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Posts posted by Gaulbetti

  1. (Picture)







    A not very impressive stage from Nijikaku. It's essentially just a photo, really. Oh, yeah, and that little girl on the scooter goes back and forth every now and then, which is the only animation. It's a little wider than this picture shows, though, and due to not using the Nijikaku lifebars, it has that border down there, that has the dreaded image effect. I'm pretty sure that's a poster of Melty Blood in the background, too... It comes with a twinkly song that's also called locker room. Not much else to say...

  2. I finally cracked and got off EvE and went to the IMT screenpack: mugen001_zpsbkbe5bkb.png


    I'm happy with this one so far,(It has a winquote screen!!!) except most of the bars I had on EvE don't fit properly on this one... I don't plan on switching again for a while either. This one took like 5 hours to port all of the characters I had, and having A.I. Cheat back on was a bit of a nasty surprise, too.

  3. (Picture)







    The home stage to those Simokin characters in the fullgame. Much like the characters, this stage is pretty funny, too. I'm pretty sure that's Mountainside Temple's floor, too... It also has parallax. The background has the only animation, next to some guy who appears in the corner when you go to the right. The music here fits the stage well, and is really... uhhhh... Anyway, the only reason I put "Slightly NSFW", is due to how phallic some of the things look in the background, but it's probably intended anyway.

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