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Everything posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. The Zero Laser may mean ZSS is still in the game, but on the other hand perhaps they did away with the whole suit destruction thing.
  2. I love how Sony gave the middle finger to the Xbox One during their conference, highlighting all the stuff the PS4 does that the XbO doesn't. The smirk on his face was priceless.
  3. Though I don't believe the Team Fortress characters use their actual voice actors. Spy sounds pretty close, Heavy's accent sounds much more put on, and Pyro sounds like someone talking into a pillow.
  4. Don't rush. I mean, it's a good game, but... -Lags like crap on several courses. -Stunts sometimes cannot be activated after the use of an All-Star move. -Sky Sanctuary (only course it's happened on so far) has a problem registering your position, so you may be in 1st one second and 8th the next. As this has only happened to me once, I cannot guaranty that this is associated with the glitch that doesn't register you as crossing the line. -AI will mostly fall off on Race of Ages. They simply fail at that course. -Vehicle will sometimes glitch in car mode, causing the car to abruptly turn round or flip upwards. -Various sound glitches. -Map camera doesn't actually follow you. It just pivots around the middle of the bottom screen; funny enough, this isn't the case in the demo version :/ I assume it's tons better on the Wii U, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
  5. Fairy type... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gmywDbnC5oc ...confirmed.
  6. Ignore the thing in the middle. I've no idea why I put that there - it's not even new.
  7. "Wait, wasn't this merged with the other random topics?" GarchompMatt pondered, to which Lightflare responded, " ".
  8. Dammit Cex! On the website, they said they had one Metroid Prime Hunters game in stock in the store nearest to me, so when I went there earlier today, guess what? They had Metroid Prime Hunters!...First Hunt :| Bit misleading, no? Also a bit crushing :(
  9. Ah, so they are showing video footage of Smash Bros. 4. ...or perhaps it's just a montage of stuff from previous instalments.
  10. ==Facebook crowd== "omg" "lol" "omfg" "lmao" "wtf" "lmfao" "roflmao" "yolo" "like if u agree" "poked" "omg twittuh" [vs. Twitter crowd] "omg faceburk" [vs. Facebook crowd] "omg myspurs" [vs. MySpace crowd] "omg gotta like update ma fb status" "ill add u on fb" "add me on fb" "69 people like this."
  11. Mmh, I don't like it when the characters' stats don't even remotely reflect how they are in the source media. For example, a Rampardos with more defence than attack, or a fast, combo-heavy Wreck-It Ralph. I also don't like it when they reflect the source media too much, such as a Rayquaza with 400 attack, or a Steelix with 500 defence.
  12. All but Swalott actually were being made by 'netz. They were in a playable state, too, but private betas, 2009 and all...
  13. "Not even death could conquer me, so what made you think you stood a chance?!" "HA! HAHAHAHA!" "Fool! You dare challenge a God?!" "Your ill-fate was your destiny. Be thankful it wasn't any worse than that!" "I'll let you live so you can feel your pain through every waking moment!" "I would've said you're a worthy adversary, but I'm not one to lie." "Thinking you could challenge me and return unscathed? Adjust your mindset!" "Omnipotence is power - power that you cannot hope to overcome." "You waste my time." "Every fighting spirit I destroy only makes me stronger. Soon, even time and space will bend to my will."
  14. Neither can anyone. The hype for this game is higher than Sky Pillar.
  15. Ah, Zangoose is looking great so far!
  16. You should change your member title to Egotistical Bastard :P
  17. No. Anyone who chooses not to display their author name generally wishes not to be associated with such a dreadful creation.
  18. "Hey guys! I got the Xbox one!" "The Xbox version of what?" "No, no! The Xbox one - the console!" "HA!" It looks like the Philips CD-i. This is a very big problem.
  19. I don't have a definitive final boss as such, so it's in rotation between a bunch of them. Off the top of my head: Regular Arcade -Giratina (Cyberlizard's) (I dunno why I have this character, but perhaps it kept it because it was the first character I downloaded) -Dialga & Palkia -Kyurem (not that stupidly cheap one) -Zero (Kirby) (I'm thinking of getting rid of it because it's difficult to win against if you're using weak combo-heavy characters) -Zeeky H. Bomb -Rayquaza (updated version) -Whispy Woods Team Arcade All the above, excluding Zero, Dialga & Palkia and Whispy. If I did have a single final boss, it would be a character that doesn't exist yet.
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