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  • World: World of Distortions
  • Location: Crisis City (?)

BGM: Sound Striped Bell still playing


The battle kept ravaging on. Takers, Eaters, Worms... Iblis' minions were actually becoming a quite of a handful. Although, with the power they had, a victory was being successfully guaranteed...



Victoria: Those guys are nothing. They're dirt to my feet! Asterius, ravage them with your eternal hellfire!!


With a raise of her hand to the sky, Asterius responded with a loud roar and summoning pillars of his own dark fire at the remaining enemies. Anna freed herself from the barrier she created at last and already prepared her power and speciality. 



Anna: Breeze of hope, bless us with your serenity... Healing Wind!


The heal was slight, but there was actually no need for another use of Holy Song or Radiant Roar. A light breeze passed through them, healing some of their wounds.



Anna: There, our energies might be recharged for the next wave.


Victoria: Now we have to move after Mr. Raised Nose and Ms. Executioner herself. C'mon, let's hurry and see if they are being able to-


But a giant wave of darkness, who eradicated all of Iblis' minions in the streets under them, were the sign that Argento and Mephilia were actually safe. Victoria teleported herself to them.



Victoria: You don't lose a moment, do you?


Argento: Come with us or be left behind to be burnt. I will not stop you if you decide to become remnants of this Crisis City.


Victoria: What do you mean by "this Crisis City"?


Argento: ... I spoke my part. Mephilia.

Mephilia: Understood.


Both knights ran towards the deeper parts of the Crisis City, armed and ready to fight. Victoria teleported back to the rest.



Victoria: Argento and Mephilia left to east. You guys wanna head west or should we follow them?

  • World: Multiversal Netherworld
  • Location: Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins


Gomorrah's last roar echoed through the entirety of the ruins. The sky finally turned to a black and crimson color as clouds appeared, summoning their rumbling thunders at will.





Magio: Maribel, take Renko, Elias and Alice with you and hide! Now!!


Maribel: But what about you all?!


Magio: We'll hold our ground! Right now, you must hide!


Renko: G-G-Goooooood idea!! M-Merry, let's hide into that destroyed building over there!!


Maribel: ... Please, be careful!


Maribel did just as Magio spoke and took the others to the building he indicated. Although destroyed, they went there for hiding.



Magio: This is going to be hard... he has awakened...


Giovanni: I just need a little more...!!


Then, a voice echoed from the distance...


???: What an idiot... damned Gomorrah and his stubborness...


Giovanni: Magio, that voice!


Magio: That's...!!


BGM: 死覇王のための賛歌


Suddenly, someone riding a motorbike heavily landed himself on Gomorrah's head, pinning him to the ground with only the bike. He landed out of it casually, removed his sunglasses and made his introduction with his presence only.



Eternal Lord of the Dark Reign

Necrox Toadstool

One of the Ultima Knight's brothers and the Tyrant Overlord of the Multiversal Netherworld. A reckless, rebel and dangerous person, he has a heart of gold to help his brother, although holding distrust over those who surround him. Controls the power of Darkness.



Magio: Necrox!


Necrox: Heard your call for like, 5 times in a row. Now stop echoing my name in the ruins, got it?


Magio: Y-Yeah, I'm just-


Necrox: Save the emotional talk for later.


Summoning a black scythe and a scarlet shotgun, Necrox shot inside Gomorrah's mouth. The dragon roared in pain but only received another bullet round.



Necrox: You damned dragon... you better cry for pain, your bastard, because this is the price you will have for disobeying me!


Giovanni: (Violent as ever...)


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死覇王のための賛歌  stall plays...





As the battle wages.....



Oro continues to catch up with Kahrelimi and explain the situation at hand...


So thats the situation.  I can feel LightFlare is in an intense battle. 



LightFlare begins charging up another Cannon attack. The creatures can barely get near him as electricity courses through his body. 


(These foul creatures keep coming. They pose no real threat but it feels like a never ending battle!) BUT I WON'T BACK DOWN!




The ground begins to shake...





Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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34 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

As the battle wages.....



Oro continues to catch up with Kahrelimi and explain the situation at hand...


So thats the situation.  I can feel LightFlare is in an intense battle. 

Kahrelimi's eyes light up with excitement. It appeared to her that fun here may have been the same as fun there.



Kahrelimi: Ooooh, an intense battle, you say? Do you know if anyone else with him? Do you know where he is exactly? Does he need any help?


She soon calmed herself down, restraining herself somewhat to prevent bombarding him with questions. What was more important at the moment was trying to catch up with Oro completely.



Kahrelimi: Excuse me...anyway, I guess you can tell that I get a bit excited when I hear about combat, especially now since it's a been a long time since I've actually tasted true combat. I should set the focus back on you since it's been so long, so what do you do while your pupil is away?

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3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:
  • World: World of Distortions
  • Location: Crisis City (?)

BGM: Sound Striped Bell still playing


The battle kept ravaging on. Takers, Eaters, Worms... Iblis' minions were actually becoming a quite of a handful. Although, with the power they had, a victory was being successfully guaranteed...



Victoria: Those guys are nothing. They're dirt to my feet! Asterius, ravage them with your eternal hellfire!!


With a raise of her hand to the sky, Asterius responded with a loud roar and summoning pillars of his own dark fire at the remaining enemies. Anna freed herself from the barrier she created at last and already prepared her power and speciality. 



Anna: Breeze of hope, bless us with your serenity... Healing Wind!


The heal was slight, but there was actually no need for another use of Holy Song or Radiant Roar. A light breeze passed through them, healing some of their wounds.



Anna: There, our energies might be recharged for the next wave.


Victoria: Now we have to move after Mr. Raised Nose and Ms. Executioner herself. C'mon, let's hurry and see if they are being able to-


But a giant wave of darkness, who eradicated all of Iblis' minions in the streets under them, were the sign that Argento and Mephilia were actually safe. Victoria teleported herself to them.



Victoria: You don't lose a moment, do you?


Argento: Come with us or be left behind to be burnt. I will not stop you if you decide to become remnants of this Crisis City.


Victoria: What do you mean by "this Crisis City"?


Argento: ... I spoke my part. Mephilia.

Mephilia: Understood.


Both knights ran towards the deeper parts of the Crisis City, armed and ready to fight. Victoria teleported back to the rest.



Victoria: Argento and Mephilia left to east. You guys wanna head west or should we follow them?

The group thought for a second about which way to go with Victoria. Lapis and Peko wanted to follow Argento and Mephilia, while Mary and Fuyuhiko wanted to head West. The two went back and forth until they reached an agreement........



"It's agreed, we follow the two. I have a feeling if we go West, we might get lost."


"I still think going the other way might have a shortcut to Iblis."


"Yeah, but we don't want to run the risk of getting lost in Crisis City, and besides, Argento might know a fast way to get to Iblis."




"Fine. Let's just go before we fall behind."


The group followed Victoria, Argento, and Mephilia towards Iblis' whereabouts......

3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


???: What an idiot... damned Gomorrah and his stubborness...


Giovanni: Magio, that voice!


Magio: That's...!!


BGM: 死覇王のための賛歌


Suddenly, someone riding a motorbike heavily landed himself on Gomorrah's head, pinning him to the ground with only the bike. He landed out of it casually, removed his sunglasses and made his introduction with his presence only.



Eternal Lord of the Dark Reign

Necrox Toadstool

One of the Ultima Knight's brothers and the Tyrant Overlord of the Multiversal Netherworld. A reckless, rebel and dangerous person, he has a heart of gold to help his brother, although holding distrust over those who surround him. Controls the power of Darkness.



Magio: Necrox!


Necrox: Heard your call for like, 5 times in a row. Now stop echoing my name in the ruins, got it?


Magio: Y-Yeah, I'm just-


Necrox: Save the emotional talk for later.


Summoning a black scythe and a scarlet shotgun, Necrox shot inside Gomorrah's mouth. The dragon roared in pain but only received another bullet round.



