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10 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

While that was going on, two silhouettes watched off in the distance from the shadows, having watched the battle between the heroes and ........



"Look at those guys. Not a damn ounce of fear in any of them. Including those two angels over there........."


66ijvf2.png Indeed, it's amaz-wait a minute.....I think I know one of them......should we go and assist them? (the figure's head crests deattach) because I will be pleased to join them

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2 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

66ijvf2.png Indeed, it's amaz-wait a minute.....I think I know one of them......should we go and assist them? (the figure's head crests deattach) because I will be pleased to join them


"Yeah. That's why we've been scouting these guys out, to see if they could use our help."

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3 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

66ijvf2.png Very well then! LET'S DO THIS! (runs at the gang, attacks an Iblis Worm that was sneaking on them)


"You know how to handle the element of surprise......that's for sure."


With the group being none the wiser, it took them a few moments to notice that an Iblis Worm had attempted to attack them from behind.



"Ahhh! What the ---?!"



"Alright, who's the wise guy that didn't give us a warning?"



"That would be us, two."


Mary, Lapis, Peko, and Fuyuhiko were surprised by the two people responsible for the Iblis Worm takedown. They stepped out from the shadows and revealed themselves......



"The name's Erza Scarlet, and this cool looking guy is Ultraman Zero!"

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Just now, OxyontheWolf said:

2rFhUI5.png I am Ultraman Zero! SON OF SEVEN! (the crests return to his head)

It didn't take long for Mary to catch on to Zero's schtick.......



"Uhhh, MK? You didn't warn us that someone from your universe would be coming here......."

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Tommy was surprised that his fist had somewhat destroyed all of that rubble. But that didn't matter, he had other businesses to attend to.


Tommy: Heh, what a bunch of jokers... Guess it's time to show 'em the REAL definition of power!


Tommy fired a barrage of fireballs at Gommorah, Tommy hoping that each one would hit the monster.


Tommy: So, as you guys were thinking about G.T not being very useful... Prove 'em wrong, big boy...


G.T: Ya got it!


G.T pulled out a MASSIVE revolver, firing six shots right at Gomorrah.


E.T: I'd honestly love to contribute, but I just... Uh, broke all my legs!

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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Distortion World - Skies above Crisis City 


Music: Hidden Will to fight


    Naruto, Lyna and Fall had arrived at the place, with Fall creating an invisible platform so that Naruto could walk on, since he couldn't fly like Lyna.



Naruto: Seriously...check this place out.


Lyna: ...


Fall: This is as a far as i can take you. Lyna, i believe you can feel someone you know right?


Lyna: Yeah...I can feel Anna's aura.


Fall: Then follow it and you will have joined their group. Help them take down Iblis okay?


Lyna: Roger that.


Fall: Naruto, don't lose Lyna from sight, she is your guide after all.


Naruto: Don't worry, i don't get lost that easily...Actually, have you ever heard of a ninja with bad sense of direction?


Fall: Well...none i guess.


Naruto: And there you have it.


Lyna: And with this, we're off.


Naruto: See ya later!


   Both Naruto and Lyna jump off to a nearby building. Meanwhile...



Tokio: If one of these worms managed to sneak on us, we need to seriously watch our backs from now on.





Ichigo: Lerry...this is not the Sinner's Hell.


Lerafa: Oh! Sorry, i was mistaken.


Ralf: Whew...i was worried we would have to avoid some Kushanada again...those things still terrify my sleep.


Lerafa: Regardless, I believe you know what to do.


Ralf: Yeah, find Magio's group and help them out. I can already feel his aura.


Ichigo: Then...we're going.


   Both Shinigamis used their flash-step in order to fly faster. Lerafa waved good-bye and good luck to them.



Lerafa: And so...it starts again...i just hope, if possible, Fall and me don't have to get in the action as well...



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2rFhUI5.png Yes, it's me Mirror Knight, no need to get all hyped, also, this is my friend Erza, she's a very interesting girl


6cfE3Ok.pngWhat!? "interesting girl!?" you seriously love her!?

NtutHXe.png I SHIP IT!


