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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. Favorite book series? Worst fictional character, personality-wise? Do jump scares bore you?
  2. TDX (me) vs. Dr. Doom (Marvel) TDX: The Villain Rejects Club is that way. Doom: You'll regret those words, you conniving fool! TDX: Always with the threats, Victor.............
  3. Does anyone have a link to the character? Even if it's just an overpowered spriteswap, I would appreciate it. :)
  4. Links to my Rock Howard (DivineWolf), Robert (KoopaKoot), and Tron Bonne (LegendaryXM90) palettes have been fixed! Thanks for the lookout, Shaolin Sam!
  5. I think 8 months will warrant a new thread dedicated to creating those intros that may never happen in actuality, or creating fresh new ones for long time rivals and friends. Here we go!....... Ermac (Mortal Kombat) vs. Envy (Full Metal Alchemist): Ermac: We wield the might of thousands! Envy: *Shapeshifts to match Ermac's appearance* So do I! Ermac: You will feel our wrath upon you! Daida Hibana (Deadman Wonderland) vs. Cody (Street Fighter) Cody: Hey, kiddo, didn't your mom tell you not to play with weapons? Daida: Wouldn't you like to know! Cody: *Talking to himself* Why do I always get stuck fighting maniacs?
  6. If you were an Assassin, which fictional character would you eliminate first? Does an ogre really have layers? How would you describe Guilty Gear in one word?
  7. How about the sig and avatar I requested a little while ago? :)
  8. If only Senior Year would finish sooner.......... Palettes for YU-TOHARU's Kirino Kousaka (I haven't seen anyone make any palettes for her, so I thought I'd give it a go, but man did it take a while!): Xtremist, Kneesocks, Kung Fu Kirino, Shadow Kirino, Error Macro, Untitled, Messatsu DL Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/e0bz7c432tq4ff0/TDX's_Kirino_Palettes.zip Palettes for hetyo's Kongou (Requested by TheMeilingFan): Xtremist, Light Sapphire, Donatello, Crouching Kongou Hidden Weapon, Viva Mexico, Messatsu, Full Metal Mayhem, Monochrome DL Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3nzqw4llroeia42/TDX's_Kongou_Palettes.zip As for the other requests, I'll need a bit to get them in order, but they will be completed. :)
  9. Who did I end up voting for? It probably won't happen, but hey, someone's gotta vote for someone other than Roy!
  10. Good to see someone finally created another Primal Rage character. Also, welcome back, Phantom. :)
  11. Congrats on the promotion! You earned it!
  12. Anybody go on XBOX Live? Gamertags: TDX1997 - TotalDramaXtremist (XBOX 360) (US) Games: SSFIV, Naruto Shipudden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3, Saints Row The Third, skate. Ghost Killer - ThaGhostKiller (Xbox 360 & Xbox One) (Australia) Games: USF4, MK9, UMVC3, MVC: Origins, SF2 HF, SF3: 3S OE, COD AW, COD BO2
  13. A MediaFire back-up to go with the SendSpace file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/5dyuqmoqp4ad99n/kirino.rar
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