Necrox: You damned dragon... you better cry for pain, your bastard, because this is the price you will have for disobeying me!


Giovanni: (Violent as ever...)

With the arrival of Necrox, the fight against Gomorrah became less difficult for the heroes. Elias and Alice followed Renko and Maribel to safety while Malin and Yamazaki stayed with Giovanni, Magio and Necrox..........



"Nice! We got some backup! The name's Malin, by the way! This wild and crazy guy next to me is Ryuji Yamazaki!"



"Yeah! But enough talking, we got a behemoth of a dragon to slay!"



"I'll be right on it, buddy!"


Malin only needed a millisecond after saying that to throw knives into the beast's eyes, and smash Gomorrah's cranium with her gigantic hammer.

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11 hours ago, A person said:

Kahrelimi's eyes light up with excitement. It appeared to her that fun here may have been the same as fun there.



Kahrelimi: Ooooh, an intense battle, you say? Do you know if anyone else with him? Do you know where he is exactly? Does he need any help?


She soon calmed herself down, restraining herself somewhat to prevent bombarding him with questions. What was more important at the moment was trying to catch up with Oro completely.



Kahrelimi: Excuse me...anyway, I guess you can tell that I get a bit excited when I hear about combat, especially now since it's a been a long time since I've actually tasted true combat. I should set the focus back on you since it's been so long, so what do you do while your pupil is away?





Well you know the usual. Meditate. Train. Hook up with the hotties!  *Oro laughs awkwardly*


Meanwhile back in the Distortion...



LightFlare charges into battle...


Percistant little creaures! Looks like we're going in! 


LightFlare notices the others retreat into the city he clears a path and follows. 



Maybe I can catch up to these guys and see what threre battle plan is. They seem to be following the man in black. He must be Argento.


*LightFlare catches up to the Lapis and Peko*



Forgive my abrupt introduction. I'm LightFlare. A friend of Giovanni. What do you guys know about this "city"?




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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   Defenders of Light - Asteroid Base: Lerafa Oliver's Office 



Ralf: Alright, we're here.


Lerafa: I recieved a notification that after you unlocked your seal the room...got a bit messy. Fall...did you forgot to tell them to do the unsealing in a safe room? You know how strong they both are.


Fall: Well...It was an emergency so...


Lerafa: Sigh...Fine, i'll let it pass this time.


Lerafa: Alright, it seems everyone is here.


Naruto: You said some stuff was happening.


Lerafa: Well, this concerns more Ralf and Lyna, but since you're here...actually, who brought you here anyway?


Fall: Our Leader, Melissa Mamori.


Lerafa: And let me guess...she knew that Ichigo and Naruto were friends so she decided to bring him here once she knew i was calling Ichigo for a mission.


Fall: That's pretty much it. Since Ichigo was in a pinch, it is another thing i didn't tell you.


Naruto: ...


Lerafa: At this point, i don't care. Anyway, the short version is, the Cosmic Castle was attacked.




Naruto: My ear...


Ralf: Sorry...


Lerafa: Don't worry, they are fine. But right now, they are in a dangerous mission.


Lyna: It is too much to ask for peace?


Ralf: *nods*


Naruto: (These two...)


Ralf: We're in. Our "honeymoon" is over after all, right Lyna?


Lyna: Yeah! We're back at full strenght and ready to help.


Lerafa: Alright. Now to split up the teams. Ichigo, i'm aware that you have some experience with the Underworld.


Ichigo: D-Don't even remember that.


Lerafa: You and Ralf are going there.


Naruto: Eh? I don't get to go with Ichigo?


Lerafa: Well...I believe there's someone who is eager to meet Magio again, right Ralf?


Naruto: Ah, okay, sorry. He's your friend right?


Ralf: It's okay....i understand that you haven't seen Ichigo in a while...


Fall: Lyna and Naruto will be going into a distortion.


Lyna: Understood.


Naruto: Gotcha.


Lerafa: And of course, be prepared to fight.


Ichigo: You don't need to tell us that.


