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Posts posted by Gaulbetti

  1. (Picture)







    A pretty odd and cheap edit of Gen. He has a new voice from somewhere, and he's also rather glitchy at times. I found it in a old compilation I had. He has a lot of new spins on his old attacks, too. His A.I. is also pretty mean as well. Made by ipuzero. His filename's Soul Gen, but his in-Mugen name is Gen Lelke for some reason.

  2. (Picture)







    A tribal jungle type stage, I think. I think it may have been made from a picture, or a series of pictures at least. Probably must have been a memeatic jungle vacation, judging by the little furry thing with Ronald's head... I don't really know who's home stage it is, either, if anyone's. There's actually some animation here, like those bouncing totems and that Ronald thing, and there's another 2 on the left. That drummer's hands are slightly animated, and some tribal guy also pops up every now and then all the way on the left, too. The music here, named "nof" fits the stage very well, and also may be a remix, because a similar song plays during one of Possibility of Chizuru's winposes.

  3. Iwao can summon Eddie/Fliptop, or some weird parody of him, anyway. I wonder what Mega Man 2 hack he comes from, I would enjoy playing it. He also has a special intro vs. Jun@ and that one girl who uses Mahjong tiles.

  4. Wait, what does Borewood has to do with anything?

    Also, I would like to know how good that Pac-Man character is.

    From the looks of the screenshots, it seems to be good, so I really REALLY do not want to be disappointed when actually downloading it.


    Compared to other Pac-Men for Mugen, (Aside from Roysquadrocks's) this one is one of the best custom based ones in Mugen, so, yeah. His coding's not perfect though.

  5. (Picture) (Lol, reused...)







    I had him for a while, but I think he's still pretty rare, so here you guys go who don't have him. He's pretty cheap. though. To balance it out, he has very low health. His attacks consist of a sword, a fire sword, his gun, some weird fire gun, a laser, multiple lasers, or the quite common Earrape Spider trap from the original game. His .def says it's made by Solgyrn, which is true, but I don't remember the name of the author of his Mugen counterpart.

  6. One does not talk about Rouge without describing her amazing AI, seriously her game wasn't even that hard to beat and her AI is brutal, no wonder she's X tier. I had to comment, because Rouge is another one of my favorite obscure characters and she reminds me of my favorite holiday, you know she's also the mascot for the game. She's definitely my favorite Astra char. Neat did a wonderful job, I'm glad that my favorite char from Asftra was made.


    Hmmmm... You gave me something to do... :fuckyea:  I meant to ask about her a while ago, but, now that she's here, I guess I can just try her out.

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