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Posts posted by OldGamer

  1. 1 hour ago, ゴーストキラー said:
    1 hour ago, ゴーストキラー said:

    Nice work with that stage, OG, it looks pretty good. I'm sure Empawk really likes it too.

    Nice work with that stage, OG, it looks pretty good. I'm sure Empawk really likes it too.

    thank you ghost killer the stage been updated now :D  the Shadows been added to the two mens now in background all thanks to Jango Brown feedback

  2. nggdfVP.png

    All Credit goes to Sky79 for helping fix my stage All Credit goes to Him :D
    Mugen Stage have super jump
    Mugen Stage have animation
    Mugen Stage come with Mugen version 1.1 & 1.0
    Mugen Stage come with New Custom Guile Sound Track :D
    Mugen Stage have Sun animation Made By Sky79
    Mugen Stag finally have shadows Made By Sky79
    The Tank image sprite for the  Background been modified and Made By Sky79

    Download can be found here





  3. This. Is. AMAZING!

    thank you :D

    This...this is out of this world! For your first screenpack, this is absolutely incredible! Very well done!

    thank you ^^ I am glad you like it :D

    The Real truth History of this Classic Free Fighter Screen pack started in August  20, 2014.
    I was still learning on how to make screen pack by editing them from Mugen Jet default version and that how My First edit Screen Pack was born that was the Blue Mugen Low res was made. but I wanted to make something that no one ever made before. At first the CFF Screen Pack started as Crusader Cast Screen Pack. but things were not going to plan that I was hoping for.

    I made a lot of changes to the screen pack and was shown for the first time on Crusader Cast and MFFA. The Screen pack was started to be a Sonic Screen pack at first but Genesis and Ryon give me so mush info and suggestion Ideas what I should Aim for. Then that when hit me. when I saw for the first time DJ HANNIBALROYCE's Duck Hunt Dog Mugen Character.

    I was shocked and blown away how a awesome character were coming to life and Bring action mix of old school. I was so impress I had to make a mugen stages for his mugen character. but does not stop there... thing were getting better for me and I wanted to be part of DJ HANNIBALROYCE's Project Movie Hits.

     At same time and that when I encounter RoySquadRock  and I had no Idea about RoySquadRock awesome work as well.
     I first encounter RoySquadRock by Narvana and Omega.

    They were making Mugen Mugen stages Base on RoySquadRock Mugen characters.
    I asked Omega about the Magical Girl Princess Mugen Stages where the game came from and where did he get the sprite for them. that when he show me the game so I wanted to make a stages base on what he made and that when I first encounter RoySquadRock for first time.

    I had no Idea he made classic Sega genesis and snes mugen characters. Narvana came to me for some adivce stage coding advice for his next Shante stages. this is when RoySquadRock was still working on Shante. AND THAT WHEN HIT ME... Two awesome Creator Making crazy and Fun classic mugen characters.

    I wanted to make the screen pack for them and also for everyone. DJ HANNIBALROYCE , Genesis , Ryon ,  .:O Ilusionista:. and Magma Dragoon MK-II
    were the one with there AWESOME FEEDBACK and Suggestion for my screen pack that located here

    IMT WIP post

    MFFA wip post

     I wanted for everyone to enjoy Classic Arcade and Old school console game from there Creations. It really give me the Courage to make this Original Screen Pack
    :hyo: Because of them and that how Classic Free fighters is born.



    This is my Very first Original made Screen Pack for the Mugen 1.1 & 1.0
    The Screen Pack was made by my two Favorite Mugen Authors RoySquadRock and DJ HANNIBALROYCE for there Awesome Classic Mugen Characters
    But also this Screen Pack is made for All the Fans that Loved Old Classic Arcade and Older Console Video Games

    What does the Screen Pack come with ?
    The Screen Pack come with 65 ADD-Slots and 95 ADD-Slot
    The Screen Pack come with 5 Classic Mugen Stages and 2 New Stages a total of 7 Classic Mugen Stages made By me :amuse:
    The Screen Pack come with its own Original Life Bar
    The Screen Pack come with Mugen 1.0 and 1.1
    The Screen Pack Resolution is 680x480

