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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. I didn't. Sorry if the portrait request was misleading.
  2. Thanks for the render, dude. Anyways, here's some more portrait requests. Mari Illustrious Makinami (Rebuild of Evangelion): http://www.imgbase.info/images/safe-wallpapers/anime/neon_genesis_evangelion/9743_neon_genesis_evangelion_mari.jpg Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji)(Person on the left): http://www.imgbase.info/images/safe-wallpapers/anime/kuroshitsuji/7160_kuroshitsuji_black_butler.jpg Marie Kanker (Ed, Edd, n Eddy): http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/154/1/1/marie_kanker_by_niban_destikim-d3hzjns.jpg
  3. More artwork coming your way! Reisuke Houjou (Mirai Nikki/Future Diary): Izzy and Chihiro (Total Drama/DanganRonpa) Ino Yamanaka (Naruto Shippuden) Biker Chihiro (Danganronpa)
  4. You think you could link a render to that Asuka pic?
  5. Reisuke Houjou (Mirai Nikki/Future Diary)(Use the shot on the left for his portrait): http://static.zerochan.net/full/49/48/869949.jpg Asuka Langley Soryu/Shikinami (Evangelion): http://www.imgbase.info/images/safe-wallpapers/anime/neon_genesis_evangelion/33364_neon_genesis_evangelion.jpg Cody (Street Fighter): http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/044/8/3/cody_street_fighter_25th_anniversary_tribute_by_jaimito-d4pmerl.jpg
  6. Morgiana (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic): http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/164/6/6/magi__morgiana_by_luna_lifiora-d68uv0t.png Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail): http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/025/f/7/fairy_tail_316___erza_rage_by_tremblax-d5snvyz.png Ibuki Mioda (Super DanganRonpa 2): http://static.zerochan.net/full/22/00/1602522.jpg
  7. Chihiro Fujisaki (DanganRonpa)(Shortest on the left): http://25.media.tumblr.com/71877cfb5c791e6bcad0c638a68afe8a/tumblr_mvjdrjKA3t1rprd2uo1_500.jpg
  8. Here are a few ideas I have: Top 10 Traps In Anime History Top 5 TV Shows That Lost Their Edge Top 5 Overrated Cartoon Characters Top 10 Obscure Cartoons
  9. Alter Ego Modified Chihiro vs. Chihiro Fujisaki Chihiro:...........Alter Ego? A.E.C: Don't be afraid. I'm only here to warn you of the future. Chihiro: What....are....you?! A.E.C: A result of Oowada's recklessness. Chihiro: No.........You can't be me! I won't die! *Fight Begins* Myself (TDX) vs. Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa) TDX: Hello, Taeko. Celes: What the...?! How did you know of my secret?! TDX: Take it easy, Celes. You really wanna know that badly? Celes: Why you.........SUFFER! *Fight Begins*
  10. It's always good to try something different once in a while, but you do what's best anyhow.
  11. Ryoucchi, I'd like a Sig Request if you've got the time: Size: 600x200 Image: Text: Bound By Hope Shattered By Despair If my username could be worked in there as well, that would work just fine.
  12. Soi Fon (Bleach): http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs30/f/2008/068/c/d/Soi_Fong___Vector_by_Azley.jpg CM Punk (WWE): http://highlits247.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/CM-Punk-8.png Rena Ryuugu (Higurashi): http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs19/f/2007/291/8/9/Higurashi_Rena_Fanart_by_SnowChibi.jpg
  13. Haven't posted any pics in a month, so here's a new drawing for the DanganRonpa fans here at MFFA. Chihiro Fujisaki (Warning: Possibly NSFW):
  14. Butter Mutant Oowada vs. Mondo Oowada B.M.O: Mondo! Oowada: Who the f**k are you?! B.M.O: Listen up, I'm you from the future, and I came to tell yo- Oowada: Shut up! You look like someone turned me into a melting gold statue or somethin'! B.M.O: You're gonna end up like me if you don't listen to what I have to say! Oowada: If you don't hear what I have to say, you won't last long, buddy! *Fight Begins* Fire Mutant Celestia vs. Celestia Ludenberg Celestia: You look just like me, except that you're on fire! F.M.C: Naegi's going to end up doing this to you If you go through with your plan! Celestia: I don't give a s**t what you're talking about! Yamada and Ishimaru are too vulnerable for me to make my movr! F.M.C: Well then........I guess I'll just have to BURN YOU TO AN UNRECOGNIZABLE STATE! Celestia: We'll see about that, faker. *Fight Begins* Myself (TDX) vs. Monokuma TDX: Hey, Monokuma! Didn't your girlfriend Junko tell you to cause despair, not flat-out boredom?! Monokuma: How dare you talk to my creator that way! Pepare to be executed, miscreant! *Fight Begins*
  15. Butter Mutant Oowada "What the hell did Monokuma do to me?!" "I don't feel so fresh......" "For Daiya!" To Bowser: "I heard what you said about me you oversized turtle freak!" Fire Mutant Celestia "I guess being hit by a fire truck does have its advantages." "Burn! Burn like I should have done so!" To Scorpion: "Now do you see just how much more powerful my fire powers are?!" To Makoto Naegi: "You'll burn for what you did to me!" Alter Ego Modified Chihiro "WHERE'S MY HEAD?!" "I-I'm sorry........" "My IQ's much higher than it used to be...." To Mondo Oowada: "See what you've done to me?! LOOK!" To Monokuma: "I'll finish what Alter Ego started with you." Psychic Mutant Kuwata "A bunch of baseballs can't keep me down!" "These powers rock!" "You won't get away so easily...." To Makoto Naegi: "Time to pay the piper, Naegi!" To Monokuma: "Thanks for the cool powers! I mean, you did give me them, right?"
