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15 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"Leave it to me!"


Malin then proceeded to smash her hammer against the brainwashed hedgehog, sending him flying and crashing to the ground.


(leaps from behind Malin, her Ember Celica glowing and she dives to Dusk, fists ready to strike) You know the saying! LADIES FIRST!!!! (grabs Dusk and uppercuts him) YOU FINISH 'IM MALIN!

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"Hey, try not to kill Dusk, we still need him!"


Malin then struck Dusk with the hammer once more, causing him to be laid out by the attack. Yamazaki then proceeded to check on the brainwashed hedgehog.



"Well, you knocked him out. Now what?"

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1 hour ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"Hey, try not to kill Dusk, we still need him!"


Malin then struck Dusk with the hammer once more, causing him to be laid out by the attack. Yamazaki then proceeded to check on the brainwashed hedgehog.



"Well, you knocked him out. Now what?"

latest?cb=20151201091453 we did a great team! don'cha think Malin? you're certainly a cool girl, maybe I can even get you on team RWBY!



(checking trough his magic satchel) I am sure I had a couple of de-brainwashing devices here......gun ammo.....a gameboy....my baby blanket....my adamantium sword with Deathstroke blood......some LEGO blocks, a bomb.....nope no luck...maybe I can find it, it'll take time

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Dusk's unconcious body suddenly turns black then vanishes. It is revealed that the knocked-out Dusk is just his shadow. Suddenly, Dusk appears behind Malin.

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18_d9p082"...That's a big hammer...Too big for you... It slows you down..."

Dusk proceeds to grab Malin and throws her at Yang.


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u4EsOao.pngWell, that's unexpected. I better create illusionary clones of myself. *creates illusionary clones* Good thing they all behave differently but still have the same AI like me. *teleports in the middle of the group full of clones* That way, nobody knows who the real YokuMan is, yet both the real deal and the clones can deal hefty damage. And now...

p49qVEg.png...have some of this!

All YokuMan duplicates as well as the real one now shoot a big spray of projectiles at Dusk, whose big mistake was to clear his distance between himself and Malin/Yang, thus being a completely open target.

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Before colliding with Yang, Malin managed to maneuver her way past her in mid-air, and just barely able to roll back up to commence the next fight.



"Okay, you wanna play hardball? You got it!"



"Count me in as well! Whoever's the one brainwashing Dusk probably won't last long once we get to them!"



"Time to show you the way back to our side, Dusk! Hang in there!"


The trio of Malin, Yamazaki, and Peko wound up having to gang up on Dusk in order to try to knock some sense into him. Needless to say, Mary took this time to think of a new strategy........



"If fighting Dusk becomes pointless, we might as well force him to tell us where the head honcho behind his brainwashing is......."

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Dusk again clones himself to avoid getting hit by YokuMan's projectiles. But while switching places with his clone, Dusk was distracted by Malin, Yamazaki and Peko and thus, one of the projectiles hit him in the abdomens. Dusk notices blood coming out from his belly.

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18_d9p082"Oh crap... I was too slow..."


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bX7E6Ba.pngWait a second, you weren't hit by any of my bullets.

8ar9neR.pngLet me check. *picks up a bloody bullet from the ground* Oh no...this is bad news. We got another villian resurrected due to time rifts.

4VW7xNM.pngWait, let me see, sir! *checks out bullet* Oh crud, I remember this bullet immidiatelly! Gentlement, we are now being assaulted by Sniper Wolf!

pi5Wlrr.pngWait, Sniper Wolf? As in, one of the Foxhound renegates? Damn, by that logic, we would have to deal with both Medusa AND Liquid Snake!

bX7E6Ba.pngOkay, we have no means to battle a sniper right now, so EVERYBODY RUN!!! AND DON'T CHOOSE DUSK'S ROUTE!

Will the heroes survive Sniper Wolf's onslaught? Are Medusa and Liquid Snake possibly teaming up? Is even a new Metal Gear in the works? And who is actually the one in control of this time rift madness?

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"Okay, Dusk you're coming with us! No one's dying on my watch!"


Yamazaki brought Dusk towards the group and looked up only to find bullets heading his way. He maneuvered his way past them, and Malin deflected the bullets with her blades, while Alice kept a barrier working for the rest of the group. Malin took this time to make conversation about their newfound enemy.......



