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May 3rd 2006


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Citric was here? You know where she might be now or at least any other names she used besides Orwellian Dawn? 

Citric_Fortitude was a MAN.


at least to all of my recollection.


I do not know where he/she/it/them is.

I do know he goes by another name on guild and logs in once in a while.


Citric left us after the events of T.H.E.

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Citric_Fortitude was a MAN.


at least to all of my recollection.


I do not know where he/she/it/them is.

I do know he goes by another name on guild and logs in once in a while.


Citric left us after the events of T.H.E.

I was confused at one point with that too, until she/she started Pming personal things going on in her life and talking to her a boyfriend on another site name Mugen Royale. Then again Citric could have been messing me, but seemed sincere when she/he sent me a email(which I still have) explaining why she/he just randomly went off on me one day, detailing her pregnancy, being currently in a bad marriage, etc. Later on she/he started deleting all her accounts psn, youtube, Mugen Royale, etc. I'm not even sure the people who knew her/him the most really knew Citric's gender(Pzt and Darkmario666)


I was just wondering about her/his whereabout cause we were pretty cool after the little discrepancy we had. 


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alright then, consider this a warrant for a wanted notice.


Citric_Fortitude wanted Alive, send info to Mr.KOtik.


PZT is such a little punk. and DarkMario he was nice to me until the Events of T.H.E

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Lol DarkMario always had my back and was a pretty nice guy overall, don't see why he would be a ass to anyone. The only real person who I knew he had issues with were PZT since he was constantly annoyed with him for being "an inbred dumbfuck and he's about as useless a cubic zirconium museum to a thief on Welfare checks". in his exact words.


What are these of events of T.H.E you keep mentioning by the way? 


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what's good in the hood bitches

Lol, and I thought you were gone forever after you didn't respond to my email last year. What you been up to my man? I also know you don't know me by this user-name but I'm not using my real one because of 1 specific active person on this forum. 


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I always thought Dawn and Citric were two diff people, though it could explain one thing. Oh well.


Citric was here? You know where she might be now or at least any other names she used besides Orwellian Dawn? 

Yeah CItric was around here before Unleaded/Mugen Royale but him and Ryon got into it at some point (iirc)

I'm not sure if it just ended in disdain for one another or a ban, but at that point Citric was gone.


I'm not sure about any other alias' Citric used. Now i'm curious as to who you are as well, but i'll find out at some point :goodmood:

If you want my released works, go here.

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I was here for v1. I remember raremugen too. But only after all of that happened. V2 was where the war began between us as a warehouse vs. Them as a non-supporter and that battle lasted years. I do remember alot of us originals got banned for even mentioning we was a member. I definately was targeted due to me being a mod and a huge contributor at that time. I was a mod then a global mod then an admin then (due to rl) a global mod again. I was actually given mod status in v1 on a dare. Lol that's the short history about it.

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I was here for v1. I remember raremugen too. But only after all of that happened. V2 was where the war began between us as a warehouse vs. Them as a non-supporter and that battle lasted years. I do remember alot of us originals got banned for even mentioning we was a member. I definately was targeted due to me being a mod and a huge contributor at that time. I was a mod then a global mod then an admin then (due to rl) a global mod again. I was actually given mod status in v1 on a dare. Lol that's the short history about it.


I didn't even knew you were alive until you made that post. lol  

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I was here for v1. I remember raremugen too. But only after all of that happened. V2 was where the war began between us as a warehouse vs. Them as a non-supporter and that battle lasted years. I do remember alot of us originals got banned for even mentioning we was a member. I definately was targeted due to me being a mod and a huge contributor at that time. I was a mod then a global mod then an admin then (due to rl) a global mod again. I was actually given mod status in v1 on a dare. Lol that's the short history about it.

*pretends to ignore all of this*



It's like a family reunion O_O

If you want my released works, go here.

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*pretends to ignore all of this* VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like a family reunion O_O

Yes I'm alive! I'm always watching ... *monsters incorporated receptionist voice* and how so? Everyone else here?
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Hmm...i wonder what happened to him?? perhaps he isn't so far away


he really isnt, he registered yesterday LOL.


This just goes to show you who is actually watching the forum and waiting for there names to be called.

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^A phantom with a lil of God wisdom (and cruelty maybe?) =P So your Spiritual Administration team is more like a "Founders" group isnt it? @Ryon Still wonder why BC isnt on that group anymore. unleast is case be different somehow?

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^A phantom with a lil of God wisdom (and cruelty maybe?) =P So your Spiritual Administration team is more like a "Founders" group isnt it? @Ryon Still wonder why BC isnt on that group anymore. unleast is case be different somehow?



there are 2.

Black Chaos




And the best part is 1 is white and 1 is black. Which are you refering to?

Do you mean the one who runs Mugen Evolution? Or the member here named Black Chaos?

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He obviously means BC, at Evolution. I just joined there a few weeks ago. Its cool site but I wish it was more active. This place, The Guild and NewAge are the only places left to get good feedback. IMT is cool as well. But this is my hang out spot...


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