Werewood Posted February 1, 2014 Posted February 1, 2014 First thing first: Happy Chinese New Year Of The Horse 2014! Happy Chinese New Year Of The Horse 2014! Custom Experimental TRF2 Beatrice Exclusively announced in MUGEN FREE FOR ALL, my new MUGEN home Beatrice is from The Rumble Fish 2 (TRF2), a 2D fighting game produced by Dimps and published by Sammy If you don't know about or forget The Rumble Fish 2 (TRF2) then this YouTube video might help introduce it to you or refresh your memory: - official web site (index page): http://www.dimps.co.jp/product/rumblefish2/ - official web site (Beatrice info. page): http://www.dimps.co.jp/product/rumblefish2/character.php?name=beatrice misc.: equestrian is her interest skill: can see fast things in slow motion - official web site (Beatrice commands page): http://www.dimps.co.jp/product/rumblefish2/command.php?name=beatrice MUGEN screenshot: OMK Beatrice: "Are you another chess piece bearing my name in the next game? But your dress and Ushiromiya crest look wrong......" TRF2 Beatrice: "What the heck are you talking about?" MUGEN video Preview (with nicovideo account): http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22797199 MUGEN viideo Preview (without nicovideo account): http://en.niconico.sarashi.com/?sm22797199 Please read the "MUGEN Manual.doc" and "About this MUGEN experiment 2014-01-31.doc" inside the MUGEN character. Please watch the MP4 tutorial videos inside the "MUGEN demo videos" folder in the MUGEN character. update_notes_2014-02-18: - fixed her MUGEN constants in [Velocity] and [Movement] for Beatrice's 640x480 localcoord (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - used Reimu's hitspark generator for all normal moves and non-energy-waves moves (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - got rid of the unused sprites in Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice.sff (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - fixed the "A walking Beatrice twitches around if she pushes a standing Beatrice." issue (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * * - added "persistent = 0" to some moves' "whoosh" Playsnd sctrls to get rid of a sound repeats bug. (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - added ScreenBound sctrl to fix the MUGEN1.1 zoomout stage Beatrice interesting throw bug. (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - added ScreenBound sctrl to fix the MUGEN1.1 zoomout stage Beatrice throw bug. (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - added SelfState sctrl to make Beatrice's Sexy KO happen in some custom states. (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - tried to separate the stronger "energy waves" from Beatrice's body and add MUGEN transparency to the stronger "energy waves" * I couldn't tell which colors of the lighter "energy waves" and the stronger "energy waves".....I judged them by their shapes and sizes... - improved Beatrice's A.I. - fixed the positions of Beatrice and P2 and used the highest possible SprPriority of elements used in the "Very Meaningful Desperation Move", for some MUGEN stages that have "higher floor" level......and tried to hide the "Guard" tag during the move.... - added a "Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice_boss.def" for MUGEN human players to use Beatrice's boss version * note that Beatrice's boss version is not able to use Boost Dive (Noble Force) There are three(3) different download files available in my SkyDrive: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!105#cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!524 1) Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice_2014-02-18_with_demo_videos.zip * 135 MB file size 2) Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice_2014-02-18_without_demo_videos.zip * 67 MB file size 3) Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice_2014-02-18_demo_videos_only.zip * 87 MB file size Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E-> Custom MUGEN Characters Experiments -> Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice -> Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice_2014-01-31.zipfor MUGEN 1.0 only.Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice.def - localcoord = 640,480(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480) Credit: Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu - reimu_z_beta 2013-10-31 that introduced TRF2 system to MUGEN just another hideout - TRF2 guide @ http://kofplayer.wordpress.com/rf2/ SRK - TRF2 guide @ http://forums.shoryuken.com/discussion/12577/the-rumblefish-2-thread-that-cf-built/p9 Noadi - her 2D horse sprite @ http://www.noadi.net/2d-art/pixel-art/ 物置のブログ - some TRF2 Beatrice arts @ http://kirinobeyanomonooki.seesaa.net/article/13106938.html Thank you: Dimps - The Rumble Fish 2 (TRF2) producer Sammy - The Rumble Fish 2 (TRF2) publisher Guru - for dumping The Rumble Fish 2 (TRF2) ROM Demul - for emulating The Rumble Fish 2 (TRF2) VirtuallTek Systems - Fighter Factory Classic MUGEN Free For All http://mugenfreeforall.com/ - Borewood's new MUGEN home Elecbyte http://www.elecbyte.com/ - MUGEN Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ and Zephyr 2 "I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood
sтαя∂υsт cяυsα∂εя Posted February 1, 2014 Posted February 1, 2014 Finally a Rumble Fish character for MUGEN Kudos on the release mate, will be trying her out for sure V-Nix Grafix & CGs || My 1.1 HD Lifebars
Darkflare Posted February 1, 2014 Posted February 1, 2014 How did you even get the sprites? I'm sure there a lot of creators out there interested in them.
Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ Posted February 1, 2014 Posted February 1, 2014 How did you even get the sprites? I'm sure there a lot of creators out there interested in them. Thats the Borewood's magic XD Yo she looks good. ✭Leaving my worries behind, feel the freedom of body and mind✭ I MyDeviantArt I MyYoutube I MyTwitter I
Shinzaki Posted February 1, 2014 Posted February 1, 2014 Dude....... Thank you. Directory of stages by Ryoucchi, Toaster, and I
gui0007 Posted February 1, 2014 Posted February 1, 2014 Goddness!! A Rumble Fish char! Borewood, you're really great, awesome! :D Reign of Kreation // POTS/POTS-ish Edits // MUGEN Duels // Collections: Characters - Stages
Shinzaki Posted February 1, 2014 Posted February 1, 2014 I fucking love you guys. This Beatrice has made my day. Directory of stages by Ryoucchi, Toaster, and I
Darkflare Posted February 1, 2014 Posted February 1, 2014 She could be upscaled a bit. It's really weird for her to look so.....small.
Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ Posted February 1, 2014 Posted February 1, 2014 She could be upscaled a bit. It's really weird for her to look so.....small. lol and i was thnking that Beatrice was big. ✭Leaving my worries behind, feel the freedom of body and mind✭ I MyDeviantArt I MyYoutube I MyTwitter I
Toshio Tenma Posted February 2, 2014 Posted February 2, 2014 That's a amazing release^^ Perhaps you could check my wip topic again, Werewood^^
Werewood Posted February 3, 2014 Author Posted February 3, 2014 How did you even get the sprites? I'm sure there a lot of creators out there interested in them. Used my usual traditional old "make-movies-take-screenshots-clean-images" method. Many things are missing and messed up during the ripping because there are many technical issues such as screen zooms, character body cut, overlapping, VFX attachments,....which are impossible for me to overcome.....hence the word, "experimental". Thats the Borewood's magic XD Yo she looks good. I am not a magician yo. Perhaps my MUGEN persistence pays a bit. She looks good only when she is not using any of her "energy waving" moves, and is not using close-to-P2 moves, as well as all win/lose poses..... She could be upscaled a bit. It's really weird for her to look so.....small. My MUGEN1.0 video setting uses 640x480. So, before I used Demul to rip things, I set Demul video to 640x480 too. As a result, in Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice.def I used localcoord = 640,480 and in Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice_const.cns I used xscale = 1 and yscale = 1 in , for Ryon once told me it is best not to change xscale & yscale values beside 1's. Of course, compared to OMK Beatrice, this TRF2 Beatrice looks smaller :o That's a amazing release^^ Well, not so amazing.........just a MUGEN experiment I was trying........my next TRF2 MUGEN experiment will be Greed, the TRF1 boss. If anything amazing, it shall belong to Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu's. "I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood
LightFlare_Da_Realest Posted February 3, 2014 Posted February 3, 2014 Make movies...clean images?! That's amazing! The mere thought of that exhausts me. You're truly one of a kind. Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best
Kazagami Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 I was wondering why the filesize is so huge... Can i suggest to separate the video and unused rips from her file? It'll save 100 MB for people who have limited bandwith :) WaifuLaifu Discord Server / Twitter / MUGEN releases
Werewood Posted February 6, 2014 Author Posted February 6, 2014 I was wondering why the filesize is so huge... Can i suggest to separate the video and unused rips from her file? It'll save 100 MB for people who have limited bandwith :) Thank you for your advice. I will look into this issue later soon. "I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood
Zzyzzyxx Posted February 10, 2014 Posted February 10, 2014 Don't worry if I sound too harsh with my feedback. I tend to accentuate the negative in my comments, but it doesn't mean that I don't find good things in your char (because I found many good things in her), but it's easier for me pointing what can be improved. * She's a 640x480 char, hence she requires some of her constants to have their value doubled, while some other constants should keep the original value: From her constants file: [Velocity] walk.fwd = 2.5296875 walk.back = -2.4359375 run.fwd = 6.625 run.back = -5.5,-3.796875 jump.neu = 0,-16 jump.back = -4.21875 jump.fwd = 4.21875 runjump.back = -5,-12 runjump.fwd = 10.875,-50 airjump.neu = 0,-12 airjump.back = -2.546875 airjump.fwd = 2.5 air.gethit.groundrecover = -.15,-3.5 ; should be -.3, -7 air.gethit.airrecover.mul = .5,.203125; OK air.gethit.airrecover.add = 0,-5 ; should be 0, -10 air.gethit.airrecover.back = -3.75 ; should be -7.5 air.gethit.airrecover.fwd = 4.5 air.gethit.airrecover.up = -.7890625 . should be around 1.5 air.gethit.airrecover.down = 1.5 [Movement] airjump.num = 0 airjump.height = 35 yaccel = .8631875 stand.friction = .85 crouch.friction = .85 stand.friction.threshold = 2 ; should be 4 crouch.friction.threshold = .05 ; should be .1 air.gethit.groundlevel = 25; should be 40/50 air.gethit.groundrecover.ground.threshold = -20 ; should be -40 air.gethit.groundrecover.groundlevel = 10 ; should be 20 air.gethit.airrecover.threshold = -1 ; should be -2 air.gethit.airrecover.yaccel = .35 ; should be her actual yaccel value, .8631875 air.gethit.trip.groundlevel = 15; should be 30 down.bounce.offset = 0, 20 ; should be 0,40 down.bounce.yaccel = .4 ; should be .8 down.bounce.groundlevel = 12 ; should be 24 Pay attention in particular for the values in bold + larger size (they are marked in red as well but I remembered that you're color-blind, hence I increased the size of the incorrect values so that you can identify them easily). They should be tweaked for at least 2x their size due to her being a 640x480 char (Reimu was 320x240). For example, if somebody uses a Crouching HK on her, she bounces at a really slow gravity after she hits the floor (her down.bounce.yaccel is .4 instead of .8). After modifying these constants you'll notice that some of her custom states like 5179 will feel strange, with the opponent falling too fast. Tweak the relevant velocity and/or gravity values in these custom states accordingly. * You decided to get rid of Reimu's hitspark generator (those codes in Reimu's -2 involving the vars 40 to 44). Instead you decided to simplify the code for hitsparks by spawning explods if Beatrice makes contact with the opponent. Unfortunately relying on the trigger movehit for generating them is unreliable because the hitsparks won't be spawned if she trades hits with the opponent ( she and her opponent hitting each other at the same time). I believe that instead of creating explods you can generate the hitsparks the usual way. Like KFM does. Instead of using this in her state 200, for example... [state 200, spark] type = explod trigger1 = movehit = 1 anim = 8000 pos = 73, ifelse(P2Dist X > 100, -117, -144) scale = 2, 2 sprpriority = 2 ownpal = 1 ignorehitpause = 1 persistent = 0 ... you can try using this in her hitdef: [state 201, Hit] type = hitdef (...) sparkno = s8000 guard.sparkno = s8020 sparkxy = new X value, new Y value * She has many of Reimu's special effects in her SFF, which aren't used at all in Beatrice. Get rid of the unused sprites to make Beatrice's SFF smaller. * A walking Beatrice twitches around if she pushes a standing Beatrice. Take a look at this post and understand why this happens: Like that Yamato, Beatrice's CLSNs in her stance don't cover her width. During some of her states, like her 1311, some of her sounds play many times in a row if she hits the opponent:http://www.mediafire.com/watch/211su22ki632r44/playsnd.wmv Add a line "persistent=0" in the relevant Playsnd sctrls to get rid of this bug. Her throw needs a proper Screenbound sctrl, to avoid bugs like this one, in Mugen 1.1 zoomed stages:http://www.mediafire.com/watch/cq1sn2u4mo70113/zoom.wmv Keep in mind that this is an extreme example (the stage I showed in the video has zoomout=0.2 instead of a more reasonable value of 0.6, for testing purposes), but it shows clearly how serious this bug is. You can add the following code to some of her custom states, like her 5177: [state