   With the mission given, both parties says their farewell and then, enter portals created by Lerafa and Fall.


       Distortion World: Crisis City


22 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


We're old friends. I met him during my travels. *LightFlare exams the young boy* Cool goggles. What's your name kid?




Tokio: I'm Tokio, nice to meet you. Trinitroman guided me through the Cosmic Castle. It was fun.


    Tokio kept following the group. Even though he didn't have much to say to them (they didn't even get a proper introduction.) he was still willing to help them out in any way he could.



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4 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Well you know the usual. Meditate. Train. Hook up with the hotties!  *Oro laughs awkwardly*

Kahrelimi giggled along with him.



Kahrelimi: Well, at least you get a bit social, hehe! Anyway, other than what's happening as we speak...


Her ears perk up as she says this and her eyes light up, hinting that she was getting excited.



Kahrelimi: Has anything else big happened previously in this world while you were in it? I'd like to know more about it as well.

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11 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

The group thought for a second about which way to go with Victoria. Lapis and Peko wanted to follow Argento and Mephilia, while Mary and Fuyuhiko wanted to head West. The two went back and forth until they reached an agreement........



"It's agreed, we follow the two. I have a feeling if we go West, we might get lost."


"I still think going the other way might have a shortcut to Iblis."


"Yeah, but we don't want to run the risk of getting lost in Crisis City, and besides, Argento might know a fast way to get to Iblis."




"Fine. Let's just go before we fall behind."


The group followed Victoria, Argento, and Mephilia towards Iblis' whereabouts......

With the arrival of Necrox, the fight against Gomorrah became less difficult for the heroes. Elias and Alice followed Renko and Maribel to safety while Malin and Yamazaki stayed with Giovanni, Magio and Necrox..........



"Nice! We got some backup! The name's Malin, by the way! This wild and crazy guy next to me is Ryuji Yamazaki!"



"Yeah! But enough talking, we got a behemoth of a dragon to slay!"



"I'll be right on it, buddy!"


Malin only needed a millisecond after saying that to throw knives into the beast's eyes, and smash Gomorrah's cranium with her gigantic hammer.

rTqtklL.png GOT'CHA COVERED MALIN! (switches to Gun Attachment, fires at the other eye with FULL POWER!)


B5D3eb1.pngLet me give this monster a taste of my magic! (casts Lightning, it strikes Gomora right in its face)




NtutHXe.png Not to bother miss Victoria, but how much time 'til we get to Iblis? I'm bored


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33 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

B5D3eb1.pngLet me give this monster a taste of my magic! (casts Lightning, it strikes Gomora right in its face)



After Wizrock had casted Lightning, a small skill orb had come from the rock and flown all the way to Jebediah, granting him a copy of the Lightning ability called Zonde, but Mimicry was still active.


BGM: Underworld -chaos-



Jebediah: Hmm...I think I'll try and gain another ability, but I suppose I'll keep this one at the ready. I could also have some fun with it!


5112be5fab.png Zonde!


Jebediah had used the newfound ability, aiming the bolt of lightning at a ruined building near the group. Upon impact with the destroyed building's side, a large chunk of it fell off, threatening to crush anyone standing below it. Afterwards, the Winged Warrior had quickly flown to the rooftop of another building nearby and stayed low to avoid being spotted.



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1 hour ago, Mister Fael said:



       Distortion World: Crisis City




Tokio: I'm Tokio, nice to meet you. Trinitroman guided me through the Cosmic Castle. It was fun.


    Tokio kept following the group. Even though he didn't have much to say to them (they didn't even get a proper introduction.) he was still willing to help them out in any way he could.


There was something about Tokio. He was in tthe hat of battle, yet he seemed qyite calm...almot as if he enjoyed it. It seemed quite....familiar to LightFlare. Mostly because it reminded hi of himself in his younger days. He still enjoys agood battle, but his smile eludes him a bit these days. 



Nice to meet you, young warrior. You seem to be right at home fighting multiple targets. You don't look like a brawler, but you sure fight like one. At least you have manners...


