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SS6_Fiona released by suigin (26/06/2013)

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I actually found this one on 4shared a year ago. I can upload it if u want


why is it everytime I say its a private char of yours you always prove me wrong D< I smell conspiracy.


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Why delete it? I would love to see a 3D PH converted


Delete....because there is already a nice 2D version, and my 3D one is just an experiment - outcome can be ugly.


This 2D P.H. you posted I really like it.  The style.......makes my eyes open wide! Wait........I just tried the 2D one you posted...........well I guess my 3D P.H. WIP can stay alive a bit longer. :P

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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