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hey I am bored and if you guys have anything you want to ask me go for it. You have no boundaries except for keeping it SFW to an extent. I will reply how I feel like doing so don't take offense. if you ask me a stupid question I will give you a stupid answer so yeah go for it I would prefer if you did it in this format. this is not limited to mugen.


1. question 1


2. question 2


etc ask however many you want idc I will answer them as I see them.




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1. Randomly  searching youtube videos and finding it out that way.


2. thats a tricky one I have quite a few. I will get back to you on that  when I can come up with a definite answer list.


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1. Tron bonne by legendary Xm90 I used to be a massive fan of her when I was younger.


2. RPG mostly fighters are just for fun for me, I mostly prefer turn based rpgs but I do enjoy some action ones. there are a few one off titles like gta, watchdogs and so on I will enjoy as well.




1. I suck at fighters lol


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Might as well come up with some of my own:


1. Favorite Video game of all time?


2. Any girl you like the most in Sengoku Rance?


3. Favorite Movies?


4. Your type of playstyle when it comes to fighting games? (Shoto, Rushdown, Charge, Grappler, etc)


5. What kind of superpowers would you like?



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1. the Disgaea Series obviously


2. HMMM thats a tricky one I guess Kenshin I like her character personality and design


3. what kind of movies are you  asking for exactly? in general? I haven't watched many lately so I don't have much to say there


4. zoner I guess rushdown as well depending who the char is.


5. the power to travel through time as well as immortality so I could advance to the best ages of gaming and so on.


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1.  What, in your opinion, is the crappiest MUGEN Character you ever downloaded?


2. Character with the largest filesize you've downloaded?


3. When and why did you enter the Mugen Free For All community?


4. Is your opinion of Ino still the same? (Don't know why I'm bringing this up, but it's been a while since the subject of Naruto was brought up between us.)

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1. oh boy the crappiest? thats really hard to nail down I have downloaded alot of crap and got rid of it or stored it um I guess I will say the laharl or prinny laharl for mugen just cause its a disgrace to the character and it pissed me off?


2. I was going to say Miku yeah I guess Miku hatsune over 300 mb.


3. I entered it around 5 or 6 years ago? it was because I was just getting into mugen and liked the atmosphere for a noob till I grew up and am well not a noob anymore.


4. yes shes a useless bitch still.


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1. see this is difficult cause my favorites change as the time goes on lol currently im into panty and stocking with garterbelt


2. Southpark


3. I can't choose that


4. to many to count.


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Question. 1 Why this thread so gassy?


Question. 2 You know you love me bro.


Question. 3 Who is your favorite Disgaea character besides Laharl?


Question. 4 What next-gen system are you getting?

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1. cause everybody had the bean burrito for lunch


2. thats not even a question


3. Zetta, Etna or Flonne. Gig if you count him


4. ps4 and probably wii u when bayonetta 2 is out.


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