(Back at the Underworld)



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The Unlimited Force and Silver (and I guess Blaze as well) manage to catch up with Victoria, Anna and the rest.

pi5Wlrr.pngPfew, we made it.

fkmBYO9.pngUhm...Victoria...sorry if I'm bothering you, but is it just me or is there really something rather...odd about Argento?

bX7E6Ba.pngWell, Mr. Silver, after that accident, Argento really has problems with trusting other people.

fkmBYO9.pngI know, but even then. I mean, you see how he went, all sure of himself where the Iblis is. Don't you guys find that rather suspicious?

pi5Wlrr.png...now that you say that, it really sounds suspicious.

fkmBYO9.pngI don't know much about Argento, but I'm sure that he's hiding something from all of us. I mean, I had to take care of Iblis many times, and even then I couldn't always track down Iblis consistently. No, there really is something wrong about Argento.

u4EsOao.png...I...really don't think now is the time or place to become all paranoid and stuff...

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4 hours ago, Mister Fael said:






Distortion World - Skies above Crisis City 


Music: Hidden Will to fight


    Naruto, Lyna and Fall had arrived at the place, with Fall creating an invisible platform so that Naruto could walk on, since he couldn't fly like Lyna.



Naruto: Seriously...check this place out.


Lyna: ...


Fall: This is as a far as i can take you. Lyna, i believe you can feel someone you know right?


Lyna: Yeah...I can feel Anna's aura.


Fall: Then follow it and you will have joined their group. Help them take down Iblis okay?


Lyna: Roger that.


Fall: Naruto, don't lose Lyna from sight, she is your guide after all.


Naruto: Don't worry, i don't get lost that easily...Actually, have you ever heard of a ninja with bad sense of direction?


Fall: Well...none i guess.


Naruto: And there you have it.


Lyna: And with this, we're off.


Naruto: See ya later!


   Both Naruto and Lyna jump off to a nearby building. Meanwhile...



Tokio: If one of these worms managed to sneak on us, we need to seriously watch our backs from now on.




He's right. But we're not alone. And I don't mean the Iblis creatures. I sense some noticeably strong energy sources heading towards us.




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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12 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:





He's right. But we're not alone. And I don't mean the Iblis creatures. I sense some noticeably strong energy sources heading towards us.




"Really? I figured that something was sending those creatures after you, and so did Zero."



"Okay, spill it, Erza! How long were you and MK's friend spying on us?"



"Calm down, Mary. We just got here earlier, and we saw you and your new buddies fighting the monsters, so............."



"Wait a sec.......how do you know who I am? Did Lucy tell you about me?"



"You betcha! You look a lot like that Hughes guy ran into a while ago, too, so, yeah.........I knew."


14 hours ago, Captain Papyrus said:

The Unlimited Force and Silver (and I guess Blaze as well) manage to catch up with Victoria, Anna and the rest.

pi5Wlrr.pngPfew, we made it.

fkmBYO9.pngUhm...Victoria...sorry if I'm bothering you, but is it just me or is there really something rather...odd about Argento?

bX7E6Ba.pngWell, Mr. Silver, after that accident, Argento really has problems with trusting other people.

fkmBYO9.pngI know, but even then. I mean, you see how he went, all sure of himself where the Iblis is. Don't you guys find that rather suspicious?

pi5Wlrr.png...now that you say that, it really sounds suspicious.

fkmBYO9.pngI don't know much about Argento, but I'm sure that he's hiding something from all of us. I mean, I had to take care of Iblis many times, and even then I couldn't always track down Iblis consistently. No, there really is something wrong about Argento.

u4EsOao.png...I...really don't think now is the time or place to become all paranoid and stuff...


".........You really think so? Because I agree. Something's up with him, and I'm not waiting another second longer to figure it out!"


Lapis stayed true to her word and flew head of the group in the midst of her justified anger.......


"Lapis! Get back here! We have to stick together!"

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1 hour ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"Really? I figured that something was sending those creatures after you, and so did Zero."



"Okay, spill it, Erza! How long were you and MK's friend spying on us?"



"Calm down, Mary. We just got here earlier, and we saw you and your new buddies fighting the monsters, so............."



"Wait a sec.......how do you know who I am? Did Lucy tell you about me?"



"You betcha! You look a lot like that Hughes guy ran into a while ago, too, so, yeah.........I knew."



".........You really think so? Because I agree. Something's up with him, and I'm not waiting another second longer to figure it out!"


Lapis stayed true to her word and flew head of the group in the midst of her justified anger.......


"Lapis! Get back here! We have to stick together!"


She's gone. I guess we should follow. She'll be overtaken if she gets caught alone. She's a bit reckless but her heart is pure. 


LightFlare follows Lapis. As he walks,  he is contacted  Oro.



LightFlare. How are things going?



Oro...things are a bit hectic. We're getting close to Iblis. I can feel it. But these creatures are everywhere. But it's nothing I can't handle.



Indeed. *Oro laughs* I'm here with an old friend. She's come a long way. We've been talking about you actually. 



