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Artoria Alter

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Everything posted by Artoria Alter

  1. http://ux.getuploader.com/deadhead/download/3/R_Saber.zip (main host site, in case he changes/updates it again : http://ux.getuploader.com/deadhead/ ) Pass: deadhead http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25806720
  2. Problem isn't the damage in itself, it's the fact that it's a full screen unblockable that lasts a while, allows the user the move while it occurs, and prevents the opponent from doing anything while just costing 1 bar.
  3. It's a good spark set. Except for one thing. The super hitsparks obviously are meant to be a full screen effect, but shrunken down by a fourth makes the borders obvious. That, and they aren't really Guilty Gear accurate, or fitting.
  4. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25670197Hoppou WIP video. Very early stages so far, so we'll probably have to wait.
  5. He's down from the Skydrive, does anyone have him?
  6. There's a modified Wo that is playable over here https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=ED6D38737E1220A8&id=ED6D38737E1220A8!334
  7. http://page.freett.com/zecruss/Shirokuma's Shimakaze got updated and is hosted here.
  8. There's a new Shimakaze, http://u6.getuploader.com/ondouru/download/358/zekamasi.GCA no idea what the password is though. It's supposed to be hinted here http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25473897but can't tell what it is.
  9. 1.1 seems to be the most sensible scale for him in 720p, making him similar to CVS characters.
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