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Sir Lord Alpyne

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  1. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to Zaibatsu in Gouken By Infinite Released   
    I'm sorry Mr.Infinite I didn't mean to offend you! I was just a little upset because I lost against Gouken 2 outta 3 Times. You did a great job on making him! I'm gonna see if I can train ALOT more to try to beat him! again forget what I said about the damage dampener thing! That was VERY noob of me!
  2. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne got a reaction from Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ in Gouken By Infinite Released   
    Infinite, that's good chizz my dude.

    & if mofos can't handle tha AI & wanna keep cryin', they can go sit on tha bench with tha rest of tha bytches.
  3. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to Lord Batros in Custom Savage Hulk   
    ok ill admitt it, im jeleouse of these lol, they look so cool
  4. Upvote
  5. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to LightFlare_Da_Realest in Night of the Raging Storm(Geese/Nightmare Geese Stage) Mugen 1.0   
    Indeed. I don't know of a creator who does both. If Sean Alty also did beats or Wizzy also did sprites, they would produce some of the most original creations known to man. In fact, if I would just take the time to learn character creation or spriting, I could change the game as we know it. Its the one thing I haven't done yet. I just have to commit to the dream...

    It's cool, though. That's why me and my boys started a team. We compliment each attributes. We have coders, graphics artist, bgm kutters and various other abilities. We got skillz. We learn from each other and push each other to do their best. We're gonna make an impact...just you wait.

    The quit storm is upon you...
  6. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to Prodigal Trailblazer in Alpyne's Kustom B-G-M Showcase & Request Thread   
    nice thread yah got here D... be a shame if sumthin were to happen to it... lol srry been playin lotsa minecraft...creepers keep blowin up muh stuff. do you by chance happen to have an update on my old request? I been online abit more lately so hopefully i can actually hear one of your Kuts... presuming the internet fairies dont screw me over.
  7. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to MugenLord in Kratos by Legendofsabas   
    offtopic: i like your edits, r@ce, so what if you can work on this and make it better.
  8. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to JeanBureau in Japan Last Dance - Hi-Res Stage   
    there is a reason i posted a video...
  9. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to BlazEdge21 in D-Nation Club (hires stage).   
    tehe..yes? :3
  10. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne got a reaction from NeoGeoKitsune in Ella by Aiduzzi [Alp D Edition]   


    i edited her a long time ago, & i've been meanin' to post her here for a while now. anywayz.....

    changes made:
    -Power Charge meter build sped up slightly; it was ENTIRELY TOO SLOW.
    -voice sfx added to Power Charge, for intitiation AND completion, to better fit her persona.
    -fix'd anim timing for The Devil Inside Lvl. 2 super; anim syncs with sfx better, especially its ending.

    enjoy dem shitz
  11. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to LightFlare_Da_Realest in Alpyne's Kustom B-G-M Showcase & Request Thread   
    Here's my attempt. I hope you guys dig it. I may do an alternate more classic kut.


  12. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to Sir Lord Alpyne in Youtube Why!   
    their idea of simple is reallly takin' away options that i, for 1, prefer'd to have. these jack'd-up changes they're makin' now are senseless. of course you gotta get used to it, cuz tha phukktards don't deem that you should have a choice in tha matter, which is totally phukk'd up, bottom line
  13. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to Black chaos in [PC] Megaman X Street Fighter   
    As the Street Fighter anniversary ends and Mega Man's begins, we are proud to reveal Street Fighter X Mega Man, a free PC download coming on December 17th. This 8-bit-style crossover title stars the Blue Bomber and a slew of retro-ized SF mainstays acting as stand-in Robot Masters; beat them, acquire their powers and tackle the next amazingly re-imagined boss.

    Again, yes, this is a free game, delivered via Capcom Unity's Mega Man brand page. Simply come back on 12/17 and get the whole thing on the house. As a real blend of two iconic franchises, it's an amazing way to send SF25 off in style, and kick off MM25 with a bang.

    Best of all, this is a true collaboration between Capcom and its fans. Singapore superfan Seow Zong Hui (maybe you've seen his Dhalsim skills?) approached our own Christian Svensson back at EVO 2012 with the skeleton of SFxMM running on a laptop. Seeing the potential and serendipitous opportunity, Sven shared it with GregaMan and I a week later. We evaluated (aka played to death) it and said uh yeah, this is pretty damn cool. Then it all started coming together.

    Further details will come out via interviews and whatnot, but the big takeaway is that we can ring in the 25th anniversary of one of gaming's most beloved characters with high spirits. I'm kind of beside myself, having been involved with daily build tests and feedback to Zong Hui (who was of course amazing the whole way through). It really is a dream come true for me, as a lifelong Mega-fan. I've literally dreamed of this day :)

    We also have an incredible 8-bit soundtrack from A_Rival, who's expertly blended SF and MM tunes to create a truly unique body of work. Flash Man mixed with Ryu? Snake Man mixed with Dhalsim? Too cool. This mashup style is also present in the boss battles - if you know how Blanka and Rose behave in SFIV, you'll have an idea how to approach them in SFxMM.

