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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. Nice hand bag, Shin! I'm digging the zebra print!
  2. This guy make some excellent characters. Especially his KOF ones....
  3. Turtles are cool. Yo, we should go to Mugen Fighters Guild rocking some MFFA signatures. Then "causally mention MFFA in our feedback.
  4. Take care of that beautiful family, Brock. Maybe I'll finally finish my wip in ths meantime...
  5. x Your positive attitude and upbeat personality are very much appreciated! Explain...
  6. Excahm, you finally showed up...nice to meetcha! Heeeeeeey! RAMza and mADLaX are BOTH from the Phillippines AND spell there names in a mixture of lower and uppercase letters! AAAAAAAAAAAAAANNND, they seem to be getting along...pretty well. Hmmm....
  7. Truthfully, I've been wondering about this since the last time you left. I thought it was strange too, but I knew there must be a good reason for it. So I didn't ask, and just accepted that it must be working for you. I'm usually carefull what I ask, but you answered Ky's question very politely. So atleast I know you're not the overly sensitive type...but then again, I never thought you were, baws.
  8. Just like the back of Ryon avi...Celest...you got...
  9. Yes, and YEEESSS! Especially the Gedo School team!
  10. Agreed...I'll start! Yo, like I was saying...them Hammer Bros beta watch they back! If is see'em in the streets, it's on like a tanning both on Jersey Shore, ya dig?! Now THAT'S a "situation!"
  11. @Soubot It's cool, homie. You kinda surprised me, too. You got swag, homie. Thanks, I'm glad that bring a little "fun" to the forum. I'm a little silly, but I'm AM the "youngest" Elder! Lol! @Brock You almost got him, eh? Good thing he can take a joke. Not everybody can... @Rebecca Yo, I've gotta ask...
  12. I usually stay away from SF2 characters, cuz it's the one fighting game I played more than any other. But I may have to make an exception...
  13. So Zin. The one in your screenshot is the original? If so, then Celeste is right. It's the same screenpack. Maybe the title and vs screen so different. Well...both of them look nice...
  14. Man I didn't realize this was 9's site...I got these already.
  15. Agreed... I would love to see characters from Battle Arena Toshinden 3 and Evil Zone.
  16. Heh...well how about..."Are you feeling a normal emotion that involves a strong uncomfortable and emotional response to a perceived provocation? Or should I stick to...
  17. Rock on, Todd! Cool pics, Soubot! Your a cutie, Madlax! Yo, ex! Upload a pics already!
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