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Everything posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. "Geez! I punched you so hard, all your coding fell out!...so that's how you activate that move." "Ack! Popcorn! My one weakness!" "Terrible M.U.G.E.N characters...terrible M.U.G.E.N characters everywhere!" "Nuu! I left the oven on!" "Good thing I'm immune to everything! A...A...ACHOO!" "Nuu! It's raining popcorn!"
  2. Forgot about him, as you need a quick character to combo the crap out of him, 'cause blocking until the right moment is futile.
  3. "So this is the magical realm of victory quotes...better think up a good one! Wait..." "CRAP! I just stubbed my frikkin' toe!" "*insert badass victory quote here*" "I'll take it you'll be off to Harvard Medical School...as a cadaver." "I'm so cool, I don't even need a victory quote...crap." "YOU GET NOTHING! YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!" "You're not even worthy to drink my piss!"
  4. I approve of this. Getting yourself bogged down with tons of requests isn't easy on the stressometer (I'd imagine).
  5. Use Imageshack. Regardless of what everyone else seems to think, it gets the job done. Then again, there's always Wikia...or at least, a specific wiki that'd you definitely be able to get away with uploading MUGEN images to ;)
  6. Still think it's silly that Sega didn't put their mascot in the game, but I suppose they were going for more humanoid characters.
  7. That was actually a joke :P Your Flash Player plugin crashed into the Firewall and it smashed.
  8. Don't know what we'd do without you, Captain Obvious
  9. From what I've seen (from watching Ashen's video on it), the Wii U's loading times are REALLY LONG (not Sonic 06 long, but still pretty long), and the port games (Batman: Arkham City, Assassin's Creed III, etc.) are rather inferior to the other console versions (not graphic-wise, but there's lots of jumpiness in the images and a lower framerate). Zombi U (the super-hyped game of the console) is (from what I've seen) really repetitive, but so are most FPSs, so I'm sure tons of people will enjoy that game :/ The games are also pretty expensive unless you get them through Amazon or CeX... On the plus side, the console itself (even the premium version) is much cheaper than the PS3 and Xbox 360 were on launch. I'll probably wait for the price to drop, and for Project CARS and/or Smash Bros. 4 to be released.
  10. Something some friends of mine did (I'm not in it, sorry ), and the least I could do for them was to carry out their wishes and share it: THE BATH D:
  11. "You fought with honour and I respect that. I eagerly await the next time we do battle."
  12. [state 1337, AwesomeSauce] type = PartyHard trigger1 = enemy,name != "WorthlessCharacter" trigger1 = powermax trigger1 = boozeintoxication = 1 scale = 9001 seizurificspectrumeffects = 1 dubstep = 0 Probably looks better on the white theme, but I don't use that one anyway :P
  13. I can't post any more. This isn't even a post. Not even one. Yeah.
  14. "Geez, what's with all these people and their mean victory quotes?" "Haha! You were awesome to fight!" "No! No! I didn't mean to hurt you that bad, seriously!" "Please don't cry out in pain, it'll make me feel so guilty!" "I hope to fight you again some time!" "I feel ready for anything! Give it your best shot, world!" "Ack! Super sorry!" "Don't give up! Maybe you'll beat me next time!"
  15. *crashes through forum's walls, sending dust and debris everywhere*
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