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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. i dont think there was one ever made. and as for a ai patch for kungfu man there is a nightmare patch that suppose to make him a bad ass
  2. thank you i happen to have lost him and the main website which i had found him the link to it was dead
  3. could you post the link to jack id love to have him again
  4. the link to jack is down and the hard drive i got back i cant get into so iam sorry cant help you
  5. thats what i thought first thought when i seen that link i wish someone had this
  6. does anyone know if this is password protected
  7. no need to be a jerk about it the most plight thing would be to answer someone after its been posted 3 times twice by me and once by someone else without the shitty comment at the end
  8. and still people seem to ignore this question even tho its been asked 3 diffrent time who is that character on the right Distortion
  9. i really dont know why i expected it to be Vermillion from the game battle arena toshiden sigh
  10. thats cool but keep in mind if you want someone to help you its best not to insult people specially those people who have been trying to help you 1. it make you look like a jerk and 2. by doing no one would be welling to help you if you keep that up anyways hope you get your character updated and yeah your right it needs majorly alot of work
  11. i went to his website but it seem the link dont work
  12. why dont you get 1.0 rather then use something that crushes every single random moment
  13. thats just like asking people to release there kof edits chance of that happing are slim to none and this ogre is not that impressive
  14. so i got around playing with your character and its hardly worth downloading its missing alot of moves if i remember right it had more then just 2 i dont remember if there was ever a taunt the big portrait looks like it needs more cleaning up it doesnt look all that clear why didnt you chose to use his selected portrait from the game? missing some sounds in a few places and correct me if iam wrong but didnt he have a few small combos
  15. correction your link dont work his does you might want to take a look at something that someone else did since you cant seem to convert your own character to 1.0 which alot of people use more then winmugen. winmugen is old and hardly anything good come out of it any more not to be rude about it
  16. any ideal as to where to find him or her. and iam looking around to try and find your character also
  17. who is that other character in fact i never seen either of them before
  18. iam sure either phantom or ryon could make it work in 1.0 if you ask for that to be possible one must first release mugen 1.1 honestly i think its stupid to not release a leak version of it i mean no one would be able to stop someone from simply uploading it. it would be the same as if someone uploaded a private character or stage
  19. is that other character here too. not all of them are rape characters
  20. i thought this was a molebox game tho so if that was the case would castevania be the same also
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