XXX, Sexy KO] type = Selfstate trigger1 = !Alive value = 5020 It helps the sexy KO of her and other girls with similar sexy KO codes to be triggered properly. Without this code she must wait until she reaches the state 5110 so that she loses her clothes. With it, she loses them right when she starts flying from being hit. Because the defeated Beatrice can't trigger the sexy KO code while she's in a custom state. That code above forces the opponent to enter in a selfstate immediately after he died. That's what I could find for now. Unfortunately I can't test her seriously due to a critical lack of available time. Despite these bugs, I like her. She brings a much bigger feeling of completion that my Reimu does, and her gameplay feels more like a Rumble Fish char than my Reimu. There's a lot of effort from yours put here, and I feel like the result ended up above the average in my opinion. I have no clue of how complicated Reimu's codes might actually be. I hope you didn't get crazy during the process of trying to understand them, because, for me, making them was a real pain
Werewood Posted February 10, 2014 Author Posted February 10, 2014 @Rimu: >> Don't worry if I sound too harsh with my feedback. I tend to accentuate the negative in my comments, but it doesn't mean.... As long as you don't tell me to stop MUGEN'ing and you don't use insulting languages, it is totally fine to me >> She's a 640x480 char, hence she requires some of her constants to have their value doubled,... I see. Usually I don't play with those constants very much. I do most of them just by my feel. And I tend to overlook too. I will re-adjust those values according to yours. >> After modifying these constants you'll notice that some of her custom states like 5179 will feel strange, Thanks for your reminder! >> A walking Beatrice twitches around if she pushes a standing Beatrice. Take a look at this How cool. I was wondering what you were meaning when you posted that in Ryon's Yamato release topic.......... >> I remembered that you're color-blind,... Well, I can tell red and blue, but not green and yellow. A very special color-blindness resulted by a car accident to me long time ago........ >> I believe that instead of creating explods you can generate the hitsparks the usual way. Like KFM does. I had to use Explod because of the 640x480 localcord and all sparks needed to be scaled that is only available by using Explod. I will see which ones I can actually change according to your advise. >> She has many of Reimu's special effects in her SFF, which aren't used at all in Beatrice. Get rid of the unused sprites to make Beatrice's SFF smaller. I tend to leave other MUGEN authors' VFX sprites in the SFF file because some later time I might use the same SFF for other characters (one of my half-assed MUGEN authoring way.........). Yet, for this Beatrice, I will try to get rid of the unused ones you mentioned. >> During some of her states, like her 1311, some of her sounds play many times in a row if she hits the opponent......Add a line "persistent=0"... Cool tip needs cool attention! >> Her throw needs a proper Screenbound sctrl, to avoid bugs like this one, in Mugen 1.1 zoomed stages Oh I don't use MUGEN1.1 much so I didn't realize this issue. Thanks for your reminder, I will take a look with my MUGEN1.1. By the way, the video you showed me about this MUGEN1.1 stage zoom issue is quite coolly amusing to watch. It can be some interesting bug to watch XD So where can I get that MUGEN1.1 stage please? >> It helps the sexy KO of her......the defeated Beatrice can't trigger the sexy KO code while she's in a custom state. Cool tip needs cool attention! >> There's a lot of effort from yours put here, and I feel like the result ended up above the average in my opinion. Your parts are what yielded the result you said. My parts are just all about sprite-swap and MUGEN code copy-&-paste's. >> I have no clue of how complicated Reimu's codes might actually be. I hope you didn't get crazy during the process of trying to understand them, because, for me, making them was a real pain Don't worry, when I find some complicated MUGEN code like yours (like Boomer's OMK's and Orbinaut (now Mr. I?)'s SSFIV's), I will try to follow as much as I can. If there is no way for me to be able to follow, then I will just leave the complicated MUGEN code intact (another one of my half-assed MUGEN authoring way.........). Thank you for your awesome feedback, as reimu_z_beta is your MUGEN character, so no one can do better feedback than you do. Moneyspider_Todd 1 "I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood
Moneyspider_Todd Posted February 10, 2014 Posted February 10, 2014 Hum! so then let's have fun with the prototype C.Viper :) In search of more SSFIV graphic-styled chars, Ikkitousen girls/stages and more! My art thread:
Zzyzzyxx Posted February 11, 2014 Posted February 11, 2014 I had to use Explod because of the 640x480 localcord and all sparks needed to be scaled. In this case you have the option of reimplementing Reimu's hitspark generator, copying again those codes from her -2 and the codes for helpers 8000-8020. In order to resize the sparks take a look at the code of the helpers. Reimu's helper 8001, for example, has this piece of code: [state 8001, Scale] type = angledraw trigger1 = ishelper(8000) scale = const(size.xscale), const(size.yscale) ignorehitpause = 1 Just change the red line to [state 8001, Scale] type = angledraw trigger1 = ishelper(8000) scale = 2 * const(size.xscale), 2 * const(size.yscale) ignorehitpause = 1 Change the lines involving sparkno, guardsparkno and sparkxy to Reimu's original codes as well: sparkno = -1 + 0 * (var(41) := 8001) guard.sparkno = -1 + 0 * (var(42) := 8020) sparkxy = -10 + 0 * (var(43) := XXX), var(44) := YYY The result:
Werewood Posted February 18, 2014 Author Posted February 18, 2014 update_notes_2014-02-18: - fixed her MUGEN constants in [Velocity] and [Movement] for Beatrice's 640x480 localcoord (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - used Reimu's hitspark generator for all normal moves and non-energy-waves moves (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - got rid of the unused sprites in Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice.sff (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - fixed the "A walking Beatrice twitches around if she pushes a standing Beatrice." issue (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * * - added "persistent = 0" to some moves' "whoosh" Playsnd sctrls to get rid of a sound repeats bug. (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - added ScreenBound sctrl to fix the MUGEN1.1 zoomout stage Beatrice interesting throw bug. (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - added ScreenBound sctrl to fix the MUGEN1.1 zoomout stage Beatrice throw bug. (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - added SelfState sctrl to make Beatrice's Sexy KO happen in some custom states. (advised by Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu) * - tried to separate the stronger "energy waves" from Beatrice's body and add MUGEN transparency to the stronger "energy waves" * I couldn't tell which colors of the lighter "energy waves" and the stronger "energy waves".....I judged them by their shapes and sizes... - improved Beatrice's A.I. - fixed the positions of Beatrice and P2 and used the highest possible SprPriority of elements used in the "Very Meaningful Desperation Move", for some MUGEN stages that have "higher floor" level......and tried to hide the "Guard" tag during the move.... - added a "Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice_boss.def" for MUGEN human players to use Beatrice's boss version * note that Beatrice's boss version is not able to use Boost Dive (Noble Force) There are three(3) different download files available in my SkyDrive: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!105#cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!524 1) Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice_2014-02-18_with_demo_videos.zip * 135 MB file size 2) Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice_2014-02-18_without_demo_videos.zip * 67 MB file size 3) Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice_2014-02-18_demo_videos_only.zip * 87 MB file size "I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood
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