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Everything posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. There's another one that says "Come at me bro!", but seeing as Cheezburger sucks with its non-filetype images, I cannot show it to you.
  2. Lets just hope MoonCat doesn't decide to come crashing down on Cheez Town in 3 days...
  3. Should've been bothered to release this ages ago when I'd actually done it, but instead put it off until now :P [ le screenshot ] [ le notes ] Anyways, it's not a huge update - BGM loops infinitely, so there's no need to lug that giant .mp3 file around anymore (also makes downloading it quicker), and the camera doesn't go upwards as quickly (I found it rather annoying). [ le download ] http://garchompmatt.webs.com/stages.htm Perhaps one day I'll remake this in hi-res.
  4. Starters are single-typed: http://www.pokemon.com/pokemonxy/en-gb
  5. Inside an old mansion with dimmed lighting and a small patch of light from the chandelier swaying side-to-side on the floor. Ghosts flying around and getting scared (lol, irony) of the fighters, vanishing into thing air in the process. Maybe some other ghosts peering down at the fighters from the balcony/upper floor. Whatever it is I'm getting at, it needs to have a spooky BGM to it too.
  6. Damn. All the errors I was getting yesterday prevented me from saying my last words on that thread.
  7. The name comes from the English and Japanese names of Magnemite (Magnemite and Coil, respectively). Trading via the GTS makes people appear in your Join Avenue, allowing you to level up your shops, as well as the avenue itself. Seeing as Magnemite is so easily obtainable in Black 2 and White 2, it's a great way to do the above. Both sending and receiving these commonly available Magnemites via the GTS gets loads of people to appear on your Join Avenue, thus helping level all your shops and avenue really quickly. On a side note, my Join Avenue is called Core Prime :3
  8. Jeremy Soule is a legend! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGLphQPp3dc
  9. Boom. http://plasmoidthunder.deviantart.com/
  10. Magnemite coiling would be so much easier if those problems didn't exist. What really annoys me when trying to Magnemite coil: - People putting Magnemite up for trade...for level 5 Zekroms, etc. - An ENTIRE room filled with people that've already been traded to.
  11. @ShayminYou have a 3DS Action Replay (or some equivalent) I take it? Bah! Whatever happened to cheating for fun?@setsuna22It also helps if the GTS doesn't do that horrible thing where it says the trainer has already been traded to, yet still says the trade's "open" for more than a week...
  12. The most recent thing on my desktop only costed £1.50 (which is about $2.42)!
  13. As nice as this idea sounds (and looks), those Pansages look pretty "out of it", so to speak.
  14. "It appears my path has been blocked by this strange box that's displaying what I'm saying in the form of text...?"
  15. I've never completed the Pokédex, but I'm not overly fussed, really. EDIT: Official artworks from a CoroCoro scan:
  16. It's all about the Combusken! Or possibly the Onix and the Voltorb twins.
  17. It's red paint, silly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4P0KeOtqS8
  18. Been using The 100 Mega Shock!'s Mewtwo a fair bit lately. Even managed to beat Rotom with him, who seems to serve as an indicator as to whether I'm good at using a character or not. Little bugger keeps avoiding all the specials and hypers >:3
  19. Legendary names revealed: Pronounced "ZURR-nee-us" and "ee-VELL-tall". Also, based on the second moves the starters used, it can be assumed that: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/6954319360/hF4BB9779/ (Image doesn't work on these forums)
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