56 minutes ago, A person said:

Kahrelimi giggled along with him.



Kahrelimi: Well, at least you get a bit social, hehe! Anyway, other than what's happening as we speak...


Her ears perk up as she says this and her eyes light up, hinting that she was getting excited.



Kahrelimi: Has anything else big happened previously in this world while you were in it? I'd like to know more about it as well.


Years ago a being by the name Igniz tried to take over this world. But he was stopped by LightFlare and a group of heroes he met on his travels. They could of used someone like you as well. You haven't lifted a finger but I can tell you have extraordinary power.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, A person said:

Jebediah had used the newfound ability, aiming the bolt of lightning at a ruined building near the group. Upon impact with the destroyed building's side, a large chunk of it fell off, threatening to crush anyone standing below it. Afterwards, the Winged Warrior had quickly flown to the rooftop of another building nearby and stayed low to avoid being spotted.

OOC: Pictures are coming later.


Tommy had noticed the the large chunk of the building falling, and realized what kind of threat could happen if anybody were to be standing under it.


Tommy: Shit, there's gotta be some sort of way to prevent any injuries!


Tommy suddenly got an idea.


Tommy: I've got it!


Tommy set his fist on fire, before running right towards the building at a fast enough velocity to potentially break it apart if he were to hit it.


Tommy: BURNING...


Tommy jumped in the air, sending his fist at the massive chunk and colliding with it like a missile.




OOC #2: yup, Tommy has fire powers! also, sorry if that seemed unfair at all


Image result for howard dean yell gif





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???: duh... sexy blonde girl... huh huh...




Cue one of them taking a photograph of Yang.


???: Now THAT'S what I call a photograph right there!





Image result for howard dean yell gif





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4 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Years ago a being by the name Igniz tried to take over this world. But he was stopped by LightFlare and a group of heroes he met on his travels. They could of used someone like you as well. You haven't lifted a finger but I can tell you have extraordinary power.



Kahrelimi: Ahh, well, I HAVE learned many things since we last met! I would show off my abilities here, but I think they're best preserved when the time comes. I get the feeling that that time will come soon, though, so maybe you'll be able to see me in action once again! Anyway, this LightFlare pupil of yours...would you be able to tell me more about him as well?




3 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

OOC: Pictures are coming later.


Tommy had noticed the the large chunk of the building falling, and realized what kind of threat could happen if anybody were to be standing under it.


Tommy: Shit, there's gotta be some sort of way to prevent any injuries!


Tommy suddenly got an idea.


Tommy: I've got it!


Tommy set his fist on fire, before running right towards the building at a fast enough velocity to potentially break it apart if he were to hit it.


Tommy: BURNING...


Tommy jumped in the air, sending his fist at the massive chunk and colliding with it like a missile.




OOC #2: yup, Tommy has fire powers! also, sorry if that seemed unfair at all





After Tommy had pulled off his incredible ability, a small skill orb had come from him and quickly made its way to Jebediah. Zonde was about to be replaced by Burning Knuckle. And though Jebediah had gained a new, more powerful ability, he was displeased with two things: one, the skill was meant for close combat, and two, the chunk he intended on slowing them down with had been destroyed in a single strike.



Jebediah: Yes, another ability! This one is much stronger, but I'd rather not have to get close...I'll have to drop the ability for now and stick with this lightning ability, but now I know that debris won't be enough to stop them.


The skill orb that came from Tommy had faded away, meaning Zonde was still the mimicked ability. He continued watching the group, keeping a close eye on them to see if everything was all clear. He especially kept an eye on Tommy and Wizrock as he had copied their abilities.


OOC: (The skill orbs are visible to the one using Mimicry and the ones whose abilities have been copied. And it's fine; that wasn't unfair in the slightest as it was expected.)

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1 minute ago, DuckMannnn said:

Dusk notices a silhouette which looked like Jebediah. He couldn't clearly identify him however.

profile_picture_by_duckmann18-d9p4163.pn"...Did I just see a rare Pokemon?"

