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Everything posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. Unfortunately... Can't say it doesn't look a bit like Cherrymon.
  2. I guess they're a little more refined than the GameCube, seeing as it's been a decade-or-so. The only thing that bothers me is the lack of anti-aliasing on the models. They can do it, as seen in Ocarina of Time 3D, which also proves that it's not a case of hardware limitation.
  3. He does seem to say he'll fix issues but not actually fix them :/
  4. I must say, for the 3DS, the models are quite smooth-looking. Not many straight lines on round objects.
  5. That's not all of Staubhold's feedback though, is it? None of the gameplay effecting ones, anyway. Just the "easy to fix" ones.
  6. Aw, thanks :3 Victini? I have literally one attack idea...
  7. Might even give him those new Pikmin from Pikmin 3, even if Olimar isn't in the game.
  8. Ther reason we've all given up on giving him feedback is because (even now) he ignores it if it doesn't praise the character. For example, Wlan ignored Staubhold's feedback, but listened to Mugo's sarcastic arse-kisser feedback. He doesn't learn, and never will. He and his "chums" think his characters are "really good", and it's gotten to the point where they're simply deluding themselves. The "updates" don't fix anything, they simply add/change moves and sprites. He also refuses to learn his own language properly, but we won't get into that :P
  9. Fixed it. Imageshack said it had been deleted, but I was staring right at it in my uploads. Fixed the other images, too; it appears changing them from imgxxx.imageshack.us/imgxxx to imageshack.us/a/imgxxx fixed that.
  11. Added Honedge (sounds better if you say it in a French accent, emphasizing the "o") and that worthless Mudkip character. Is it me, or is one of the Pikachu's images broken?
  12. I had my suspicions when I saw it was made by a Japanese author (I've had some bad experiences). They were right. -A lot of invincibility frames/infinite priority attacks (yes, it's a sword, but that is its body). -A lot of its attacks are unblockable (and damn does its AI use them). -AI likes to turtle when you're in with a shot of attacking it. -Swords Dance doesn't appear to wear off, so if it uses that, it's game over. -AI likes to run away and either use Swords Dance or that shadow sword attack. On the plus side, it looks nice.
  13. New stuff. More Pokés, new names, villainous team, legendary typing, yada yada yada.
  14. RicePigeon gives some fantastic feedback. If it wasn't for him, Rotom would still be overpowered, unfair and unbalanced. He knows his stuff :)
  15. If Pokémon Trainer gets cut...yipee! One less gimmick.
  16. "Hmm...Garfield (a user on the 'Database) has been making sprites with pillow shading, and people like them. I should use pillow shading, too!" -Wlanman's motives behind the ugly portrait. Seriously though, Wlan sees whatever's popular at the moment and makes sure it's incorporated into his characters. For a while, all his characters had a "1105" or "Madoldcrow" palette where the colours appear darker and the outline is of a maroon-y colour. On a side note, Wlan and BeanFan's pitiful creations have provoked someone to say that "the British should not be allowed to make characters", or something along those lines. Clearly this person has never heard of people like Koopakoot.
  17. She's appeared in all games post-Diamond and Pearl, what's to say she won't appear again? For those that question my statement, she did appear in HeartGold and SoulSilver, though you needed to take an event Arceus to the Ruins of Alph.
  18. Such as "good character", "nice release" and "lick my anus" "great work". Yeah, he'll never improve. The day Wlanman retires is the day when cake shall be devoured.
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