She? Oro you sly dog...she's a young hottie isn't she? I'm here battling countless enemies and your on a date?! 


She is young...she is a hottie...but she's not MY date! *Oro laughs and grabs Ezra's hand* Ezra my dear. Say hello to LightFlare. He will hear you through me.



(That Oro...)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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2 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"Really? I figured that something was sending those creatures after you, and so did Zero."



"Okay, spill it, Erza! How long were you and MK's friend spying on us?"



"Calm down, Mary. We just got here earlier, and we saw you and your new buddies fighting the monsters, so............."



"Wait a sec.......how do you know who I am? Did Lucy tell you about me?"



"You betcha! You look a lot like that Hughes guy ran into a while ago, too, so, yeah.........I knew."

2rFhUI5.png  You remind me a lot of Mirror Knight, Mary, we were just searching for Iblis, and then suddenly BANG, we found you, and your team, we decided to follow you  to get to Iblis and kill him

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7 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

2rFhUI5.png  You remind me a lot of Mirror Knight, Mary, we were just searching for Iblis, and then suddenly BANG, we found you, and your team, we decided to follow you  to get to Iblis and kill him


"Really? I mean, the two of us get along pretty well, and he even saved my life......."

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pi5Wlrr.pngAre you sensing a troublemaker, Dusk?

bX7E6Ba.pngI first wanted to suggest to create a speed-up portal in order to catch up with Mister Argento easily, but I cannot create it until I'm sure there wont be any sudden company additions anymore. Afterall, I don't want sudden allies to leave them hanging.

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  • World: World of Distortions
  • Location: Crisis City (?)

BGM: Terror infinitus still playing


After a while, Victoria managed to catch and stop Anna. She even used Asterius to block the path. By the time the others arrived at them, they were already discussing...



Anna: You inconsiderable idiot! I hate you so much!!


Victoria: Hah, as if I liked to be near you. Get a grip, jackass!


Anna: H-How rude!!


Victoria: Look, I know what passes onto that shallow brain of yours, but you just can't rush at the end. This is a Distortion, not a race.


Anna: I know, but what gives Argento to-


Victoria: One problem at once. First comes Iblis, then we'll have our deal with Argento's stubborness.


Anna: Fine...


As the group reunited, Victoria soon noticed Silver's comment about Iblis.



Victoria: Coming from an expert, I would definitely agree... but not.


Victoria: He would never admit, but the one landing us to anywhere is Mephilia herself. Since, as it would seem, she's tasked with Iblis' judgement, she might be using one of her Truths to actually try to pinpoint their location.


Then, it surged Tokio and LightFlare's wariness about eventual surprise attacks. Anna did a little scan throughout the area and then spoke,



Anna: I am unable to feel any monster around us... but my scanning abilites are rather low, so I cannot be sure.


Victoria: Then... about the portal idea, I deny it.


Anna: Why?! It is a fast way of reaching them!!


Victoria: Hellooooo, we're in a Distortioooooooon! Portals are too risky inside it, so even if our destination is Argento, we could end up on somewhere else inside this place,


Anna: Y-Yes, that... is true...


Anna reminded of an accident that happened with another angel soldier that went inside a Distortion and tried to create a portal inside it. It happened that said soldier never returned. Unless created by Magio, Argento or a Dimensional Master (a rank above Dimensional Travelers), portals had become quite a risk. As she thought about it, Victoria felt an aura.



Victoria: ... Hey, you should cheer up. Someone close to you's coming here.


Anna: Who?


Victoria: Just wait until she comes and you'll see...


*BGM fades*


Meanwhile, Argento and Mephilia kept progressing until the Distortion started to look like the initial image from where they entered.



Argento: Crisis City ends here. Ahead of us lies another place... alongside Iblis.

Mephilia: Your certainty depends on my Truths. But yes, I can confirm a presence similar to Iblis beyond this part.


Argento: Where we will end up now... assuring that the others will not be able to reach us in time, progressing at haste.

Mephilia: We should await the others. It is the best conclusion I can reach.


Argento: I am not up for shielding them as I battle Iblis. I want to end this without any bother.

Mephilia: ...


Argento: Well, if you are so desperate for them, stay behind. I will go by myself.


Argento went further alone, disappearing into the deeper parts of the Distortion. Mephilia turned around, in order to await the arrival of the rest.

