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Posts posted by OldGamer

  1. I try my very best to explain in details the problem I'm having and hope some can help this old man with my problem :O

    The fonts I'm using is called square_sans_serif_71 for the Victory

    [FNT v2]
    fntversion = 2,00
    name = "square_sans_serif_7"
    author = "square_sans_serif_7"

    Type = truetype
    Size = 15,15
    Spacing = 1,0
    Offset = 0,0
    File = square_sans_serif_7.ttf
    Blend = 1


    And here the setting for the win quota for the victory screen

    ;Win quote text
    winquote.text = "Winner!" ;Default win quote text to show
    winquote.offset = 400,400
    winquote.font = 8,0,0, 0,255,255
    winquote.textwrap = w     ;Word wrap


  2. 10 hours ago, sonikun said:

    Awesome choices. The more i find out about this screenpack, them more i'm hyped for it.

    thank you sonikun and I think have manage to make the versus idea :D

    7 hours ago, Galvatron said:

    Man! this is looking good. :-D

    Nice progress OldGamer

    thank you Galvantron :)

    3 hours ago, Hellzone said:

    Man this is awesome! keep up the great work

    I will do my very best to work hard for it and there so mush I need to learn and make for the screen pack :D

  3. 1 hour ago, sonikun said:

    That looks sweet, mate. Are you going to make a version for collectors such as myself? Just wondering.

    yes sonikun the plan is 150- 250- 500 and menu style. the thing is with me is I'm not really a mugen character collector so its my very first making a screen pack with many choose for the mugen software. if also read the very first topic Im aiming to making this for low spec pc as well for the mugen 1.0 and mugen 1.1 :D and the fact that my son wanted a roster with many chooses XD  So I want to make this for every one for there own personal use :D

  4. I had this putting on hold for every long time. Now before you say.... why so long OldGamer ?

    Well its the fact that I had this on my mind for so long at first wanted to use it on My Classic Free Fighter screen pack but the problem is that was way to modern. Then I wanted yo use it for the Shiar Invasion  full game for bdc but the problem was its did not connect with the story or the Marvel universe. Well its time to put the sprite in good uses and time go crazy for this time. The screen pack is going to be 640X480 and is not going to be for HD resolution. And why is this screen pack is not going to be for HD you may ask ? well the fact is not everyone in the world don't have the gaming pc to run it and because money don't grow on tress ether not everyone can afford a gaming pc.So  I want to work with sprite pixel and images with style and with out causing no stress on any type of low spec computer and this been tested on my older Window XP S1 with 512mb of ram and 128mb on board video ram 1.2ghz HP processor and running at 60 FPS by using mugen 1.0 :D


    So far here the Title screen and Option screen I just got done working on . But there will be more stuff to add for its and also images for the screen pack is Clean Pixel style :D


  5. 8 minutes ago, SSBK65 said:

    I think you should move this to Releases OG, it is news, but you made it, so it should be there instead.

    I am so sorry about that SSBK65 i thought that its a different program so I posted here. I'm sorry but this old man don't know the way of this very confusing forum.  SSBK65 if you know a moderator on here can please ask them to move it  for me please :) Im kinda busy at the moment


    Keep in mind that Ikemen IS meant to play online netplay with mugen character and by using VPN software like Tunngle, Hamachi and EvolvedHQ
    you can go here for How to play Mugen Online Made By Ryon


    The Ikemen Screen Pack come with the logo intro animation by Me :)
    The Ikemen Screen Pack come with MVC life bars converted version by Me :)
    The Ikemen Screen Pack come with one stage and one character :)
    The Ikemen Screen Pack is fully animated by Me :)

    Download located here



  7. 3 hours ago, SSBK65 said:

    I really like the looks of this stage, never seen it, is got a nice mixture of boardwalk & Japan, great job OG, I love seeing new stages.

