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Posts posted by RobotMonkeyHead





    All special events are marked on the special events calendar, which can be seen by hovering over the Features tab on the top nav bar, and selecting Special Events from the sub-menu that appears. There is also a sidebar widget which notifies members of upcoming events. Details can be found on the and [ SPECIAL EVENTS ] forum. This is also where members go to participate. 



    At the beginning of each month MFFA holds voting for the best character and stage released on the forum the previous month. The winners receive a Marble C.ot.M and S.ot.M Trophies and entry into the Character / Stage of the Year competition at the beginning of the following year.

    Nominations take place between the 1st and the 7th every month.
    Characters can be nominated by anyone except their own creator(s), including you.
    Voting begins on the 8th of every month, and anyone / everyone can vote.
    On the 14th the winner will be announced!

    Drop by the Special Events forum here to check it out:




    At the begging of each year MFFA holds voting for the best CotM and SotM released on the forum during the previous year. The winners receives Obsidian C.ot.Y and S.ot.Y Trophies, and a share of the donations to the site from the previous year.

     Nominees are all C.ot.M and S.ot.M winners from the previous year. 
     Voting take place between the 1st and the 7th of January.
     On the 8th of January, the winner will be announced!
     The winner will receive a portion of all donations made to the site that year.

    Drop by the Special Events forum here to check it out:





    Once a month a small team of 3 Judges assembles and each selects a character released on the forum. Each writes a full review of the character they selected, and then grade all 3 characters on presentation and functionality. On the first of each month, these reviews and grades are released for your Mugen edification.

    Judges earn awards for contributing, and the creators of chosen content earn rewards depending on their score. If you'd like to be a Judge visit this thread and drop a comment. 

    Visit the Monthly Judgement forum here to check it out: 





    * Dates may move slightly due to life.
    * Events may occasionally be canceled due to staffing.




    The Creator role is for people who create Mugen content. Very simple. There is no requirement that you be of a certain skill level to obtain this role, only that you've completed more than one Mugen project.

    Palette Tech

    The Palette Tech role is for creators of Mugen Palettes. Just like the Creator role, this is not limited to any skill levels, only productivity.


    The Editor role is for people who regularly edit existing Mugen content, but don't necessarily create content of their own. This can include bug-fixes, update patches, sprite alignments or anything of the sort.


    The Evaluator role is for people who regularly evaluate Mugen content. This can mean offering feedback to Creators on their releases, or just displaying general analytical prowess of Mugen content in general.


    The Judge role is for participants in the Monthly Judgement. This means you've written up at least one article fully covering all the details of a Mugen creation.


    The Author role is for people with a general lean towards creative writing. Doesn't have to be pros, poetry, reviews, or anything specific.


    If you would like one or more of these
    roles, you can request them here:


    Request a Role







    1. Click on profile:  To get to your profile click on your name in the upper right hand corner of the site, and select Profile from the dropdown menu that appears.




    2. Change Your Profile Pic:  Your default profile picture will be the first letter of your name with a single-color background. To change it, look for it in the top lefthand side of your profile. There will be a small button with an image icon in the lower left hand corner of it. Click on that.




    3. Change Your Cover Photo:  Your default cover photo will be a simple geometric abstract image with matching color tones. To change it look for the Cover Photo button in the upper right hand corner of the image. Click it and select Change Photo from the dropdown.




    4. Edit Your Profile:  To edit your profile information look for the Edit Profile button in the upper right hand corner of your cover photo next to the Cover Photo button, and click it.




    5. Updating Your Profile Info:  The Edit Profile form will pop up, and here you'll be able to add information. None of it is mandatory, however if you have a presence offsite that you want make other members aware of, this is a great place to do that.



    6. Main Profile Tabs:  In the Edit Profile form, if you scroll all the way to the bottom you'll see two large text editor fields named About Me and My Creations. They're in the section titled Main Profile tabs. If you add any information into these, it will create new corresponding tabs in your main profile.