OOC: (If he's in the Distortion, he wouldn't be able to find him. If he's in the Underworld, he'd be able to see him. I'm not sure where Dusk is, but I remember Tommy not wanting to be teamed up with him.)

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2 hours ago, A person said:



Kahrelimi: Ahh, well, I HAVE learned many things since we last met! I would show off my abilities here, but I think they're best preserved when the time comes. I get the feeling that that time will come soon, though, so maybe you'll be able to see me in action once again! Anyway, this LightFlare pupil of yours...would you be able to tell me more about him as well?





My my. Someone is quite inquisitive today. Well...



As far as I know...LightFlare has no memory of birth parents. He was an orphan and was picked on as a child. Back then he had no name. So he chose his won name...Light. On day one of the larger neighborhood kids was bullying LightFlare. After the bully had smacked LightFlare around a bit, he approched LightFlare and raised his hand to strike him. LightFlare put his arm up and blocked it. The other kids were shocked. How could he have blocked that. The bully was so angry he went to punch LightFlare. LightFlare blocks it and counters with a burst of lightning from his fists. The bully is blown away. The other kids saw this and ran. It was the first time LightFlare had seen his enery chi expelled from his body. 



LightFlare continues to live on the streets. He takes odd jobs to make ends meet. While working a large bolder falls. Just as it was about to crush him he punches it and it shatters. His boss sees this and asks LightFlare about his abilities. He then tells him of a man who had similar abilities and that he should seek the man.



OmniFlare, a master of Hadou, a style that draws from the elements them self. 



LightFlare searches for OmniFlare. When he finds him, OmniFlare looks Light with a look of aww. He immediately agrees to train Light.




Years pass and OmniFlare teaches Light all he knows. He becomes the only true father Light has ever had. Yes he was my pupil later, but no one can replace OmniFlare. 




Years pass and his training is complete. OmniFlare gives him one more thing before he goes...his name. This...is when he became...





Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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3 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:





My my. Someone is quite inquisitive today. Well...



As far as I know...LightFlare has no memory of birth parents. He was an orphan and was picked on as a child. Back then he had no name. So he chose his won name...Light. On day one of the larger neighborhood kids was bullying LightFlare. After the bully had smacked LightFlare around a bit, he approched LightFlare and raised his hand to strike him. LightFlare put his arm up and blocked it. The other kids were shocked. How could he have blocked that. The bully was so angry he went to punch LightFlare. LightFlare blocks it and counters with a burst of lightning from his fists. The bully is blown away. The other kids saw this and ran. It was the first time LightFlare had seen his enery chi expelled from his body. 



LightFlare continues to live on the streets. He takes odd jobs to make ends meet. While working a large bolder falls. Just as it was about to crush him he punches it and it shatters. His boss sees this and asks LightFlare about his abilities. He then tells him of a man who had similar abilities and that he should seek the man.



OmniFlare, a master of Hadou, a style that draws from the elements them self. 



LightFlare searches for OmniFlare. When he finds him, OmniFlare looks Light with a look of aww. He immediately agrees to train Light.




Years pass and OmniFlare teaches Light all he knows. He becomes the only true father Light has ever had. Yes he was my pupil later, but no one can replace OmniFlare. 




Years pass and his training is complete. OmniFlare gives him one more thing before he goes...his name. This...is when he became...





Her eyes widened as she listened to the story. She seemed to enjoy the story quite a bit, though it sounded very familiar to her as if there was someone she knew with a story like it.



Kahrelimi: Wow...I didn't think it'd be so interesting. It might just be me, though, but that story sounds vaguely familiar...I can't put my finger on why, but it just sounds as if I've heard something like it before. Anyway, now that I've heard his story...I just have to meet him now! Tell him to hurry up and beat down everything there, he's got a very nice guest waiting for him!


She seemed overly excited, but considering what LightFlare had learned, her reasons for being excited were probably more than just wanting to know him on a personal level. She also seemed to not even be worried in the slightest about his well-being...she seemed to think he was more than capable of taking care of himself.