    Special Thank to DuckSS for his awesome advice AND Idea for the warning sign for the game :D

    Download located here

    1.Backup Media fire Download

    2.Backup OneDrive Download > My original Screen Pack > CFF 1.1 & 1.0


  5. mwy08bT.png
    Special thanks to SmithyGCN for his Dr.light Sprite from Sprite Resources
    Special thanks to Star Slim Universe for Tango Sprites from Sprite Resources
    All Background images were rip from Mega Man 3, 5 and 6 by using the Old Nintendo Emulator NEStopia version 1.53
    All images are from Capcom and Original Artist from Sprite Resources

    The Stage is animated
    The Stage is parallax :hyo:
    The Stages have delta setting :)

    Download located here

    This is going to be my last stage release for the time being  :hyo:

  6. Yoshi's Snowy Hills only for mugen 1.0 

    Special Thank to BreinStijn for making this Sound track and you can find BreinStijn you tube channel located here


    The stage can do super jump
    The stage have parallax

    Yoshi's Snowy Hills with the Falling Snow version
    Special Thanks to Odb718 & Squirtle for there awesome Ideas
    Special Thanks to Squirtle for giving his permission to use his snow sprite
    The stage only for Mugen 1.0 version

    Happy Holidays from OldGamer AKA
    James Castro :D

    Download located here

    The reason why not supported for mugen 1.1 ?
    well I cant figure out why the parallax is shaking and act up  and its does weird shake like flicker when I use the zoom effect or with out the zoom effect.  I think that the parallax is more stable on mugen 1.0 that reason why :hyo:


  7. The Stage can do zoom and animated
    The Stage come with mugen 1.1 & 1.0

    You find the character located here

    The download is located here

    All thanks to Staubhold for letting me know about the mugen 1.0 issue  :)


  8. everything look awesome. but  you need to lower your bounds just a tab bit more
    here a picture what I mean :)

    also electrocaid said that he found a bug in the upper part

     but I think its just need to add the *mask = 1* on the image code :)

    Im very glad that Vegaz and EXshadow been great help to you :D for being your  first stage . I have to say you did wonderful job . Please keep up the awesome work :D

  9. Bonanza Bros's Wanted Wall Stage for Mugen 1.1 & 1.0

    The Stage was rip from mame emulator 167 version
    The Stage can do super jump and zoom
    The Stage come with mugen 1.1 and mugen 1.0
    The Stage is HI-RES for both mugen version
    The Stage is made for RoySquadRocks's Robo and Mobo Mugen Characters
    But any mugen characters will fit nicely with the stage 
    Download located here

  10. Sorry, i mean .ttf ^^;


    Anyways, based on that screenshot seems like you need to change the path to



    or just put 04B_19__.def and 04B_19__.ttf in the same folder as QOH_BIG.FNT and timer.def

    I found out why did not work XD OMG haha. I mess up on my part


    I add a dot next to the [FNT v2] if you go and scroll up.  You can see it for your self on the picture xD


  11. Thank you Ryon your guide is most useful indeed.becuase you did a guide about the bitmap ACCII :) that how I made the timer for my life bar for the mugen 1.0

    but its seem that the truetype font not showing on my mugen 1.0 screen pack for some odd reason this old man does not know why is not showing on the screen :(   I know that its work on the option screen but some reason wont show up on the Lifebars :o

    sff = fight.sff
    snd = fight.snd
    font1 = QOH_BIG.FNT
    font2 = timer.def           <<<<<<<<<<<<< The number on here is working because is a bitmap :) from Ryon guide but...
    font3 = 04B_19__.def  <<<<<<<<  BUT some how the words not showing at all for my lifebars :O
    fightfx.sff = fightfx.sff
    fightfx.air = fightfx.air
    common.snd = common.snd

    and I did follow follow the Ryoucchi guide step but some odd reason wont show up :O is there something I need to do for it to show up on the screen ?






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