy.



"Fiona": Nice to meet you, Tommy! And nice to meet you, G.T. and E.T.! I can't help but notice that you three look very similar...I'm guessing you're triplets?

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1 minute ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Well, yes, actually...


Tommy: We were born at the same time, and everything!


"Fiona": Wow, that's amazing! This is the first time I've actually heard of anything like that as usually it's one after the other, but all at the same time? Wow!


Having finished the introductions, "she" picked up her sword.



"Fiona": Oh...would you mind if I asked what G.T. and E.T. happen to stand for? I don't mind if you want to keep it personal; I would understand.

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Tommy: G.T stands for Gangster Tommy...


Tommy pointed at G.T.


Tommy: He likes robbing things. Now, E.T stands for "Evil" Tommy.


Tommy pointed at E.T.


Tommy: Don't worry, he's actually a pretty good person, I don't know why I put "evil" in his name.

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Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: G.T stands for Gangster Tommy...


Tommy pointed at G.T.


Tommy: He likes robbing things. Now, E.T stands for "Evil" Tommy.


Tommy pointed at E.T.


Tommy: Don't worry, he's actually a pretty good person, I don't know why I put "evil" in his name.


"Fiona": So you all have the same name..."Gangster"? Umm...



"Fiona": ...could you please tell me what that means? I've never really heard that word before...and-


What he had said soon clicked in "her" mind.




"Fiona": Wait a minute..."put 'evil' in his name?" Is that his nickname, or did you actually name him?

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Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: ...Yeah, I named BOTH of them...


Tommy: And as for the word "Gangster", that means "somebody that likes to perform crimes"... and I think that fits G.T pretty well.


"Fiona": How did you name them if you were all born at the same time? Unless...you are the most intelligent! But I still don't understand...and how come he likes committing crimes? It's like...you're triplets, yet you're all different people somehow...


"She" was very confused now; "she" always thought that twins had similar behaviors, but these three sounded like completely different people sharing only appearance and name.

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Tommy: Well, the closest to a crime he really does is steal people from their money...


Tommy wiped a bit of sweat off himself.


Tommy: As for why we don't share similar personalities... I actually cloned these two guys a long time ago...

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1 minute ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Well, the closest to a crime he really does is steal people from their money...


Tommy wiped a bit of sweat off himself.


Tommy: As for why we don't share similar personalities... I actually cloned these two guys a long time ago...

OOC: (He doesn't steal the money...he kidnaps the people and leaves their money!)



"Fiona": He steals money?! And they're your clones?! This...wow...I...I'm speechless! I never thought it would be possible for there to be clones of other people! And the fact that he steals money...I guess he must like it a lot!

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4 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Actually... he kinda wishes he could stop...


Tommy: But, well, he's addicted to it...


Tommy: Although, he's stopped doing it as often as he used to do it.


"Fiona": Oh, well, that's good. Maybe I could even help him stop entirely!

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17 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Heh, maybe you could...


Tommy: Just warning you though, it's gonna be... pretty hard.


"Fiona": If it is for the greater good, then so be it! I will take the challenge!


Jebediah was starting to get tired of talking.



Jebediah: Why is nothing going on? What is there to wait for? Why can't they just go to Medusa directly and fight her? I'm really starting to doubt their potential if they're standing around in an area dangerous to them for so long, even with three or four loafing idiots acting as a sort of guard. Medusa could wipe them all out by now and they wouldn't even notice until the last second! And if this border is close to breaking...then it's probably going to be broken by the time they get to their destination! Hmm...maybe they're just as lazy as Harupia and I didn't notice until now.

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Just now, A person said:


Jebediah: Why is nothing going on? What is there to wait for? Why can't they just go to Medusa directly and fight her? I'm really starting to doubt their potential if they're standing around in an area dangerous to them for so long, even with three or four loafing idiots acting as a sort of guard. Medusa could wipe them all out by now and they wouldn't even notice until the last second! And if this border is close to breaking...then it's probably going to be broken by the time they get to their destination! Hmm...maybe they're just as lazy as Harupia and I didn't notice until now.


OOC: That was the plan, but trini came with the whole "You can't aim at someone who isn't in the room" when my character can feel a presence, so he made me not fight Medusa now.



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7 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: You're very determined. I respect that in a girl.


Tommy patted "her" head.


Tommy: I respect that in a girl.



"Fiona": Thank you, I'm just happy to have a chance to help someone in need!


Jebediah was starting to get angry.



Jebediah: I swear, when the time comes, I'm going to make sure I personally kill you three...and then I'll deal with Necrox and his three doofuses afterwards. The pain you're putting me through now is greater than any pain Necrox has ever put me through. Do as you wish for now, though; it will just make your deaths more brutal in the end.

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7 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Aw, you're welcome! Lets go now, shall we?


Tommy and the 2 clones came off to fight against Medusa. Tommy stayed behind and waited for Fiona to follow.


Tommy: So... are you coming, or what?



Seeing as how they were about to go up against a creature whose mere gaze could petrify them, "she" was justifiably afraid, and started to get weak in the knees. Nonetheless, "she" followed behind him.



"Fiona": U-uhm...y-yes, I'm coming...I hope we can stay safe...


Jebediah, on the other hand, was glad.



Jebediah: Finally, I have a way and reason to kill her, and something is about to happen! I've been waiting for this moment for a long time...


OOC: (Last thought of Jebediah for a while. No more inserting him into it!)

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1 minute ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Don't worry...


Tommy: I'm not letting somebody as nice as you get hurt by ANYBODY.

His words bolstered "her" confidence somewhat, but "she" was still very worried.



"Fiona": Thank you...I'll try my best to protect you all as well!