"I think I remember hearing about this Sniper Wolf. Something about her being a competent assassin that got killed by those robots? I heard it from my schoolmates back home."



"If what those robots said is true, then this woman's back for revenge........."



"Here's to getting rid of her before we get to our next destination, wherever it may be."



Mary then noticed something off about Yang.......



"Ummm, Yang? What happened to your arm?"



"Oh sh*t! She's right, look!"



To @OxyontheWolf, hopefully you've seen the latest episode of RWBY to know where this is going........


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Magio: Dusk...


BGM: The Warriors of Hope


Suddenly, Argento charged and grabbed Dusk's head. Then, a dark energy coming from him started to fill the hedgehog.



Renko: What's he doing?!


Magio: Argento!!


Argento: This place is about to be erased. I ask you: do we have time for safe methods?


Magio: But-


Argento: No. And I am more than tired of this merry roundabout that takes us nowhere!


Then, he dropped the hedgehog violently on the ground and started to stomp his chest. On the last stomp, he pushed his foot against his body so fiercely that some of Dusk's blood gushed onto his boots.



Argento: There you go. My boot is soaked in blood and he is completely unconscious. Can we go now?!


Maribel: D-D-Did you killed him?!

Argento: If my intention was to kill him, then I would never cloaked his conciousness in darkness if the first place.


Renko: But that woman right there said that he's been brainwashed and she would be brainwashed if she kept any longer-


Argento: No brainwash will work on me. I will never become a puppet of some stupid bastard who is unable to show their face around and fight with its own power. And if you plan to ask about him, I could care more than nothing about his life... or about you all, except for Magio.


Magio: ...


Then, the Distortion started to crumble apart. Soon, a white portal to lead them out appeared.



Argento: If you all desire to stay here any longer and try to discover who did this to him, so be it. Good riddance for you after you disappear along with this place.


And then, he walked and left by the portal. With his conscience cloaked by Argento's darkness, Dusk would never wake up until he was bathed by light and even the mastermind behind the brainwashing wouldn't be able to control him until said darkness disappear. Magio grabbed Dusk's body.



Magio: It's... best if we leave for now. We can decide what we'll do with Dusk outside the Distortion.


Renko: Right behind you!


Maribel: Ah, please! Don't leave me behind!


The three left the Distortion, with Magio carrying Dusk. The crumbling got more stronger, so there was no time for them to waste.


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LG1wLF4.pngWell then, let's get going before we end up buried under the rubble.

u4EsOao.pngAnd after getting out, we need to solve the problem with Dusk, get rid of Medusa's remaining forces and then find a way to deal with Liquid Snake and his comrades. Knowing that Foxhound is big on science, Liquid might be aware of a prototype that could cause such time rifts.

And without waiting any further, the Unlimited Force followed their friends on the way out. Meanwhile, the sniper, which the Unlimited Force could identify as "Sniper Wolf" was picked up by a helicopter, which proceeded to fly inside another portal in order to escape the crumbling distortion. What will happen with Dusk now? And how is it going with Deadpool and his friends?

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6 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"Okay, Dusk you're coming with us! No one's dying on my watch!"


Yamazaki brought Dusk towards the group and looked up only to find bullets heading his way. He maneuvered his way past them, and Malin deflected the bullets with her blades, while Alice kept a barrier working for the rest of the group. Malin took this time to make conversation about their newfound enemy.......



"I think I remember hearing about this Sniper Wolf. Something about her being a competent assassin that got killed by those robots? I heard it from my schoolmates back home."



"If what those robots said is true, then this woman's back for revenge........."



"Here's to getting rid of her before we get to our next destination, wherever it may be."



Mary then noticed something off about Yang.......



"Ummm, Yang? What happened to your arm?"



"Oh sh*t! She's right, look!"


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To @OxyontheWolf, hopefully you've seen the latest episode of RWBY to know where this is going........


It's semblance time (puts on sunglasses)

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Much to everyone's surprise, Dusk suddenly jumps out of Magio's arms. His eyes has become normal again, thanks to Argento's darkness power. However, Dusk runs back into the Distortion, with a pissed-off face.

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"Argento... the darkness that you gave me spread to that brat's mind instead. All of you, leave this place now! I have unfinished business here...''


