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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. Hey guys, welcome to my zoom conversion abode, where I convert stages to have 1.1 zoom enability, with BGM included. Let's take a look at what's available so far........ Riverside by FiR3-L0rD DL Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?2xq9tgdeuqnij16 KOF XI - Spain by Misamu DL Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?6wvsu9gao29og96 Slaughterhouse by Fr33dom87 DL Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?8dkcluh1368pz71 SVC Krizalid EX by ???? DL Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?50flsvjuo14zd91 Raw Is War Stage by The HeartBurn Kid DL Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?hoyfokblibzfi63 MBAA - Farewell Town by Ouchi DL Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?il4mdogzjrfl9ti Tatari's Wasteland by Lightoss DL Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?w593zkbpm6d0c12 TvC Training Faked by ExShadow DL Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?nbt6mqjiab9fdqb Conversions Pending: Tekken 2 Devil Kazuya's Stage by GLB (DOOM SEEKER's Request) Mirai Summer/Autumn/Winter by Ryoucchi (Celest's Request) An Hour of Lost Time by _Kronos_ (My Choice) Descending Ring by DynamoWolf (My Choice)
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBXxU-w0Y9k I believe this is a Bowser's Castle stage, and I'm asking for a link to this area.
  3. I'm looking for DooM's Cemetery stage. Any links?
  4. Now THAT'S how you make a sig and avatar set!
  5. Excham, If you're up to it, I've got one more sig and avatar request for you: http://31.media.tumblr.com/cb11b8b4c80f08fc04b03d6ad608d8d8/tumblr_mjrxwxdDk61re9oq6o1_500.png Even though I used this render for one of my previous sigs seen here (Possibly NSFW): .....I thought I'd be interesting to see your take on it.
  6. You need to open up the character's .cns file and find their 5900 state. From there, add: [state 5900, Palette] type = remappal trigger1 = 1 source = 1, 1 dest = 1, palno
  7. The Bulleta I have simply has very easy A.I. and I was looking for a way to make here a but more of a challenge. I tried this url: http://briefcase.yahoo.co.jp/bc/kcgmr811/ ......but it turned out to be a dead end, even with the WayBack Machine. Any help?
  8. Anyone got a link that doesn't lead me to MegaUpload?
  9. Can we just focus on the character, and forget Borewood's sob story even existed?!
  10. That would be On Stage by EXShadow. It can be found here: http://network.mugenguild.com/vibrant/Vibrant%27s%20Mugen%20Stuff/Hi-Res%20Stages/
  11. Apparently, she's no longer available at his website, so I'm looking to see if anyone has the last updated version of her.
  12. I know there was a patch made for this stage, and I was wondering if anyone got ahold of it?
  13. Thanks to your advice and some extra coding, I was able to use the characters properly.
  14. I'm trying to apply some ports to DivineWolf's Rock Howard so he can be used in NoZ's Legacy screenpack, but I'm running into the problem of being unable to switch palettes in gameplay. I think saving the sprites to 1.1 might have triggered this issue. Any help?
  15. Never mind Youmu, what the heck happened to Wolverine?!
  16. I just got this screenpack yesterday and I'm gonna start setting up my roster today. The wait was worth it, I'll tell you guys that much.
  17. [Preview] Quote from Noz: "The wait is over,Legacy is here you have 4 versions in 1 package there is a 150+ characters that have portraits made by me you can find the ports in the ports and templates folder there are all the templates for the screenpack Custom things you can do: *you can have images for stage select there is a folder in the ports area thats has a few pre-made ports for the stages,in order to use images in stage select,in the data folder select the version that says custom,either big roster or small, the is a stage font map to tell you how to change them,open the stage font in fighter factory to change them *you can change the press start intro art and the main menu art,templates are included and some pre-made ports thanks to a few guys at mugen figthers guild *there's 2 versions of the lifebars,one with the powerbars on top(default) and one with the power bars on the bottom,you can choose it on the data folder *you can choose from 3 announcers sfxt,ssf4 and kof13 *you have 2 roster types big and small,the difference is they have different small portraits,9000,0 big roster with normal stage font big roster with custom stage font small roster with normal stage font small roster with custom stage font LINKS part 1 http://www.mediafire.com/download/zkd1o23op5jdj6h/LEGACY.part1.rar part 2 http://www.mediafire.com/download/un22b3vhoa285uq/LEGACY.part2.rar part 3 http://www.mediafire.com/download/wjrin3l4enmz77f/LEGACY.part3.rar divided the link in 3 parts,its large because of the full portrait and template folders To the beta testers thank you and update,cause there's a few changes Thank you all for your patience,leave feedback and enjoy,this work is owned not just by me,but the mugen community,this one is for my fans and friends that have supported my work over the years,from E.O.F to WarZoNe,Legacy is my gift to you all,thank you,please read the readme included in the package for instructions" [Comment] FINALLY! :)
  18. [Preview] [Download] http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/sfzero-juri-hancvs-juri-han-1-12-162093.0.html [Comment] Includes Japanese and English voices. Aside from some of Chuchoryu's history with multitasking with beta characters, this is another character he committed himself to finishing, like Kazuya in the past.
  19. http://t.entertainment.msn.com/joan-rivers-emmy-winning-comedian-and-fashion-police-host-dead-at-81-1 You will be missed......
  20. [Preview] [Download] https://www.mediafire.com/?n16rjoc504i3jfh [Comment] A 2-in-1 post by yours truly. I got these two before mugen-chronicles.org went down.
  21. I'm a bit confused on how Ange Ushiromiya works, because her movelist is in Japanese. Translating it doesn't help much, due to it being in "broken English".
  22. After working on a number of these palettes, here's more. Palettes for YU-TOHARU's Ange Ushiromiya: 4 Custom, Light Sapphire (Done as a request for a friend), Sub-Zero (MK), Ermac (MK), Scorpion (MK), Kyoko Kirigiri (Danganronpa), Sayaka Maizono (Danganronpa), Xtremist (This black n' red custom palette now offically has it's own name) DL Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?qqdxgarcpkgzng7 Thanks, and I'll keep that piece of advice in mind. :)
  23. Thanks for the critique, man. Kudos to you making some cool palettes as well. :)
  24. Palettes for Mouser's M. Bison (These palettes can only be used with Froz's Color Separation patch found here: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/frozs-color-separation-patches-cvs-hibiki-and-cvs-hayato-warusaki3-141532.0.html): 4 Custom, Yagami Bison, Green Lantern Bison, The Incredible Bison, Steelers DL Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?1r30k13rf49c03c
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