  16. Myself (TDX): "Your time is up." "Get up again, I dare ya!" "Can't we all just get along?.........Alright, I guess not." To Envy: "Why don't you transform into someone who can actually fight back?" To Genocider Syo/Genocide Jack: "Hey, didn't your mom tell you not to run with scissors?" Monokuma (Dangan Ronpa) "Listen to your headmaster!" "Execution time!" To Chihiro Fujisaki: "Shouldn't you be in the freezer back at Hope Academy?!" To Mondo Oowada: "You should be buttered Mondo right now!" Fuu (Naruto): "I'm called the Seven Tails Jinchuriki for a reason." "Chomei, let's get out of here." "You can forget about having a rematch!" To Chihiro Fujisaki: "Suck it up, dude. I was brainwashed by Kabuto, at least something like that didn't happen to you." To Lucario: "Aura Blast? Please......" Luppi Antenor (Bleach): "Pathetic........" "Now, after Grimmjoww!" "Even my full power was too much for you." To Dr. Octopus: "You are nothing like me, Otto Octavius. As far as I'm concerned, I am the superior specimen." To Leonardo: "Strange......why do sound just like me?" (Meant to poke fun at the fact that they have the same voice actor.)
  17. Myself (TDX): "It's like you weren't even trying, buddy." "Don't you have somewhere to go? To the losers bracket?" To Celestia Ludenberg: "You came up with an empty hand, and you should've known better, Taeko." To Leon Kuwata: "That's a grand slam for me!" Celestia Ludenberg (Dangan Ronpa): "Oh my. You shouldn't have gotten in my way." "Remember this, Taeko Yasuhiro is dead. I am Celestia Ludenberg, Ultimate Gambler!" To Makoto Naegi: "You'll pay for getting me executed!" To Any Mortal Kombat Character: "STAY OUT OF MY WAY BEFORE SOMEONE DIES!......I apologize for the way I acted, but you will suffer if you fight me once more." The Boss (Saints Row): "Oh, man that was therapeutic!" "Do you really think you stand a chance against Stillwater's finest?" "To think, I could've gotten a whole f***ing army of Saints shooting you to oblivion!" To CM Punk: "You'll go nowhere trying to beat me with tricks like that. Just ask Killbane." To Mondo Oowada: "I could kiss your ass again if I want to, but I'll leave that to your pansy biker gang."
  18. Myself (TDX): "Rematch?.........No?.........Didn't think so." "You wouldn't last a minute in my shoes." "Next time, actually scout out your opponent before fighting them." "I'm going to beat anyone who gets in my way, and that includes you if you ever try to fight me again. Period." (To Monokuma): "I'll show you and that goon Junko a thing or two about despair!" (To Krizalid): "Just 'cause you have K's DNA, doesn't mean you'll measure up to him." (To Chihiro): "Nothing personal. You're not the first guy to fool me with feminine looks." Chihiro Fujisaki (Dangan Ronpa): "Sorry for making you look weak." "I'm trying to get stronger, and I'm getting closer to my goal." (To Deadpool): "I'm a male you know. Just putting it out there." (To Monokuma): "What do you mean Oowada killed me?!" (To CM Punk): "You remind me of Oowada, you're just a bit more focused on being number one." Genocider Syo/Genocide Jack (Dangan Ronpa): "I could just kill you, but that would be too easy!" "Scissors beat everything and everyone!" (To Vega): You'll never kill anyone with those claws. Try scissors instead!"
  19. Asuka Kazama (Tekken): http://static.zerochan.net/full/41/18/748441.jpg Wolvenom/Symbiote Wolverine (Marvel): http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa64/DARKTALBAIN/423130-wolvenom_super.png Krizalid (King of Fighters): http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/169/c/c/krizalid_by_malebeja-d69n9gx.png
  20. Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail): http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/116/4/2/erza_scarlet_render_by_ramix93-d4xmq48.png Ino Yamanaka (Naruto): http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/050/0/c/ino_yamanaka_shippuden_by_loladox-d4qb324.png K9999 (King of Fighters): http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/219/0/9/KOF___K9999_2_by_evilgun.jpg
  21. Fuu (Naruto): http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130808132004/naruto/images/6/66/Rinpungakure_no_Jutsu1.png Sonson (Capcom): http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/327/3/9/son_son_by_alehhh-d5lwo3l.jpg Aura Crucifix (Kula Edit): http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/082/6/9/mugen_kof_edition_by_emmakof-d4tpubf.jpg I'll limit my requests to 3 any time I make a request every now and then after seeing the new rules.
  22. With a bit of free time, I created a few signatures centered on a theme. I may use one of these in the future. Sig No. 1: Seven Tails Sig No. 2: Afterlife and Redemption Sig No. 3: Seventh Path
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