    Thank you SSBK65 Because in the mugen community this stage was never was made. So I figure why not rip this stage from the real main game sources. :D also have its on both version :D

  8. ZUrXTmY.png
    The Stage was fully rip from Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken by using the Nebula Emulator 2.25
    The Stage can do zoom effect
    The Stage can do super jump
    The Stage is animated
    The Stage come with Mugen 1.0 and 1.1 version
    The stage come with Sprite Rip for anyone can use it for edit for there future stage project
    The Stage is Open Sources
    The Original Sound track was rip from Neo Geo CD Image

    Download located here


  9. Tools you need

    Fighter Factory Studios


    Gimp software


    getpaint software


    Notepad++ to edit and code your mugen stages



    startx = 0           <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< don't touch these leave them be
    starty = 0           <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< don't touch these leave them be
    boundleft = -95   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add or cut off between distance border from the left of the stage
    boundright = 95  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add or cut off between distance border from the right of the stage
    boundhigh = -25 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add or cut off between distance border from the top of the stage
    boundlow = 0     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add or cut off between distance border from the bottom of the stage
    verticalfollow = .2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add more gravity movement to your stage .2 is slow movement but if you add .5 its move faster when your character jumps
    floortension = 0    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add balance gravity movement to your stage when your character jumps in the stage
    tension = 50         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add full force gravity movement to your stage when your character jumps  in the stage
    overdrawhigh = 0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add balance distance border from the top of the stage
    overdrawlow = 0  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add balance distance border from the bottom of the stage
    cuthigh = 35        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you cut off balance distance border from the top of the stage
    cutlow = 25         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you cut off balance distance border from the bottom of the stage
    zoomin = 1          <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add zoom setup for your the stage
    zoomout = .8       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add zoom factor scale for your the stage number are from .1 to .9
    startzoom = 1      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add zoom syart control scale for your the stage
    ;--- Player 1 ---
    p1startx = -170     <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a setting distance for player 1
    p1starty = 0          <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< don't touch these leave them be
    p1facing = 1           <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< don't touch these leave them be
    ;--- Player 2 ---
    p2startx = 170     <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a setting distance for player 2
    p2starty = 0
    p2facing = -1
    ;--- Player 3 ---
    p3startx = -320   <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a setting distance for player 3
    p3starty = 0            
    p3facing = 1          
    ;--- Player 4 ---
    p4startx = 320    <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a setting distance for player 4
    p4starty = 0
    p4facing = -1
    ;--- Common ---
    leftbound  = -2000 <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a left bound setting distance for make your stages longer for Shooting projectile and long distance backgrounds to the left
    rightbound =  2000 <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a right bound setting distance for make your stages longer for Shooting projectile and long distance backgrounds to the right
    screenleft = 15    <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a screen left bound setting distance for make your stages 
    screenright = 15   <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a screen right bound setting distance for make your stages 
    zoffset = 680 <<<<<< this control the Mugen characters moving from top to bottom setting the Higher to number the lower the character goes down and low number moves up
    autoturn = 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< don't touch these leave them be
    resetBG = 0 <<<<<<<< this is rest setting for the mugen stage, The number 0s mean dont reset and add a number 1 mean always reset the stage animation
    localcoord = 1024, 768 <<<<<<<< this is rest setting for the mugen stage for HIress and HD sprite setting resolution 
    xscale = 1  <<<<<<<< this is rest setting for the mugen stage left / right balance adjustment for HIress and HD sprite images
    yscale = 1 <<<<<<<< this is rest setting for the mugen stage top / bottom balance adjustment for HIress and HD sprite images
    intensity = 64 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give transparent shadow for your mugen character in the mugen stage
    color = 10,10,10 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give dark colors for the shadow for your mugen character in the mugen stage
    yscale = .1    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give scale setting for the shadow for your mugen character in the mugen stage
    fade.range = -400,-100  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give range setting for the shadow for your mugen character in the mugen stage
    intensity = 0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give Reflection for your mugen character in the mugen stage, very good for glass floor or crystal floors
    [Music] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this is for you to add music for your stage
    bgmusic = sound/Allyway.mp3
    bgmvolume = 100 
    spr = Allyway.sff <<<<<<<<< this read where your Sprite data is located at the stage folder for your mugen stage
    debugbg = 0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you read the debug code in your background 
    [BG 0] ;hall
    type  = normal  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this mean a Normal Static Sprite image 
    spriteno = 0,0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this mean a Number location for the Group and index number
    start = 0,300  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this a position to move your sprite image background 
    delta = .1,1    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give delta movement for your sprite image background 
    mask=1         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this make your main transparent color to not show on your mugen stage
    ;------animated background------------
    [BG 0] ;car
    type  = anim <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this mean a animation Sprite image 
    actionno = 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this mean a location animated code for Begin Action Number location
    start = 0,300  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this a position to move your sprite image background 
    delta = .1,1    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give delta movement for your sprite image background 
    mask=1         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this make your main transparent color to not show on your mugen stage
    [Begin Action 1] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this  animated code located for the actionno = 1 
    1,0, 0,0 ,1 
    1,1, 0,0 ,1