    - DONE






    1. Click on Account Settings:  To get to your account settings click on your name in the upper right hand corner of the site, and select Account Settings from the dropdown menu that appears.




    2. Overview & Other Settings:  You'll be taken to your account's Settings page. On the initial tab which is called Overview, you can edit your display name, your email address and your password. You can see what percentage of your account setup you've completed here too. There's also a section box on the right side titled Other Settings which we'll cover in steps 8-10.




    3. Navigating the Settings Page:  You can navigate Settings using the stacked list of tab titles with icons in the box on the left hand side. The starting tab is Overview, and below that the 2nd and 3rd tabs are Email Address and Password. These tabs are where you're taken when you click the corresponding options in the Overview tab, however these provide more detail about their respective options. This also applies to the 6th tab Display Name. The rest of the tabs in that list are unique. 



    4. Security and Privacy (Online Status):  The Security and Privacy tab is there for you to control whether or not you're visible to other members when you're browsing the forums. If you set "Hide My Online Status" to on, your name will not appear in lists like Online Users in the nav bar, or Online Members at the bottom of the main page. You'll be asked to re-enter your password before changing this.




    5. Recently Used Devices:  If you suspect your account has been compromised (hacked) the Recently Used Devices tab is one way to check. It provides a list of all devices that have logged into your account in the last 3 months. If you click the "See anything you don't recognize?" option at the top it will prompt you to change your password, however if this is the case, we also recommend setting up a Trouble Ticket with staff by clicking the Report to Staff button at the bottom of any page.



    6. Content View Behavior:  The Display Names tab was already covered in step 2, so the next tab down is Content View Behavior. This allows you to control what happens when you click on a topic in the forum. Do you want it to take you to the first post on the thread? Or to the most recent comment? Or to the most recent thing you haven't read yet? Choose that setting here.



    7. Signatures:  The last tab is Signatures, and signatures are the custom content you will see at the bottom of all of a given members posts. This tab is where you can create your own, but before you do make sure you check the Guidelines, because there are rules regarding the size and content of these. You can also choose to ignore all signatures on the forum including your own using the toggle titled "View signatures?".



    8. Other Settings - Notification Settings:  As mentioned in step 2, the Other Settings menu on the right hand side in the Overview tab has 3 options, the first of which is Notification Settings. Clicking this brings you to a very self explanatory menu that allows you to control how you're notified when content is posted on the site.


    9. Other Settings - Edit Profile:  The second option in Other Settings is Edit Profile. Clicking this brings up the same form that was already covered in steps 5-6 of the PUBLIC PROFILE section above this section. Refer to that for more details.



    10. Other Settings - Ignored Users:  This is exactly what it sounds like, the good ol' block a motherfucker option. A lot of times this is the quickest and easiest way to solve a problem. If you click on this tab you'll be brought to a very simple menu that allows you to input the name of the member you want to block, and filter through members you've previously blocked. 




    - DONE






    • MOBILE




    1. Go to Your Profile:  To get to your profile tap the menu icon in the upper right hand corner of the page. On the menu that appears, tap Account. On the menu that brings you to, tap Profile.  
    DvgzkOX.png     MAo4gkk.png     vO9IVNL.png



    2. Change Your Profile Pic:  Your default profile picture will be the first letter of your name with a single-color background. To change it, look in the top lefthand corner of your profile for a small button with an image icon. Tap that and follow the instructions that appear.




    3. Change Your Cover Photo:  Your default cover photo will be a simple geometric abstract image with matching color tones. To change it look in the upper right hand corner of your profile for a dark transparent button with an image icon on it. Tap that and follow the instructions that appear.




    4. Edit Your Profile:  To edit your profile information look in the upper right hand corner of your profile for a dark transparent button with a pencil icon on it. It's to the left of the cover Photo button. Tap that to get to your Edit Profile form.




