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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BXqrIR9ZdM&feature=endscreen&NR=1
  2. just to let you all know that he is welling to trade and he also has a edit of one of the primal rage characters
  3. wow you think people would have got that have you ask phantom blood
  4. iam pretty sure someone in mfg has him since most are collectors if not someone in the mugen wiki does if you find him let me know bro
  5. mind sending him to me as well Shin Kyosuke
  6. not sure if this works but here you go http://www.downloadonline.info/2013/02/26/broly-3d-mugen-charac/ http://dbz497.tripod.com/id6.html
  7. wouldnt mind getting him as well and btw brock this dude was pulling the same thing on another forum that i was on
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kx5QIcLiyiI
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-naXrBo1BE8
  10. yes it is but there good if your a collector like iam
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ldoqvauU04
  12. id help you but iam not sure what the name thats on the file is listed under iam sure i have it i know for a fact i have Stan smith
  13. its just a screenpack and its mostly used for people who have more characters that what was already in the default
  14. how can you not notice when his build and arms are the same of that as guile
  15. yeah nicole cant rember her full name but i think i sent you her at one point before the person who did make her made her nothing but garbage dont think she has any more other then her basic moves would love to see what you would come up with
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