  10. 1 minute ago, SSBK65 said:

    You just copy & paste the URL and press Enter after you did once, the video should show up.



    okay I do that and hope for the best its show up :0



    7 minutes ago, SSBK65 said:

    You just copy & paste the URL and press Enter after you did once, the video should show up.



    Thank so mush SSBK65 for telling about it and  its work and the broken icon is gone :)

  11. what is the right video command for posting a video for MFFA ?

    But Im having a issue with the video link on the forum by using youtube


    Can anyone please explain to me in baby step what is the right command for the youtube video to show up for MFFA


    I tried everything for the youtube video to show up but it's been giving a broken link icon

    Here a Picture to see the error icon when trying to submit the video from youtube for your forum



  12. Mike Stage
    The stage is a remake version of Street fighter One stage for Mike
    The stage have parallax and support on the winmugen software and mugen 1.0
    download located here

    Joe Stage
    The stage is a remake version of Street fighter One stage for Joe Ghost
    The stage support on the winmugen software and mugen 1.0

    download located here


  13. Shi'ar Invasion Full Game Made by BDCIRCK

    Shi'ar invasion is a free (non-commercial) Fan made game and not a Capcom,Snk or Marvel game. The game is inspired by the coolest period of marvel's space heroes, which is annihilation to war of kings and includes comic scans from these comics.

    About the Game History development
    Bdc been creating this project sense 2009. Everything about this game was base off Marvel Comic Shi'ar Invasion.
    He took him over 7 years of hard work to make a full game base of his favorite Super Heroes Characters
    Everything is been hand sprite drawn by used SNK  characters sprite sheets.
    Today He like to share this full game to everyone .


    Download Link can be found here


    Please let keep your comments  and opinion nice and decent Please :)
    This Man took 7 years of his hard work to Draw, code and Create this FullGame for everyone for Christmas :)

    All supporters to help BDCIRCK with his fullgame Project
    1. C.R.O.M Lando - Voice Acting support-
    2. AA250  -Coder and Graphic Support -
    3. OldGamer -stage coder supporter and Graphic supporter-
    4. Cravd       -Graphic supporter-
    5. Esn23       -Graphic supporter-
    6. Supaman2525 -Voice acting and Graphic supporter-
    7. Gokudo99      - Voice Acting support-
    8. GeminiBoy     - Sound editor-
    9. Rododub       - Sound editor-
    10. Warner for his The Thing Hand sprite for KL'RT




  14. Just now, Tabris666 said:

    I dont know if you are searching for an specific version of the stage but the pack have the stage you are looking

    sf-america1.def Mount Rushmore thats the stage you are looking is the pic you posted now if you dont want to download it because it has the bgm then is your problem because you wont find another,and that link has all the stages of street fighter 1

    thank you you give me the right one my answer been filled :)

  15. The Screen Pack been converted and Edit by ShinLucho
    The Original Screen Pack was made By Ziltama
    The 675 slots edit made by MaxBeta
    The Life Bar made by Hloader

    Screen pack come with both add slot version
    1. Less add slots made by ShinLucho
    2. 675 slots edit made by MaxBeta

    I Replace the 675 slots for the mugen 1.1 & 1.0 but I really dont take no credit for this screen pack :D
    All Credits goes to the 4 Young men for there awesome hard work
    Download located here


    Backup Download





    Please note that I really did not made this screen pack and its should be staying in this section :Irock:

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