    5. Updating Your Profile Info:  The Edit Profile form is where you can enter any information you want visible on your profile. None of it is mandatory, however if you have a presence offsite that you want make other members aware of, this is a great place to do that.



    6. Profile Tabs:  In the Edit Profile form, if you scroll all the way to the bottom you'll see two large text editor fields named About Me and My Creations. They're in the section titled Main Profile tabs. If you add any information into these, it will create new corresponding tabs in your main profile. These are not visible on mobile. But here's how they look on desktop:




    - DONE






    1. Go to Your Account Settings:  To get to your account's Settings tap the menu icon in the upper right hand corner of the page. It looks like 3 stacked horizontal lines. On the menu that appears, tap Account. On the menu that brings you to, tap Account Settings.  

    DvgzkOX.png     MAo4gkk.png     gSnHW1p.png



    2. Overview & Other Settings:  You'll be taken to your account's Settings page. On the landing page which is called Overview, you can edit your display name, your email address and your password. You can see what percentage of your account setup you've completed here too. There's also a section box on the bottom titled Other Settings which we'll cover in steps 8-10.




    3. Navigating the Settings Page:  You can navigate Settings by tapping the Settings Area bar which will drop down a list of tabs that take you to each area in the Settings menu. The first option on that list is Overview, which is where you start. The 2nd and 3rd options are Email Address and Password. These areas are where you're taken when you tap the corresponding options while in the Overview tab. However these areas provide more detail about their respective options. This also applies to the 6th option in the list, Display Name. The rest of the tabs in that list are unique. 

    rTjaCs5.png     ckl09bs.png


    4. Security and Privacy (Online Status):  The Security and Privacy tab is there for you to control whether or not you're online status is visible to other members while you're browsing the site. If you set "Hide My Online Status" to on, your name will not appear in lists like Online Users in the nav bar, or Online Members at the bottom of the main page. You'll be asked to re-enter your password before changing this setting.




    5. Recently Used Devices:  If you suspect your account has been compromised (hacked) the Recently Used Devices tab is one way to check. It provides a list of all devices that have logged into your account in the last 3 months. If you click the "See anything you don't recognize?" option above the list of devices it will prompt you to change your password. However if this is the case, we also recommend setting up a Trouble Ticket with staff by clicking the Report to Staff button at the bottom of any page.



    6. Content View Behavior:  The Display Names option was already covered in step 2, so the next option down is Content View Behavior. This allows you to control what happens when you click on a topic in the forum. Do you want it to take you to the first post on the thread? Or to the most recent comment? Or to the most recent thing you haven't read yet? Choose that setting here.



    7. Signatures:  The last option is Signatures, and signatures are the custom content you will see at the bottom of all of a given members posts. This tab is where you can create your own, but before you do make sure you check the Guidelines, because there are rules regarding the size and content of these. You can also choose to ignore all signatures on the forum including your own using the toggle titled "View signatures?".



    8. Other Settings - Notification Settings:  As mentioned in step 2, the Other Settings menu at the bottom of the Overview area has 3 options. The first option is Notification Settings. Tapping this brings you to a very self explanatory menu that allows you to control how you're notified when content is posted on the site.


    9. Other Settings - Edit Profile:  The second option in Other Settings is Edit Profile. Clicking this brings up the same form that was already covered in steps 5-6 of the PUBLIC PROFILE section above this section. Refer to that for more details.



    10. Other Settings - Ignored Users:  This is exactly what it sounds like, the good ol' block a motherfucker option. A lot of times this is the quickest and easiest way to solve a problem. If you click on this tab you'll be brought to a very simple menu that allows you to input the name of the member you want to block, and filter through members you've previously blocked. 




    - DONE



  4. Interesting. I uploaded the image to your profile pic myself and worked fine, but I removed it because I want to see if we can get this working for you. If not, I'll just upload it for you.

    2 last things to try.
    First is re-download the image from your imgur account, and try uploading that version of it. 
    Second, if that doesn't work try cropping the image by about 3 pixels so it's not 256x256 and instead is 253x253 or less, then try it.

