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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. this is awesome my friend i just got done playing this on xbox the remix version a must have but i dont need to tell you that by any chance would you ever think about making nicole or maybe fix and build upon the one that was made
  2. wow how did you end up finding this thought it was unrequestable
  3. thanks bro iam not sure if any of those link work i found another website like that as well for the stage i was looking for in my request thread as well
  4. thats what videos are for hint why no is no picture
  5. i guess i never notice interesting
  6. i agree there was a few parts that i didnt mind but overall compare to dbz it was lame and could have been way better
  7. its been some time since i seen it but iam a big dbz fan the only one i didnt like much of was gt and as far as movies are concern i hated bio broly as well as the movie they had for gt for goku jr
  8. have you check the collects no you havent for if you had you wouldnt be asking such a stupid question as this that is why we have a collection for now if the link was down or we dont have it that would be diffrent
  9. must be the ones that they have yet to be completed maybe or for those to come
  10. gohan did have a sword but if i remember right i dont think he ever used it for fighting only for training
  11. i have seen it on the Independence channel at least that's was the name of the channel down here i have never seen it for the american channel
  12. there been talk about making it a real series and so far i think there working up to it after all raditz went ssj and so did barock so keep that in mind
  13. wasnt there a few new sprite swap pokemon that was recently made on the wiki i wouldnt know which one you have up since i really dont play pokemon characters in mugen not that there is anything wrong with it just most are not even well made
  14. how many have there been i only found one other then this one
  15. yeah for a bit its good but i would love to see what he would do to be honest i would love to see something that no one else has made before or at least take one of the really shitty character and make it alot more better like metal roildo or make re sprite bio broly that would be cool either way i happen to like this guy characters
  16. doesnt look like anyone have this i did talk to someone on youtube that said he would trade it for something sadly all my stuff that i had back in 2008 and up is gone now finally got my hard drive and my hard drive doesnt work unless i reformat it so iam trying to see what i can do with out deleting all that data i have
  17. id rather see him make broly or better yet with his talents maybe a ssj bardock
  18. if you want it that bad your going to have to pay to get it made
  19. since no one here can help you becuse of the coding and how heavy it is you might go to mfg for that
  20. demon lord made him there was however another one who made him as well demon lords version had only one problem and that was his throw i told him when he made him as i was the one who first tested him out before it was made public it never had been fixed as for the other version i dont have him you can say that until your blue in the face but things wont change people are still going to be doing that you should know that by now just look at how many people who have asked what we have already on here
  21. he not done with it he going to try and clean up the clsn a bit more and a few other things its just going to be a bit more slower for updating
  22. finally thank you i asked about this character long ago never did know what his name was
  23. why does anyone try and convert something that has been done countless times already i could keep going on with this but i wont becuse it would not only be pointless but off topic as well. as for Fou-Lu's it would be breath of fire 4 but for this character iam not sure
  24. i know what you ment dude there was no patch made for him unless you make it your self there is a patch for kungfu man if you re read what i posted you would understand that
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