Dusk runs toward a hole and jumps in it. He lands into Nemesis' base and sees a weakened Nemesis. 

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR7SWB005aNNzYMv_8pdEh"ugh... how is that possible...?"


Dusk began to spawn all of his shadow clones and orders them to attack Nemesis. While Nemesis is being tortured, Dusk sits on a chair and laughs at her.

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"How does that feels like, being tortured to death huh? Since your victims died because of your tortures, I'm going to do the same thing to you..."

A scream can be heard from there, and it is revealed that Dusk has killed Nemesis.


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8 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"Okay, Dusk you're coming with us! No one's dying on my watch!"


Yamazaki brought Dusk towards the group and looked up only to find bullets heading his way. He maneuvered his way past them, and Malin deflected the bullets with her blades, while Alice kept a barrier working for the rest of the group. Malin took this time to make conversation about their newfound enemy.......



"I think I remember hearing about this Sniper Wolf. Something about her being a competent assassin that got killed by those robots? I heard it from my schoolmates back home."



"If what those robots said is true, then this woman's back for revenge........."



"Here's to getting rid of her before we get to our next destination, wherever it may be."



Mary then noticed something off about Yang.......



"Ummm, Yang? What happened to your arm?"



"Oh sh*t! She's right, look!"


  Reveal hidden contents

To @OxyontheWolf, hopefully you've seen the latest episode of RWBY to know where this is going........



ACK- (receives a bullet on her arm, it starts bleeding) .... what in the...didn't Sniper Ocelot die!?


Comic_Vezon.png...yes....but he came back....thank yours truly (smirks, revealing to have rendered useless both Trap-Jaw and Wizrock)


latest?cb=20130101030907 VEZON! YOU DOUBLE CROSSING SON OF A (Vezon proceeds to stab Deadpool repeated times, sucessfully disarming him by hitting some of his nerves)



aaah what you didn't knew is that I had a job with FoxHound....and I had to bring Ocelot back for one last job...I figured making an alliance with a troop of brainless cavemen would help me get the best facade possible so I would stay on the shadows for enough time (casts a lightning bolt, that scorches Mirror Knight with enough energy to knock him unconcious) and now....I guess the party begins (laughs frantically and with his spear, he tries beheading Yang, Yang manages to duck and the spear....cuts some of Yang's hair)



WHA- (ducks, notices her hair) ....(her hair starts glowing and her eyes turn red) OH IT IS ON!!!! (bangs her Ember Celica and goes into battle stance) 


BGM: I Burn! 







OOC: I know Yang can't use an arm...but that won't stop her from using her semblance...and will the team get some answers from Vezon? well, @TotalDramaXtremist I thought Malin could aid Yang in the battle against Vezon, what do you say?


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OOC: Not Sniper Ocelot, but Sniper Wolf. You know, the female sniper from the first Metal Gear Solid that Solid Snake had to fight against.

Also, I think you should follows us, because the Distortion is collapsing and everyone else, including us, had escaped already.

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2 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

OOC: Not Sniper Ocelot, but Sniper Wolf. You know, the female sniper from the first Metal Gear Solid that Solid Snake had to fight against.

Also, I think you should follows us, because the Distortion is collapsing and everyone else, including us, had escaped already.

(Yang grabs her teammates and runs, escaping the Distortion, Vezon just simply teleports away)

600?cb=20120210171151  ...I must warn FoxHound about this gang of incompetent fools....

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OOC: Okay, who is this guy? I don't remember him from Metal Gear Solid 1. Liquid Snake's group always consisted out of Sniper Wolf, Psycho Mantis, Vulcan Raven, Octopus Decoy, Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake himself.

I had no intention to bring back Octopus Decoy, because he hardly does anything in the original Metal Gear Solid 1, but the other 5 I planned to make them return.

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38 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

OOC: Okay, who is this guy? I don't remember him from Metal Gear Solid 1. Liquid Snake's group always consisted out of Sniper Wolf, Psycho Mantis, Vulcan Raven, Octopus Decoy, Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake himself.

I had no intention to bring back Octopus Decoy, because he hardly does anything in the original Metal Gear Solid 1, but the other 5 I planned to make them return.

Vezon's just a paid mercenary what means, he's just doing this for the money, I don't know better ways to link him to the plot, but I think he does a great antagonist

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