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Everything posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. Nintendo make thrillers? Yeah, I think it's fake. Swirlix isn't even food. It's a dog-like Pokémon that eats sweet and sugary stuff, making its coat all sticky and pink, like cotton candy. Not actually food.
  2. I read that as taliban, sorry :P
  3. Playlist consisting of 14 wondrous pieces of music. Most are Nintendo musics, but there's four that aren't; two from SSF4, one from Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed and the other from Total Annihilation.
  4. Care to show to source image for the AVGN one?
  5. Mmh. It just so happens that all my favourite games are on Nintendo consoles :3 Well, besides the few I have on my computer (hey, I play MUGEN like a game when I feel like it).
  6. I'm still baffled at how one can make such realistic stages in Photoshop. It's like they're textured 3D models or something.
  7. I honestly can't tell if Keeva is trolling or not, purely because what he's saying is so stereotypically anti-Nintendo, it hurts. Hurts right in the Warp Pipe.
  8. I'm still waiting on that.
  9. Added an edit to Black Kyurem. I would add that Snivy by idiot, but it appears the site's down :/
  10. The ending of that trailer. I haven't heard that "The Pokémon Company" jingle for years. Ah, Colosseum and XD...
  11. Ledge grab or my toast? I'll have my toast, thanks.
  12. Final Destination Match and The Showdown are by far the hardest ones to complete. I did the former with Ganondorf and I think I did the latter with Kirby.
  13. I only agree with the Wii having a "meh" lineup of games. Due to its lack of power compared to its rivals, it received crappy ports, not cross-platforms. Other than probably Undercover, all the Need For Speed games were awful for the Wii; even the exclusive Nitro was terrible (though apparently it was IGN's "Best of E3"...?). I don't, however, agree with the "kiddie game" stuff. Yes, Mario has been rehashed to death, but there were three (five, depending on your point of view) Metroid games released for the Wii: Prime 3, Prime Trilogy and Other M (yes, I went there). Also, Mario Kart is the most hardcore shit. Also, do remember that good franchises don't have to be "burly 'n' bloody FPSs" to be enjoyable, and they don't need to be released thousands of times on the same console with virtually nothing changed. So long as the games are awesome, I don't care if they only release one-or-two of one franchise on the same system. Unfortunately, it would appear that F-Zero, the most badass racing game of all time (next to Big Rigs, of course :P ) was not present on the Wii, and perhaps will not be on the Wii U, either :( The 3DS is going well, though. I just fear that Nintendo are focusing on the 3D effects of the games rather than the games themselves. Gates to Infinity was nothing in comparison to the other Mystery Dungeon games. Yes, the ending does what it normally does and the story was cool, but post-game is boring, so many Pokémon are absent and jobs are tedious. Some new mechanics were good though, but they ditched some of the old ones like Belly (to an extent) and IQ. I'll get Dream Team Bros. and see how that stacks up against BiS and PiT :)
  14. "I should get my mind fixed, you say? Hows about you get yourself fixed up first!" "Insanity is what I am. You can't beat insanity." "I'll just be a hop, a skip and a jump away!" "Now, if I were crazy, you'd be dead! Oh wait!" "(We got him good, didn't we? Yes we did, good job there! Cookies, sprinkles and rainbow confetti!)" "Hehehehahahaheuheuheu!" "Nothin' paints a picture quite like someone's internal workings! Hehe! It's a smiley face!" "Insanity...it's like every emotion swirling around inside your head...at the same time." "Do you know what it's like to be...forever lost?!" "Bunny hop! Bunny hop! Bunny hop!" "(Shall we? Yes, do it! DO IT! Catamarans!)" "You don't fall, the ground comes up to meet you!" "Fan-ta-sy...Laaaaaaaaaaaaaand!" "What's the point in a sane mind? Insanity makes nothing seem weird!" "Roses are yellow...violets are brown...that's what you see...when your mind's upside-down!"
  15. He was talking about why 3D World is hated, not 3D Land. I liked 3D, but I don't want to pay more money to play a game I've already played.
  16. To be fair, 600+ Pokémon characters still can't compare to the amount of Ryus out there A lot of the good ones that have been made are the most logical: human-shaped bipeds - those that stand on two feet and fight using punches and kicks. Pretty much all of the non-biped characters are silly gimmicky things that don't fight like regular characters (I mean, a ball of plasma? What was that person thinking?!).
  17. Right. Added a new version of Mewtwo! *cringe* Can't add that Milotic, seeing as the sprite file (.sff) is corrupt. Sorry.
  18. Again, I don't mind if they keep Cook Kirby. I like it, but I wouldn't mind if they changed it, either. I think I said something about Masked Dedede a while back.
  19. -DK's makes sense, but perhaps they could make it better. -Dunno about Pit. Seems quite reasonable. -Possibly. Maybe the Ultra Sword from Kirby's Adventure Wii/Return to Dreamland, or (and this is a stretch) make Kirby split into 10 smaller Kirbies for a while. Either way, I don't mind. -Don't mind. -Don't mind. -Don't extend Giga Bowser's duration! D: -I kinda linked Yoshi's... -Agreed. Warioman seemed a bit...lazy. Now for mine! -King Dedede. No one likes the Big Gay Dance!
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