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"You sure? You don't believe these clowns, do you? They seem too incompetenet to solve any kind of incident especially one that would affect the universe."

LkjqbZJ.pngHey, we are competent indeed. Just pit someone of us against a badguy, if you want proof.

No matter what you say, you really just want to shit on me, just because you hate me for no reasons.

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"Really now? You seem rather eager to prove that point. You should be careful what you wish for."

Yes, that's exactly the reason and certainly not because it would be in character for Meimu to respond like that.

Hey, I don't break any rules right now, so if you have a problem with me, then let's settle this OUTSIDE the RP thread.

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Last I checked, Rice gave you a warning for overreacting. You don't want to get another one, right?

Actually, I got a warning point for a different reason. Unless you mean RicePigeon's attempt at calming me down. The problem is: I was calm, until DarkFlare decided to be hostile towards me for no reasons.

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Alright Trini, I'm not gonna have to warn you again. It's becoming very disruptive to the thread now. If you feel you have an issue with Darkflare you should report him and let a moderator like myself sort it out. As as I see it, most of Darkflare's comments are rather harmless aside from the ones about you being disruptive and godmodding, to which he's right about. If you can't calm down and refrain from further disruptive behavior I'll have no choice but to take further action.

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LightFlare has proven himself to thw Hyuga Clan. He begins to walk towards Neji to break the seal.


Suddenly Neji frees himself. He is the first to do so since LightFlare learned this new technique. Although if LightFlare's intent were to kill Neji...he'd most likely already be dead.


You've done well, LightFlare. You defeated my nephew and proved yourself to be a true warrior deserving of our tutelage.



.......congratulations. It would seem that one as strong as you should be teaching me.


I'm sure we can learn from each other.


Indeed. You are very wise...and hungry I suspect. Follow me. We shall prepare a feast in you honor. Then you should get some rest. We have a lot of work to do in the days to come.


It will be an honor, Sensei Haishi.


The feeling is mutual, LightFlare. You and Neji will be examined and Neji sill show you to your quarters.


Yes sir. I'm fine. But LightFlare might need immediate medical attention. Hehehe!


Yea. I'm beat. Hahaha!

The medical ninja tend to LightFlare and Neji's wounds. Neji later leads LightFlare to his quarters. He cleans himself up and joins Sensei Haishi, Neji and some of the other Hyuga Clan members for dinner. They talk about the upcoming days of training. LightFlare shares his story and the reasons why he travels the world in search of battle and new adventure. He talks about the clones, his curse and why he must get stronger in order to face Igniz. Afterwards LightFlare returns to his quarters where he falls fast asleep. In the morning he will begin his training.





Meanwhile in Kalos City, Kyo and the others go about their lives. In the ever changing metropolis of Kalos City opportunity and danger are sometimes literally right around the corner.


Kyo and Shingo cruise the city. Shingo tries to get Kyo to relax but it's not easy when a couple of maniac clones bent on capturing and experimenting on you.


Yo Kyo? Cheer up bro.


Easy for you to say. Noone wants to extract YOUR DNA and create an army of crazy clones...


Crazy!? Man they going for the wrong guy. When it comes to getting crazy...I'm a beast son! Hahaha!


No argument here...

*Kyo's phone rings*

Heh...looks like my luck just changed. Hello?


Sup Kyo baby?! You busy tonight?


Nah. Just trying to keep my sanity. Why? You wanna party?


No! I wanna hang out at the library! Whatayu think?!


Heh...party it is then.


Party!? Let's go!


Yo Angel? Yo got a sidekick for my boy Shingo?


As a matter of fact...I planned for it.


Then we'll be there.


We'll be there? We'll be there! Wait...where is there?


Where's the party, Angel? It's not The Bottom again?


No way! That's the last place I wanna be on my night off. Meet me at Club Phoenix.


It's a date...


Ok baby. *smooch* Later...



*Kyo hangs up*


So what's the plan, man?


You and are gonna meet Angel and her wing girl at Club Phoenix tonight.


Yeeeeeah! Its on like Cheech and Chong!



As the sun goes does down, Kalos City lights up like a fireworks show. The night life begins and the streets glow with a certian appeal that only Kalos City can provide. Kyo can't help but wonder when LightFlare will be back. When the time comes Zero and his associates will undoubtedly make their move. Only time will tell...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Meanwhile at a hotel room in Kalos city. The boss trio sit together as they discuss their next course of action.


"I've been keeping my eye on Kusanagi all day and those clones haven't shown up."


"I'm beginning to suspect that we may be doing this the wrong way. After all, we're not deal with an ordinary enemy."


"Yea, our former megalomaniac tyrant with a god complex isn't exactly what one would call ordinary."


"That's precisely the problem. Igniz knows us and it's fair to assume that he already knows we're involved."


"In other words, he most likely knows what we're going to do before we actually do it."


"But we know Igniz well ourselves, so that goes both ways, right?"


"In theory, but Igniz probably has something up his sleeve to deal against us to catch us off guard."


"So we'll just have to come up with something that will catch him off guard himself."


"Indeed, we'll need an X-Factor of our own. You two should let me handle that and continue your missions for the moment."

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Kalos City



"Kokoro, wake up."


"Hnnnnnggggh... aaaaaaah. Good morning, Magio!!"


"You seem to be excited and it's only morning."


"Yup!! 'Cuz I'm feelin' that we're gonna make sum discovery, bro!!"


"Eehh... right... let's go then."


"Alright! Ready to fly at you command!"


"We have to give the keys back first. Let's go to the elevator."




Magio and Kokoro took the elevator and got down to the lobby. They gave the keys back to the receptionist, thanked Magio's acquaintance and got out. When they got out, they met a figure that Magio got shocked on seeing.





"Oh, hello. I see you know me as well. Are you a brother of Necrox or Lilly, perhaps?"


"Yeah, I am. Magio Toadstool."


"And I'm Hata no Kokoro."


"I see. A pleasure to meet you two. Are you two headed somewhere?"


"Well, we're going to investigate something."


"Mind if I go with you? I have a feeling there is something happening on the city."


"I would rather not, because I don't want to involve you in trouble. But, for a reason, I will let you come with us."


"Thank you. I will do my best to aid you."


With her around them, Magio removed the flying plan and started to walk, while Maribel followed him. Before she walked along, Kokoro mumbled to herself.



"Darn it, another chick that knows Magio. If I don't move, he'll never love me. I'll keep an eagle eye on this girl and if she gets on my way, I'll remove her."


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*Time stops eating for a moment*

So have we.


Ain't that the truth? Don't think you're alone on enduring a lot, because unfortunately some of us go through the same. So unless you've had to save the world from a potential time paradox, don't count us out

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"Uhuh, Shrine maiden... It might not seem I'm alone... But in fact, I am alone.. Ever since I've been out from the mansion to live on my own, after I didn't fit in with the hectic life of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, everything I've tried to live with has dissapeared, in my own eyes, I've seen things noone should have to see. There's beings out there actively wanting my mysery... And I've grown too old to accept it anymore... Please serve this as warning, do not try to befriend me, leave me alone.. It's probably a risk for your life."

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