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What could I even offer? I'm utterly powerless and it's my fault *clenches his fists.*

A voice from behind states, "Sometimes power isn't everything. On some occasions, having information and allies can be enough."



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*As the next set popped up, Lightflare would note that there seemed to be even more invalid targets grouped in. On top of that, some of the valid targets were surrounded by invalid ones forcing one to be more precise on top of already requiring quick reactions due to their quick disappearance.*akumaq.gif

"You won't hit them on time if you try to line up your attack for those. And if you're not precise with your attack, you'll hit the wrong target."

ryuio.gif Here they come...

*LightFlare tenses up*

I do love a challenge...H UUUUUUUUUUUUURGHH!ryu-chaosfix.jpg

* LightFlare attacks with precision*



*LightFlare attacks from above each group of enemies striking the appropriate target in the middle*


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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*facepalms* I'm not even gonna ask why sasuke is here. *knocks on the door*


The door opens. Once you enter, the door closes behind you.


There's a sudden flash of light.


In front of you is a being of great power.





Outside the Room


Youmu and Sasuke leave the area. They head toward the training grounds, and then begin to spar.

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Here they come...

*LightFlare tenses up*

I do love a challenge...H UUUUUUUUUUUUURGHH!

* LightFlare attacks with precision*


*LightFlare attacks from above each group of enemies striking the appropriate target in the middle*

*Another beep signals the end of training session*


"Huh. Nice work. A couple of close calls there, but still..."


"What did you think? Looked like it really pushed you when it got going."

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Thats a pretty solid defense... but how long can you continue to block?

~Magic circles appear in the air around trailblazer, many more magic projectiles fire from them.~


W-wait a minute! I never said I wanted any battle! I don't do the whole "beat up random people on the street" thing!




*flies away at supersonic speeds*

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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*Another beep signals the end of training session*akumae.gif"Huh. Nice work. A couple of close calls there, but still..."akumaq.gif"What did you think? Looked like it really pushed you when it got going."


Phew...that was an invigorating workout. I've fought multiple enemies before but that was pretty intense. How about a real challenge. An enemy that fights back. The bigger the better...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Well, me and trailblazer haven't been on the best of terms, but from what I've heard, he's been trying to recruit people. I'm not quite sure what that cause is but it might be for something big, like killing Laharl I think.

"So he intends to build an army..." Hastur states, "If he intends to fight Laharl, then he would certainly need the army."

"But if he obtains this army..." he pauses, before hitting a button. This button's purpose: to alert every member of the team to come to HQ.

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