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  • World: World of Distortions
  • Location: Crisis City (?)

BGM: Terror infinitus


Victoria seemed to enjoy to be trated a little like a leader. However, she knew no easier way of reaching Iblis. Then, she heard Deadpool's complaint about boredom.



Victoria: You're not the only one. But I guess we have more pressing matters...


Anna: What pressing matters?


Victoria: Argento and Mephilia are already off a little away from us.


Anna: R-Really?! Why he had not waited?!


Victoria: He's actually wanting us to die. Why would you think he wait?


Anna: We have to chase him! Which way did he went?

Victoria: East.


With a nod, Anna went down into the streets below her and ran towards the way Argento and Mephilia went, without thinking that she had no way of defending herself except creating a barrier.



Victoria: Hey, don't run, damnit! You're our healer!!


Victoria got down and went after the running Anna. As much as she didn't liked to admit, one needed the other, so the heart of the angel must continue to beat if the witch wishes to keep cursing the souls of humans.


Meanwhile, on the sense of far, Argento and Mephilia jumped through the destroyed streets until they stopped at a point.



Argento: I can already feel Iblis. Faintly, but I can feel. We must be near the core.

Mephilia: Now is the time I ask. Are you ready to face it?


Argento: The battleground will be one of our main odds, but I will play against it.

Mephilia: Your conviction makes manifest. Then, hold nothing and do not left any strength behind.


Argento: Do not tell me the obvious. Let us just continue before the others can reach us.


They continued to run towards the direction that led to Iblis. They were getting close to the threat.

  • World: Multiversal Netherworld
  • Location: Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins

BGM: 死覇王のための賛歌 still playing



Necrox: ... Really? That's violence?


Magio: You seem really disappointed.


Necrox: Maybe I'll have to show how what I call violence!


Necrox barged at Gomorrah and spinned his scythe into the demon's body, slashing him entirely. Then, he threw a black knife to paralyze him and pinned him to the ground by plunging the scythe on his head. After that, he picked his shotgun and shot dark energy towards the scarlet sun. Then, from far, blinks appeared and glimmered.



Necrox: Feel the power of darkness!! Dark Filament!!


The giant beam came from far and fell directly on Gomorrah. As it still passed, it gave time to Giovanni to fill his EXS.



Giovanni: We have to end this!! Veil Off!!


Giovanni freed the energy from his EXS and a power aura appeared around him. His two guns had their jewels shining. Dark Filament's beam ended as Gomorrar, who had been badly injured, tried to get up.


???: Summon... me...


Giovanni: Eh?!


Necrox: Don't let us waiting for it. Do it.


Magio: What are you talking about?


Necrox: C'mon, Giovanni. Do it already.


Feeling something inside of him, Giovanni threw his gun in the air as it started to spin and become an orb, filled with radiating red light.



Giovanni: At my command!! Come, Inferno Wings Magnazorda!!


Both him and the orb got enveloped into a fire tornado. When it stopped, the sky had become even more red with the rise of the dragon of the gun's jewel...


Magnazorda: I am Magnazorda, Eternal Dragon and Blazing Ruin of Ishgria!! Under my Summoner's command, all shall become nothing to my flames!!


Giovanni: Holy saint, mother of god!! I summoned it?!


Magio: Awesome!! A dragon!!


Giovanni: W-Wait, where's Kiravel?

Magnazorda: Summoner Giovanni. Let Kiravel rest. Now, battle with my bestowed gift.


Then, a rocket launcher made of dragon scalse and with a similar form to Magnazorda's head appeared into his hands.



Giovanni: Nice! A RPG, just for the moment!

Magnazorda: Come aboard, Summoner!! We shall burn our enemy as one!!


Giovanni: Well said! Let's go! *jumps on Magnazorda*


Necrox: Count me in. I'm always a violence fan!


Magio: Let's end this and keep our pace!


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Two skill orbs were headed towards Jebediah, one from Giovanni and another from Necrox. Seeing how powerful the Dark Filament skill was, he immediately took the skill orb, replacing Zonde with Dark Filament, and letting the other skill orb fade away. Jebediah was both overjoyed and terrified at the same time.



