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Artoria Alter

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Everything posted by Artoria Alter

  1. I'd recognize that puking Jenet anywhere! Here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/kgduehbw1oue1rn/rave.rar?dl=0
  2. http://www.mmcafe.com/nico.html#http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19080553 Seems his Onedrive died ages ago, anyone have this Geese? thanks
  3. http://akirasoft.sakura.ne.jp/mugen/alisa/ As a side note, the author put Z as an AI activation command. Probably best if you erased or changed that for now.
  4. http://ameblo.jp/kei166/ https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=64A52DCE824EAC7B&id=64A52DCE824EAC7B!128
  5. https://onedrive.live.com/?id=9F4A5A36ABE02BBC!127&cid=9F4A5A36ABE02BBC カメハメハ
  6. This won't get you laid by me you gold idiot. Okay I really love this.
  7. Heal the world also released Dio Overheaven the same day
  8. http://ux.getuploader.com/pikko1/download/359/saitama.zip
  9. Not MUGEN related, but there WAS supposed to be a project. Sadly, it died off. http://projecthatemachine.tumblr.com/
  10. https://onedrive.live.com/?id=B733B36D722D358F!135&cid=B733B36D722D358F (JonathanASB)
  11. http://furiguri.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1362.html
  12. Just a note, while the sprite style is Akatsuki-ish, the gameplay itself is original somewhat.
  13. Just a note for Aya [State 10000, 北斗モード設定] type = VarSet trigger1 = !var(43) ;━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ var(43) = 0 ; ◆↑1で北斗モードON ; それ以外でOFF(デフォルト:0) ; ; エフェクトがAC北斗になる。(sffに登録している場合) ; ボイスがONになる。(sndに登録している場合) Changing var(43) to 1 gives her HNK move effects (Rei's dash and uppercut effects), super backgrounds, and voices(which are voices from the HNK game) And I really hope she gets refined because she's a lot more fun to play as than the other Aya who originally used the sprites, but is still rough around the edges.
  14. Sorry, the file link that you requested is not valid. Sign error.
  15. You should also note that it's not just 1.1 only, but it's 16:9 only too
  16. I haven't caught up on the lore, but, what the heck is with her moveset and voice? The only thing I expected her to have is her jumpscare super. At least she's fun as a character I suppose.
  17. http://shoryuken.com/2015/11/03/street-fighter-v-audio-files-reveal-post-launch-characters-posstible-capcom-pro-tour-events/ The final character is Fan/Fun, and the DLC are Juri, Ibuki, Urien, Alex, Boxer and Guile
  18. Yeah... what makes this even sadder are her last blog posts
  19. lol, the Clone Yakuza guys from Ninja Slayer. That's a bit of a surprise
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