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The Role-Play Paradise


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Cool! Didn't knew you had more OCs!


Scarlet Devil Mansion


= character thinking.



"Heh... good answer, Time. Giving me tips is like feeding birds, easy and boring..."


Then, Necrox looked at the maid. Thanks to his accidental time travelling, he eventually saw her.



Sakuya...? No, you're Nameless... damned 200 year war...


"In any case, it's important that you remember. But don't do that now."


Then, he heard YokuMan.



"He's not lying. That paradox is growing slowly, but it's still growing. If we waste more time, we'll eventually reach a clash between past and future."


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LkjqbZJ.pngHmm...did you saw something strange there? Because after my team left Kalos City and checked the cameras of the battle tournament in The Underground, we noticed something strange.

LkjqbZJ.pngAfter a karate guy named LightFlare won the tournament, we saw him meet with multiple persons.

LkjqbZJ.pngCody, Potemkin and Heavy D! were nothing out of common, but then, we saw something we could never believe.

LkjqbZJ.pngOne guy called Zero is back, accompanied by a Gensokyan magician called Marisa Kirasame. Zero is extremely important, because he was a major member of a originally fallen organization called NESTS,  which dealed a lot with clones, and he was believed to be dead.

LkjqbZJ.pngAt first, we thought nothing about it, but then, the time paradoxes happened. These time paradoxes and the return of NESTS members cannot be coincidende. Then again, I always thought that coincidences are complete humbug.

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Scarlet Devil Mansion



"Nope, nothing unusual. But let me check for a bit."


Necrox started to meditate as he got enveloped into scarlet light. After a while, he got back down.



"Well, she's there, nothing unusual. But maybe we should get more calm."


"If you're guessing why, my brother Magio is with her. While I can travel through time, he can travel through space. With that said, he'll know what to do if her power goes out of control."


Kalos City



"No sign of anything."


"Magio, what are we looking exactly?"


"If I'm not wrong, there's a dimensional interference right at this city. If we don't move fast enough, it'll cause trouble."


"I see. Is that what you usually do, Magio? If that is so, then why?"


Magio's Theme: Strange Bird of the Moon, Illusion of Mysterious Cat



"Because that's my duty."


"Huh? Why?"


"I am a Dimensional Master. I have the power to travel through space. And with every power, comes a responsibility."


"I have the obligation to eliminate any Dimensional Distortion I encounter. If I don't do that, worlds will easily collide and they will be destroyed in the collision."


"I see... so you felt something here and came to investigate."


"Not only that. Another duty of mine is to guarantee that all Universes are Peaceful. If any of them are considered to be Threatened, I'll go and help."


"And... this Universe is Threatened?!"




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Its been days and LightFlare continues his training with Neji. He finds himself deep in his thoughts. It is a dark void. A small light can be seen off in the distance. As he moves closer to it... a familiar silhouette forms...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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I've been told recently by Darkflare that he thinks this thread is becoming too crowded and that having a separate section for it might be the solution.


Anyone else here thinks the same? If so, would you agree on a separate section?


Preferrably I would like a response from everyone here (Magio, Kaiser, Dumanios, Rice, Lightflare, TimeWeaver, etc...) so I have everybody's thoughts on the matter.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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@Winmugen11 It's kinda sketchy. On the one hand I agree that it's getting a bit crowded. But on the other hand separating the thread would kinda screw with the contiunity of the storyline. Although there are several side arcs going on most of characters have interacted or cross paths. How could it be done without screwing with the continuity of the story? Let's see we have...

The LightFlare Saga(myself, Darkflare, Trinitrolight, Trailblazer, TimeWeaver, Magio and probably others that I forgot)

Shrine Maiden Saga (same list as above)

Dimensional Master (same)

Darkflare controls a multitude of characters. So I can see his point-of-veiw. I too have taken on multiple characters but it seems all stroylines winvolve each other enough that putting them in separate threads will complicate things. Im not even sure if I got all the stroylines listed. Most likely not. Help me out on this guys.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Well, we have to consider that all of us are not controlling one single character, but many. Considering the sagas we currently have, it's hard for me to say that we should stay with only one thread.


However, we have to consider that we'll might have to start all over again. After all, in a point or another, the Shrine Maiden and the Dimensional Master sagas were born from the Lightflare saga. Not only that, but we'll have to see if we can do this separation. I RPed a 1x1 story here once with Fael, but our topic got considered as spam and we had to move out to another forum to do it.


That's my opinion.


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Yeah having different storylines all going on at once is way too confusing. Having a roleplay section would make it much easier to follow.

If a storyline is dependent on another, they could very easily put a link into the first post for people to catch up on.

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Hmm...since the Dimensional Master Saga seems to have been completely merged with the Shrine Maiden Saga (forming what I like to call the "Gensokyo Paradox of Time and Space" Saga), and since that saga is linking with LightFlare's saga (the one with Kyo and Shingo, NOT the one with Ryu/LightFlare) one last time, I guess that the Gensokyo Paradox Saga should reach its end first.

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Thanks everyone for your input on the subject. If I understand it well, we can all agree that :


1) a separate role-play section would be desired;


2) all current story-lines need to reach their end first;


3) all future story-lines will have their own thread in the separate RP section?


Is that about right, guys 'n' gals?


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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Thanks everyone for your input on the subject. If I understand it well, we can all agree that :


1) a separate role-play section would be desired;


2) all current story-lines need to reach their end first;


3) all future story-lines will have their own thread in the separate RP section?


Is that about right, guys 'n' gals?

Something like that, yes.

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Thanks everyone for your input on the subject. If I understand it well, we can all agree that :


1) a separate role-play section would be desired;


2) all current story-lines need to reach their end first;


3) all future story-lines will have their own thread in the separate RP section?


Is that about right, guys 'n' gals?

I'm fine with that.


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Thanks everyone for your input on the subject. If I understand it well, we can all agree that :


1) a separate role-play section would be desired;


2) all current story-lines need to reach their end first;


3) all future story-lines will have their own thread in the separate RP section?


Is that about right, guys 'n' gals?



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