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Everything posted by JokerintheButt

  1. Needs a credits to Winmugen11 before all that.
  2. sf1 Ryu can kill him in 2sec he doesn't even stand a chance.
  3. ow no. Edit shit: lol it's was an bug the link is online now.
  4. yeahhhhhhhhhh more kof clones like those really amazing.
  5. interesting released your th characters are not bad at all.
  6. They Looks awesome buddy I really like the orange one too Very Cool.
  7. Fuck Yeah you have released him already? wow I didn't noticed that Great news there buddy and you have Ripped the sprites perfectly, very @mazing, I really hope to see your future mugen wips for something that isn't made for Mugen like obscurity 3D games.
  8. man. ! man ! You're great as always love all of your characters. ! keep it up :}
  9. Man seriously why did you always rename your character into boring?
  10. so mugen got real person to being with or what?
  11. nice news from ohgaki, i hope he release a heidern 98 since there's none a great version of him. just tested his Ralf He turn my 1.0 too Slow but not in 1.1, does someone have the same problem here?
  12. Nope sadly but there a MVC 95 rugal if your interested.
  13. your have released it just in My birthday bro thanks. 8D
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