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Copypasta from Guild:

  • A (Combo 1) cannot be blocked at point blank range due to 0 frame startup.
  • A (Combo 1) also has 0 recovery frames.
  • Particle effects on charge are misaligned.
  • Water Gun and Surf both give back power
  • Has no air or crouching normals (I'm going to assume this was intentional for whatever reason but it still feels off)
  • C (Combo 3) pushes Squirtle backward during his startup frames while in the corner. Coupled with its short range, this causes it to whiff entirely. Given the 18 frame startup this attack has and the fact it has ridiculously short range and only does 30 damage, I can't see a practical use for this move at all.
  • The startup frames of C (Combo 3) can be cancelled into his other attacks.[/li]Water Gun and Surf are both unblockable for some reason.
  • Water Gun and Surf both have invincibility frames during the attacking portion (Surf has invincibility on ALL frames)
  • Surf's Projectile has no CLSN2 boxes to allow it to collide with other projectiles
  • Bubble's projectiles are classified as NA (normal attacks) in your hitdef, instead projectiles (NP). Same applies to both Water Gun and Surf's projectiles, only in those cases they should be classified as super projectiles (HP).
  • Bubble, Water Gun, and Surf have no hitsparks
  • B (Combo 2) and Bubble both cause no pushback on hit or block, most likely due to this:

    ground.slidetime = 0

    That should be identical to the value for hittime

Overall it needs work
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The pushback in a corner has been mentioned before, Rice (though I suppose as it's copypasta from the Guild, you wouldn't known that). I took a look at that attack's statedef myself, but couldn't find anything that'd cause such a thing to happen (it appears it's a common problem with all of Bruno_SS' characters). I believe I even removed the VelAdd/Set states to see if it'd do anything. There's also an additional HitDef state in there for some reason...?

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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The pushback in a corner has been mentioned before, Rice (though I suppose as it's copypasta from the Guild, you wouldn't known that). I took a look at that attack's statedef myself, but couldn't find anything that'd cause such a thing to happen (it appears it's a common problem with all of Bruno_SS' characters). I believe I even removed the VelAdd/Set states to see if it'd do anything. There's also an additional HitDef state in there for some reason...?

The only thing I can think of was that he was trying to implement some kind of custom cornerpush system, as opposed to mugen's default cornerpush which is buggy as all hell, but mucked it up somehow. I would suggest he read Van's cornerpush tutorial to see how properly implement it.

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Well, I'll try my best to fix the problems. I'm still a beginner in the coding department, so I'll probably contact either Ryon or Laharl sometime this week to see if they have any free time to help guide me along on coding Squirtle. I truly want Squirtle to be better than where BrunoSS left him at. In before anyone gets the bright idea thinking they'll be doing the work for me/holding my hand. Your wrong, I want to learn to become better, meaning I don't want them or anyone else feel like its the other person doing the work and not me. Yes, I might get confused on alot of the problems at hand and ask for help, but you better be damn sure that I'll take notes if I plan to do future characters.


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I still haven't updated Squirtle, yet... Cause maybe I don't feel confident enough in my own abilities to make the fixes and b4 someone says "you just want someone todo the work for you."... No, that's not true at all, I just feel like I'll just screw up all that hard work, that's all... Coding is very different from everything else I've done prior to it... I just don't understand it quite yet... I REALLY want Squirtle to be COMPLETE... Then, I can finally say I actually made my first character... or an edit of one anyways...


I did, however, get this reply from this dude:


Posted Image


What are your thoughts? I told him to go for it. Whatever floats his boat, right?


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he's making a CVS squirtle LOL.


thats interesting.


but hey dude. He is awesome at making sprites.


ask him if he could remake your sprites for you in CVS style, and if he could make some custom ones as well, this way you can do more with him and make your own squirtle.


see you could fall into the same thing i did.


I edited raging ken originally to make him more awesome. (you with squirtle)

I got pissed off at his lack of sprites. You want to do more but lack the sprites and knowledge.

I used what i learned from editing raging ken and made my own. (You could be doing this to, if you had CVS style sprites.)


you just start over and remake him. then it would be YOUR character, to the best of your ability (with meh help) to make him perfect.

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BrunoSS's Squirtle is only the third version, if I remember right. There are 2 other versions of Squirtle before BrunoSS's version (both of which are abysmal, and made by unidentified creators.)


Also, Squirtle/BrunoSS didn't make the sprites for that MUGEN character, JoshR from Spriters Resource did. Just incase no one knew.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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Just checked over at IMT and he replied stating that the conversion is underway, that and he's going to give Squirtle some new moves, from what I read. His English is really hard to understand, considering he's from Mexico. 

Just be happy your getting cvs custom sprites from that dude, its not everyday some user messages you saying he'll make sprites for you.


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he not all that great with his work from what i try out not saying i could do better because we all know i cant. but his sprites are awesome some of the best specially when it come to tekken i just wish he did more with some of his other work

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Copypasta from Guild:


    [*]A (Combo 1) cannot be blocked at point blank range due to 0 frame startup.

    [*]A (Combo 1) also has 0 recovery frames.

    [*]Particle effects on charge are misaligned.

    [*]Water Gun and Surf both give back power Fixed. Thanks Laharl.

    [*]Has no air or crouching normals (I'm going to assume this was intentional for whatever reason but it still feels off) Can't do anything about that, since Bruno didn't add any of that.

    [*]C (Combo 3) pushes Squirtle backward during his startup frames while in the corner. Coupled with its short range, this causes it to whiff entirely. Given the 18 frame startup this attack has and the fact it has ridiculously short range and only does 30 damage, I can't see a practical use for this move at all.  Just gonna keep the move, tho I do agree with you.

    [*]The startup frames of C (Combo 3) can be cancelled into his other attacks.[/li]Water Gun and Surf are both unblockable for some reason.

    [*]Water Gun and Surf both have invincibility frames during the attacking portion (Surf has invincibility on ALL frames)

    [*]Surf's Projectile has no CLSN2 boxes to allow it to collide with other projectiles  Fixed.

    [*]Bubble's projectiles are classified as NA (normal attacks) in your hitdef, instead projectiles (NP). Same applies to both Water Gun and Surf's projectiles, only in those cases they should be classified as super projectiles (HP).  Fixed. (I think?)

    [*]Bubble, Water Gun, and Surf have no hitsparks

    [*]B (Combo 2) and Bubble both cause no pushback on hit or block, most likely due to this:

    ground.slidetime = 0

    That should be identical to the value for hittime Fixed, Ground.hittime = 0 is now the same as Ground.Slidetime for both moves.


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