  • World: Multiversal Netherworld
  • Location: Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins

BGM: 死覇王のための賛歌 still playing


The battle still waged on. Magio and Necrox followed Malin and Yamazaki, attacking him at close distance with Keyblade and scythe slashes. From the skies, Giovanni and Magnazorda attacked with a rocket and fire breath barrage alongside Tommy's fireballs and Wizrock's lightnings. Gomorrah was incredibly damaged as all of them backed off.



Magio: Is it over?


Necrox: No, I definitely doubt it.


And he was right. Even though all that damage was given, Gomorrah still managed to stand up. And as he roared, he breathed his own dark fire to the sky. It later came down as a rain of purple meteors.



Giovanni: Whoa!!

Magnazorda: This will be a problem. Your orders, Summoner!!


Giovanni: Alright, we gotta help them down there. After the meteors, Magnazorda!


Giovanni and Magnazorda went both further into the sky to destroy any incoming meteor, But some of them had already fell into their space.



Necrox: *evades a meteor* Tch, now it decides to play hard?!


Magio: Yeah, it seems so...


Necrox: Damn it!! This motherfucker is really getting into my nerves!!


Then, Magio noticed a meteor coming right at Malin and Yamazaki. He grabbed his Keyblade and rushed to save them from it.



Magio: Malin, Yamazaki, look out!!


He barged into them, throwing them away. However, he was entirely hit by the meteor. Taking that chance, Gomorrah trampled through them and stood right above Magio.



Necrox: Magio!! *evades meteor* Damn it all!!


When Magio came back, Gomorrah was already aiming at him, ready to draw his fire. Magio had no space to move or time to react.



Magio: (This isn't going to be good!! I can't react in time...!!)


OOC: @Mister Fael, time to bring some action, don't you agree?



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Ichigo: Figures...


Music: Reverse Situation (Ralf...Ichigo...you're using the wrong theme.)


   Ralf stood between Magio and Gomorrah by using his flash-step.



Ralf: HADOU N°88: Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho!


 Ralf unleashed a powerful kidou spell, a powerful beam of spiritual energy that blasted Gomorrah away.



Ralf: Stay away from him you monster!


Ichigo: Whoa. It seems you didn't lose your edge when it comes to Kidou spells.


   Ralf then, looks at Magio.



Ralf: You okay buddy? Sorry if i'm late. Also, hello everyone, i'm Ralf, and this is my friend Ichigo.


Ichigo: Sup!


  Then Ichigo gets in fighting stance.



Ichigo: Hey hey, Ralf, i thought you would finish that thing off.


Ralf: Implying i had time to recite the full incantation. And second, even if i could, i was too close and the explosion would've hit both Magio and me.


Ichigo: Ok, point taken. Alright, let's finish this in a flash.


Ralf: Yeah!


   Ralf summoned his Zanpakutou as well, taking stance with Ichigo, charging up their spiritual pressure for an attack, this time, with Ralf not holding back.



Ichigo: Let's go!






   Both Ralf and Ichigo unleashed a Cross-Shaped Getsuga Tenshou at Gomorrah.


     Distortion - Crisis City



Tokio: H-Hey Lapis, wait up! We're here with you too, so don't charge in alone.


   Tokio started to sprint after her.



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10 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



She's gone. I guess we should follow. She'll be overtaken if she gets caught alone. She's a bit reckless but her heart is pure. 


LightFlare follows Lapis. As he walks,  he is contacted  Oro.



LightFlare. How are things going?



Oro...things are a bit hectic. We're getting close to Iblis. I can feel it. But these creatures are everywhere. But it's nothing I can't handle.



Indeed. *Oro laughs* I'm here with an old friend. She's come a long way. We've been talking about you actually. 



She? Oro you sly dog...she's a young hottie isn't she? I'm here battling countless enemies and your on a date?! 


She is young...she is a hottie...but she's not MY date! *Oro laughs and grabs Ezra's hand* Ezra my dear. Say hello to LightFlare. He will hear you through me.



(That Oro...)

Kahrelimi nodded, and held on tightly to his hand. It was a firm grip, but not something that could potentially hurt his hand. Soon, her voice came through.


Kahrelimi: Hello, LightFlare! How are things going for you?

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3 hours ago, A person said:

Kahrelimi nodded, and held on tightly to his hand. It was a firm grip, but not something that could potentially hurt his hand. Soon, her voice came through.


Kahrelimi: Hello, LightFlare! How are things going for you?


OK given the circumstances. But I'm in a very volatile situation. We're definitely surrounded. But mostly by small lesser powerd creatures. Although I can definitely sense a strong aura. If it were Iblis it would have some similarly to the Iblis creatures. It would be significantly higher, but still share some similarity.  However it's different. But enough about me. Who are YOU?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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