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  • World: Multiversal Netherworld
  • Location: Inside the Scarlet Border that Divides the World

BGM: Silence


After crossing the portal, they entered on a space filled with mist. A scarlet reflection showed up, this reflection being the barrier itself...


Kogorou: This is it. The border that divides our worlds with the human worlds from across the Multiverse.


Maribel: If this border is broken... then...


Nero: Demons will go mad and will rampage worlds. And not just theirs, but the worlds from others.


Giovanni: The border's already weakened a little.


Renko: Then, if this keeps on... we have to stop this Medusa!


Maribel: Now you mustered some courage.


Renko: Of course! Now I have a reason to be brave, after all.


Soon, Magio came out of the portal and walked towards them.


Kogorou: Sir Magio, have you finished everything you should have done?


Magio: Yeah, for the most part of it.


Magio looked around, seeing the border's empty space. Then, he tried to feel Ichigo and Ralf's auras, but an interference lingered.



Magio: I can feel Ichigo and Ralf's aura's in the distance, but... there's something interfering...


Maribel: Another energy?


Magio: Kind of. But I can't exactly say...


Renko: How does it feel? Can you tell us?


Magio: Evil... familiar... and impossible to believe...


Giovanni: Let me try.


Mauriet: Sir Giovanni, look out!!

Under Mauriet's advice, Giovanni evaded a sudden slash. The entire mist around them cleared, revealing the assailant.


???: Impressive. At least for once, you escaped from my attack. Things were different in Paltina...


Giovanni: You... You...!!


BGM: The Stage in His Hands



Corrupt Angel Moved by Revenge


Former angel of Heaven, convicted by the same and brought to death by the Royal Army of Paltina. He and Giovanni were once a single person, but they were divided in dark and light.


Nessiah: None shall interfere on the plans she raised. Medusa will lead us to the glory we deserve against the human race!


Giovanni: You lunatic! What you did to me back then... to the world... to Kylier...!! I won't forgive you!!


Magio: Giovanni!


Giovanni: I have many things to speak with you... MANY things!!

Nessiah: Then, we will need a moment only for us. Do you not agree... me?


Giovanni: Don't you dare to compare me with the likes of you!!!


Giovanni, filled with rage, tried to attack Nessiah with a bullet barrage, only to have it entirely deflected. With another movement, Nessiah called soldiers of the dead to hold the others while he battled with Giovanni.

  • Near: Ralf and Ichigo

BGM: No. 367 Sortie!


???: This is as far as you will go.


The Getsuga Juujishou was reflected and sent to another direction. A seemingly angel-like creature descended, although she already emitted the evilness of a demon...



Heaven's Abandoned Prototype

No. 367

A Grim Angel project which was discarded. It seems she was the "beta" version of Malice, an artifical Grim Angel of the past. Descended to hell, she became close to become a demon, but she still remained as a puppet


No. 367: You all are the enemy. I must drive you all off as ordered by Lord Nessiah and Lady Medusa.


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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:
  • World: Multiversal Netherworld
  • Location: Inside the Scarlet Border that Divides the World

BGM: Silence


After crossing the portal, they entered on a space filled with mist. A scarlet reflection showed up, this reflection being the barrier itself...


Kogorou: This is it. The border that divides our worlds with the human worlds from across the Multiverse.


Maribel: If this border is broken... then...


Nero: Demons will go mad and will rampage worlds. And not just theirs, but the worlds from others.


Giovanni: The border's already weakened a little.


Renko: Then, if this keeps on... we have to stop this Medusa!


Maribel: Now you mustered some courage.


Renko: Of course! Now I have a reason to be brave, after all.


Soon, Magio came out of the portal and walked towards them.


Kogorou: Sir Magio, have you finished everything you should have done?


Magio: Yeah, for the most part of it.


Magio looked around, seeing the border's empty space. Then, he tried to feel Ichigo and Ralf's auras, but an interference lingered.



Magio: I can feel Ichigo and Ralf's aura's in the distance, but... there's something interfering...


Maribel: Another energy?


Magio: Kind of. But I can't exactly say...


Renko: How does it feel? Can you tell us?


Magio: Evil... familiar... and impossible to believe...


Giovanni: Let me try.


Mauriet: Sir Giovanni, look out!!

Under Mauriet's advice, Giovanni evaded a sudden slash. The entire mist around them cleared, revealing the assailant.


???: Impressive. At least for once, you escaped from my attack. Things were different in Paltina...


Giovanni: You... You...!!


BGM: The Stage in His Hands



Corrupt Angel Moved by Revenge


Former angel of Heaven, convicted by the same and brought to death by the Royal Army of Paltina. He and Giovanni were once a single person, but they were divided in dark and light.


Nessiah: None shall interfere on the plans she raised. Medusa will lead us to the glory we deserve against the human race!


Giovanni: You lunatic! What you did to me back then... to the world... to Kylier...!! I won't forgive you!!


Magio: Giovanni!


Giovanni: I have many things to speak with you... MANY things!!

Nessiah: Then, we will need a moment only for us. Do you not agree... me?


Giovanni: Don't you dare to compare me with the likes of you!!!


Giovanni, filled with rage, tried to attack Nessiah with a bullet barrage, only to have it entirely deflected. With another movement, Nessiah called soldiers of the dead to hold the others while he battled with Giovanni.

Seeing the fallen angel and the approaching mass of the dead, "Fiona" proceeded to lift up her sword.



"Fiona": First there's some kind of fallen angel, and now the dead are rising out if the ground!


"She" soon got an idea.



"Fiona": Everyone, back away! I will take care of as many as I can! Grand Divide!


"She" proceeded to swing her sword in front of "herself" in a wide arc along the ground, aiming to take out the legs of the approaching dead in an attempt to at least cause them to fall down for "her" next move.

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