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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. Granted, but it's all in blood money, and the mafia steals it back. I wish that the BSOD never existed.
  2. Granted, but you're the only one complaining afterwards. I wish for a steak.
  3. Granted, but your transformation is considered non-canon. I wish for a Demon Sword like Crona.
  4. Granted, but it's a clown car. I wish for a new convertible.
  5. Granted, but the next time you make a wish, it will come back to ruin your unruined wish. I wish to have a real piece of Kryptonite.
  6. Granted, but you have to share your taco with Sonata Dusk. I wish I didn't know who Sonata Dusk was.
  7. Granted, but then Sanic would cease to exist, to the dismay of no one. I wish that Ermac was real.
  8. Granted, but you never turn human again. I wish for a kingdom.
  9. Granted, but you look like this: No offense. I wish for a real Monokuma to exist.
  10. Granted, but doing so would make others abandon the roleplay thread (including myself for some contrived reason). I wish for a million dollars.
  11. Granted, but it has penicillin. I wish for a million bucks.
  12. Granted, but it ends up turning into an Evangelion-esque mecha anime that no one asked for. I wish that Shrek forgot how to Shrek.
  13. Granted, but it's all spoiled. I wish Shrek Forever After never existed.
  14. Granted, but it's an obvious beta when it gets released. I wish for the Steelers to win the next Super Bowl.
  15. Granted, but he's DLC. I wish that Mayweather lost.
  16. Granted, but it's only in MMD format. I wish for some Dr. Pepper.
  17. Granted, but your next wish becomes null and void due to wishing for another wish. I wish for infinite lives.
  18. Granted, but then your internet crashes before you can post on page 14. I wish for a cheesecake.
  19. Granted, except you can't paste anything here, period. I wish for Photoshop to be free.
  20. Nice start on the concept. Some suggestions: 1. I think that an outline of Hope's Peak symbol would work better for the timer since Monokuma's face would look cluttered underneath the actual time counting down. 2. Powerbars could go on top of the lifebars to avoid clashing with any character with a built-in power bar or striker system on the bottom corners. 3. Maybe make the black and white placeholders a little longer to fit a longer Ultimate title. That's all I have for now.
  21. Does anyone know if the character on the right exists?
  22. For Syncro: Favorite boss theme? Worst fictional character, overall?
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