Jebediah: Their power is beyond anything I've ever seen...but now I have a fragment of that power and they don't even know it. Hmm...what to do with this...


Mimicry remained active, but it would take an even stronger skill for him to replace the one he currently had...and he had hoped a stronger skill would soon show itself. He was curious as to how the others were doing as well, considering he had lost track of part of the group.

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4 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:
  • World: World of Distortions
  • Location: Crisis City (?)

BGM: Terror infinitus


Victoria seemed to enjoy to be trated a little like a leader. However, she knew no easier way of reaching Iblis. Then, she heard Deadpool's complaint about boredom.



Victoria: You're not the only one. But I guess we have more pressing matters...


Anna: What pressing matters?


Victoria: Argento and Mephilia are already off a little away from us.


Anna: R-Really?! Why he had not waited?!


Victoria: He's actually wanting us to die. Why would you think he wait?


Anna: We have to chase him! Which way did he went?


Victoria: East.


With a nod, Anna went down into the streets below her and ran towards the way Argento and Mephilia went, without thinking that she had no way of defending herself except creating a barrier.



Victoria: Hey, don't run, damnit! You're our healer!!


Victoria got down and went after the running Anna. As much as she didn't liked to admit, one needed the other, so the heart of the angel must continue to beat if the witch wishes to keep cursing the souls of humans.


"Ah, geez........we better go after them."


"We might as well. We don't want to fall behind and lose our only guides to Iblis."


The group ran towards Anna and Victoria and eventually caught up to them. Mary let the two know her displeasure with Argento leaving them behind almost immediately......


"Can we get a move on, already? We don't want to let Argento leave us behind........"



"Argento's still better off with our help, regardless of his opinion."


While that was going on, two silhouettes watched off in the distance from the shadows, having watched the battle between the heroes and ........



"Look at those guys. Not a damn ounce of fear in any of them. Including those two angels over there........."


@OxyontheWolf, your move!


5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Giovanni: We have to end this!! Veil Off!!


Giovanni freed the energy from his EXS and a power aura appeared around him. His two guns had their jewels shining. Dark Filament's beam ended as Gomorrar, who had been badly injured, tried to get up.


???: Summon... me...


Giovanni: Eh?!


Necrox: Don't let us waiting for it. Do it.


Magio: What are you talking about?


Necrox: C'mon, Giovanni. Do it.


Feeling something inside of him, Giovanni threw his gun in the air as it started to spin and become an orb, filled with radiating red light.



Giovanni: At my command!! Come, Inferno Wings Magnazorda!!


Both him and the orb got enveloped into a fire tornado. When it stopped, the sky had become even more red with the rise of the dragon of the gun's jewel...


Magnazorda: I am Magnazorda, Eternal Dragon and Blazing Ruin of Ishgria!! Under my Summoner's command, all shall become nothing to my flames!!


Giovanni: Holy saint, mother of god!! I summoned it?!


Magio: Awesome!! A dragon!!


Giovanni: W-Wait, where's Kiravel?

Magnazorda: Summoner Giovanni. Let Kiravel rest. Now, battle with my bestowed gift.


Then, a rocket launcher made of dragon scalse and with a similar form to Magnazorda's head appeared into his hands.



Giovanni: Nice! A RPG, just for the moment!

Magnazorda: Come aboard, Summoner!! We shall burn our enemy as one!!


Giovanni: Well said! Let's go!


Necrox: Count me in. I'm always a violence fan!


Magio: Let's end this and keep our pace!


"Say no more, Magio! EVERYONE READY?!"


With Malin taking the charge, she and Yamazaki attacked Gomorrah with a devastating hammer and hack-n-slash combination, weakening the beast severely in the process.





Yamazaki's status as a Hakkesshu soon came to light, the power of Death empowering him. He went ahead and stabbed the beast in both eyes, blinding it in the process and struck the monster with a headbutt so powerful, a small explosion formed upon the point of impact.

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