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Everything posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. I thought the Fighting Polygon Team were just rough, non-textured models of the playable cast...?
  2. Oh hell yes! Mega Garchomp AND Mega Typhlosion?! Gimme Mega Rotom and Mega Yanmega and I'm set! Also, I dunno why I started laughing while looking at the English names.
  3. But that's just it. There's no good Mewtwo besides Megashock's.
  4. Dude, I've been stuck in bed these past few days feeling pretty darn crap with headaches, a stiff neck and a stomach ache to boot. With that cleared up, I'll haul some serious arse.
  5. Uh, the guy in the Battle Subway tells you your Pokémon's IVs, not EVs.
  6. Though it's pretty vague. It's like contest stats :/ Eh, still going to do it the old-fashioned way
  7. You get to see the EVs! Yeah, not as precise as we all thought. Ah well. Also, are they redoing all the menu icons or something?
  8. PlasmoidThunder


    I am back from the dead. Hoorah!
  9. PlasmoidThunder


    Eventually the rowdy people outside stopped making noise, but not before making screams of agony as I shot them down, one by one.
  10. PlasmoidThunder


    I dunno, lol. Also, panties.
  11. Yeah, two Giga Impacts in one turn? Twice the stat increase? Someone's going to get banned in official tournaments, though I think these items will be banned anyway.
  12. PlasmoidThunder


    Ack, the incorrectness of that meme. The guy is calling Yoda "Hulk". It should be Yoda, eat a snickers </pointlessrage>
  13. PlasmoidThunder


    "Even Whirlwind, Roar, Dragon Tail, or Circle Throw cannot force the user to switch out." -Bulbapedia, Ingrain (move)
  14. Because they were all just boring, generic, multi-coloured, muscle-bound figures. Nothing special or interesting.
  15. PlasmoidThunder


  16. Plus with online, what are you going to see a lot of? Cheap Orochi edits. MUGEN has no balance, so online is a really bad idea and I'm sure it's the lowest priority for Elecbyte at this point in time.
  17. Nuu! Don't change 'chomp's types! STAB Earthquake tears open the ground! As I said before, they're not real evolutions. Take the item away and BAM! No more Mega level Digimon Evolution. Also, you wouldn't be able to give it another item, so your Pokémon with item-based strategies are gonna take a nosedive if you choose to hold the Mega items.
  18. It's a hold item that activates in-battle. It's not a real evolution. Perhaps it just switches its stats around a bit and ups its types, like the Griseous Orb does?
  19. Thank Black Kyurem. He found it ;) Unless you are Black Kyurem :o Also, found this: Dunno who made it, lol.
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