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About LightFlare_Da_Realest

  • Birthday 03/27/1981

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  • Location:
    Florida, USA
  • Interests:
    God, family, MUGEN!!!!

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  1. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Possibly the reason we are all here... [COMMENT] This has been a long time coming. Since I started creating, I knew one day I would tackle this project. I've dipped my toe in it a tiny bit over the years, but never fully took on converting ALL stages from Street Fighter 2. But I finally decided that it was time. I chose the SNES version because it's the one that defined my fighting game childhood. THE first TRUE fighting game I ever owned, I had every version that was ever officially released on the SNES. You've probably seen these for the past few weeks, but now it's time for the official release. I chose to convert my favorite version of each character's stage across all games. With a very select few having elements blended from multiple versions. My goal was to provide at least one stage for all the characters up to Super Street Fighter 2. Because I used the SNES sprites, they may seem a bit smaller if you usually use characters that employ the Arcade sprites. The 1.0 versions are a bit closer to the source with the added bonus of Super jump. The 1.1 versions add zoom, zoom delta, scale delta and sprites are scaled a bit longer on the x-axis. That's it. I hope you enjoy these. This sounds like my farewell, but don't worry this isn't the end for me. Mugen is infinite after all, and I've got a lot left in the tank!
  2. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] I'm not sure how to pronounce it [COMMENT] Another image I made with A.I., chopped, coded and served. Inspired by Sagat and Adon, it has parallax, animations, zoom and looped bgm. I hope it suits your needs.
  3. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Capcom really thought they were gonna win that case, huh? [COMMENT] Some of you may have noticed that I've been dropping vids with links in the description. I wanted to try doing things a bit different. So I released all my stages on YouTube way before dropping them here. Now that all the vids have dropped, it's time to make the official release. So here they are. Every Fighter's History Stage I've completed. Some were dropped years ago. Others I just finished weeks ago. They all incorporate parallax, zoom, zoomdelta, animations and superjump. Looped bgm's of course. This game was a major part of my childhood. But there's one more that supersedes it. So stay tuned and enjoy...
  4. The original dropped in 2012...crazy indeed. Cheers bro!
  5. Still here man. It's good to here from you. This place aint'what it used to be, but it's still here. Not a lot of sites can say the same...
  6. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] The water is fine... [COMMNENT] Aight, more Tohno LostWord! It's the beach...at night. And looks calm...unless you're FIGHTING! Zoom, animations, parallax, superjump and looped bgm. Go head and click it...
  7. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Shiney Shriney [COMMENT] Took me long enough. But I'm dropping another cool stage from Tohno LostWord. Zoom. Paralllax. Scaledetla and all that. Click and profit!
  8. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] They all left... [COMMENT] And the hits keep coming! More heat from the mobile game Tohno LostWord. Zoom, delta's and looped bgm. Click and profit!
  9. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Cheer Up! [COMMENT] More Tohno LostWord goodness! This cool arena stage has zoom, superjump and looped bgm with crowd noise! Sprites can be found at Spriter's Resource. Battle on!
  10. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Heaven's to Margatroid! [COMMENT] So here's another gem from the mobile game Tohno LostWord. My version of the exterior of Alice's home. Has zoom, parallax and looped bgm. Found the material at Spriter's Resource so props to the contributor. Enjoy!
  11. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Random Hill [COMMENT] My take on Hill of the Nameless from the mobile game Touhou Lost Word. I used sprites from Spriter's Resource ripped by IVBOY. Comes with zoom, and looped bgm. Grab you favorite 'Bobble Head Chick" and have fun!
  12. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Jam [COMMENT] Time to Shut up and Jam! All 8 stages for the Sega Genesis version! Added zoom to the 1.1 versions but essentially close to source. Now hit the court and let's go!
  13. [PREVIEW] https://youtu.be/SwrlqNEg7I4 [DOWNLOAD] sPOOOooOkY! [COMMENT] It's Ol's Hallow's Eve, and it's time for a spooky release! So here's a Spooky...House...yeah. Anyway, Comes with animations, parallax, scaledelta's and an original bgm composed by my son, an aspiring musician/producer. I'm really proud of that guy. Hope you enjoy the stage and Happy Halloween!
  14. Lol! The stage or what Kenshiro did to ol' girl?
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