    So yeah. We'll stream the game next week and reveal a bit more later on, but as of 12/17 you can head to the brand page and download at your leisure.
    As for more MM25 news... stay tuned. I've been running those meetings all year and we have stuff to share that day and through 2013. We know it's been a hard year for Mega Man fans, but I hope this proves our love and intent to the series, and that we have not heard the last of the little guy.
  14. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to Mister Fael in [PC] Megaman X Street Fighter   
  15. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to Black chaos in [PC] Megaman X Street Fighter   
    No money to take because it's FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
  16. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to PlasmoidThunder in Youtube Why!   
    Some people prefer to complain about it. We may get used to it, but that still doesn't mean we like it.
  17. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to LegatoSkyheart in Youtube Why!   
    freakin' Metro. Why....
  18. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to Lord Batros in [ALF] Gordon Shumway (Alien Life Form) by Zobbes   
    No......................F*cking Way................... Someone made an ALF !
  19. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to Prodigal Trailblazer in The Prinny Hangout   
    nah not my style... i dont join exploding penguin clubs "dood"
  20. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to Hollow Ichigo in Camtasia Studio 8 - Best Recording and HD Render Settings(YouTube Tutorial)   
    After some research on youtube and many testings, the settings below appear to be the best as far as recording quality and conversion!
    Recommended for recording Mugen matches or just PC Video Games in general.


    1.First of all, you must have the Lagarith Lossless Video Codec installed on your pc.

    Where to get it?

    Go to the official site and get this great codec

    Notice:If you have installed the latest K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, you should do fine. It is already included in the package.
    If you do not need all these codecs packed, just download Lagarith from the official site.

    2.Make sure that your "Stereo Mix" Device is Enabled in your sound card/chip.
    For Windows 7 32/64Bit (tested):

    "Right Click" on the volume icon in the task bar and select "Recording Devices".
    You should see the "Sound" window and the "Recording" tab. "Right Click" anywhere outside the icons and enable your "Stereo Mix" device. Click OK.


    1.Open Camtasia Studio 8. Click "Record the Screen". The Recording window should show up.
    2.Click "Tools" on the recorder bar at the top. The "Tool Options" window should show up.
    3.In the "General" Tab select "Record to .avi".
    4.Click on the "Inputs" tab. Make sure you that:
    -Screen capture frame rate is set to 30(fps)
    -In "Video Settings" to the right, select Lagarith Video Codec and press OK.(No need to configure the plugin, leave it as it is, default. )
    5. In "Audio Device", select "Stereo Mix"(You audio card/chip, ex. Realtek/VIA/Audigy/Xonar or something)
    -Note, If you can't see "Stereo Mix", that means the device is disabled. Recheck Prerequisite Option 2 above.
    Click "Audio settings" and choose the sound quality of your recording. 44100Hz, 16Bit, Stereo should suffice.
    6.Click "OK"(Closes the "Tool Options" window.)

    Here is the youtube video with the steps as described above.

    -Render & Conversion-
    Follow the Tutorial in this youtube video below. You must create a new preset called "YouTube Settings" (You may create more presets, if you like).
    Once done you can use it anytime to render and convert your recordings at full HD quality.

    All credit goes to the YouTube uploaders.

    If you can record at 640x480p ~30fps without any issue(CPU heavily based), your recorded video should look crystal clear and ready to be converted in HD resolutions.
    You won't even need VirtualDub to sharpen or convert the video.
    You may edit the source avi file produced with the Lagarith Lossless Video Codec in VirtualDub, if you feel like.
    Convert it as MP4 with Camtasia Studio, always. It just works well.

    LAST UPDATED: December 02, 2012
  21. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to LightFlare_Da_Realest in Andore's Arena UPDATED!   


    http://www.mediafire.com/?hcangir7goq5q8z%C2%A0 Update

    https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=2BAF5F750DC42103&id=2BAF5F750DC42103%21103 Original


    -Sprites rearranged
    -new delta's
  22. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to Toxic in Screenshots Mffa Style   
  23. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to Lord Batros in [Castlevania 4]Illusion of Madness   
    absolutely love this stage , ive had it for a while now, didn't know we didn't have it already, im slipping in my old age
  24. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to O Ilusionista in [Bonus Character] Sf2 World Warrior Oil Drums   
    Nice, I always wanted to make this char. Oldschool rules
  25. Upvote
    Sir Lord Alpyne reacted to O Ilusionista in Naruto: Ninja Council 3 Valley of the End   

    Edited stage from Naruto: Ninja Council 3 DS.
    Animated: yes
    Superjump: yes
    Music: yes

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