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Everything posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. Terrotim's Caterpie. No one seems to have it, but I know it exists.
  2. I don't really like Infernape, plus I don't do character requests... Sorry there.
  3. Will do, unless someone beats me to it :)
  4. Because the majority of creators that make Pokémon characters are lazy. They take undersized sprites from the games and use what limited sprites they have to make the characters, or just whip up some scribble in MS Paint...
  5. Those who can't speak English particularly well always seem like they're quite young when they may well not be. You gotta watch out for that one, too.
  6. ^Precisely. People see an age limit, they lie about their birthday. However, it's incredibly easy to spot such people, especially when they show their actual age on their profile like a couple of blockheads I know did. Those that seem to act older than they are are generally nice to have around.
  8. Because your name is only one word and has no significant characters to it (unlike Alicℯ's, which does). Zuko-ker doesn't sound very good either.
  9. Cocknugget Eh... (this is a good one) Deluge Downpour Shadow Hysterical Storm Ming the Merciless
  10. "This language you speak, it is not of the norm. Lol? What does this word mean?"
  11. ^Ignore me, I was mentally drunk or something. It IS the system.def, NOT the select.def, though the last part I said still holds true.
  12. You mean the select.def. Not always, as doing so may mess up the layout of the screenpack.
  13. I know how to draw. Spriting is tough stuff.
  14. Updated like a thousand times since the last post.
  15. No no, the feature is fabulous, darling <3
  16. Eh, Pokémon is well known - a fudgeton of people download Pokémon characters because they're Pokémon. I know nothing about Skylanders, so I can't really help you in the ideas department :P Still, best of luck there ;) Sprite-wise, those don't like guns no matter which way I look at them...more like baseball mitts to be honest :P
  17. The Pokémon you ride aren't blobs anymore :D I saw the gameplay trailer a few days ago (hipster alert!), but thought I'd mention that bit :3
  18. The only things I really want move-wise are more special Dark, Rock, Steel and Ground type moves, and more physical Electric type moves.
  19. Special, eh? I mean nothing Harsh by it...seriously.
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