    The Social Media Specialists run our Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and

    Steam pages. Instagram is also a possibility. A lot of content is set

    up to auto-post which handles the bulk of the work, leaving the

    fun stuff to this role.

    Apply for the Soc-Med Specialist role by commenting on this thread.

    Include some reasons you think you'd be a good choice to boost your

    chances. Please be patient with staff while we consider your request.

    The Discord Moderators are responsible for general peace keeping,

    organization and moderation of our Discord server. And like all staff

    members, they are welcome to general staff discussions. 

    Apply for the Discord Moderator role by commenting on this thread.

    Include some reasons you think you'd be a good fit to boost your

    chances. Please be patient with staff while we consider your request.

    The Ikemen Sensei are responsible for the general upkeep,

    organization and moderation of the Ikemen Dojo. Like all

    staff members, they are welcome to general staff discussions. 

    Apply for the Ikemen Sensei role by commenting on this thread.

    Include some reasons you think you'd be a fit choice to boost your

    chances. Please be patient with staff while we consider your request.

    The Collections Curators are responsible for the general upkeep,

    organization and moderation of the Collections section. Like all

    staff members, they are welcome to general staff discussions. 

    Apply for the Collections Curator role by commenting on this thread.

    Include some reasons you think you'd be a good choice to boost your

    chances. Please be patient with staff while we consider your request.

    The Palettician role is for creators of Mugen Palettes. Just like the

    Creator role, this is not limited to any skill levels, only productivity.

    Apply for the Author role by commenting on this thread.
    Include some links to whatever content might help you qualify.
    Please be patient with staff while we consider your request.

  10. JUDGE
    The Judge role is for participants in the Monthly Judgement. This
    means you've written up at least one article fully covering all the
    details of a Mugen creation.

    Apply for the Judge role by commenting on this thread.
    Include some links to whatever content might help you qualify.
    Please be patient with staff while we consider your request.

    The Evaluator role is for people who regularly evaluate Mugen content.
    This can mean offering feedback to Creators on their releases, or just
    displaying general analytical prowess of Mugen content in general.

    Apply for the Evaluator role by commenting on this thread.
    Include some links to whatever content might help you qualify.
    Please be patient with staff while we consider your request.

  12. EDITOR
    The Editor role is for people who regularly edit existing Mugen content,
    but don't necessarily create content of their own. This can include 
    bug-fixes, update patches, sprite alignments or anything of the sort.

    Apply for the Editor role by commenting on this thread.
    Include some links to whatever content might help you qualify.
    Please be patient with staff while we consider your request.

  13. AUTHOR
    The Author role is for people with a general lean towards creative
    writing. Doesn't have to be pros, poetry, reviews, or anything specific.

    Apply for the Author role by commenting on this thread.
    Include some links to whatever content might help you qualify.
    Please be patient with staff while we consider your request.

    The Creator role is for people who create Mugen content. Very simple.

    There is no requirement that you be of a certain skill level to obtain

    this role, only that you've completed more than one Mugen project.

    Apply for the Author role by commenting on this thread.
    Include some links to whatever content might help you qualify.
    Please be patient with staff while we consider your request.

    The Global Moderators are responsible for general peace keeping,

    organization and moderation of the entire website. Of course, like all

    staff members, they are welcome to general staff discussions. 

    Apply for the Collections Curator role by commenting on this thread.

    Include some reasons you think you'd be a good choice to boost your

    chances. Please be patient with staff while we consider your request.

  16. Somebody tagged me one of these AMA threads once and it was kinda fun, so I figured I'd start one off. 
    Pick another member, tag them and ask them any 3 questions you want.  When they're done answering, they do the same.  No other rules about repeats, passes or interruptions, it's just here to have fun with 😜

    @The Magic Toaster
    1)  What are your 2 favorite things to do for fun?
    2)  Top 3 TV shows?
    3)  All time favorite 3 Mugen characters? 

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