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Posts posted by Gaulbetti

  1. So, I'm trying to use FF3, I have no experience with this thing, and I have no idea how anything on this works, but that's not my question.



    What it is, is that I want to edit the IIDX Distorted KFA port screenpack to have 1000 (Give or take...) spaces, so I can finally move off of EvE to have my lifebars fit on the screen again. (And to have a winquote screen.) How would I do this, exactly? I tried bringing up it's sprites, but it put each individual sprite, meaning I thought I could bring up the entire screen (AKA, have the whole character screen right there for easy editing and to shrink the spaces down.)


    Also, with chuchoryu's Pac-Moku, to tag out in Simul mode, you would press C+Z, correct? Can you only tag out as Pac-Man, or can anyone else on his team do it as well?

  2. When I was first into Mugen, I saw this weird as heck stage in a YouTube video that was based on the SpongeBob episode "Survival of the Idiots", more specifically the scene were hibernating Sandy was beating up "Dirty Dan" and "Pinhead". Anyone have any info on this stage, even the video it was on?



    Also, what version of Super Masao is this: HypkdKf.png

  3. (Picture)







    A odd stage, that might be based off a commercial, or something. I think I know who's home stage this might be, but if it is, I've never fought her before. Animation wise, there's pieces of sushi whizzing by very fast, and there's some random characters that move left to right. That grass acts as the floor, but can probably cover extremely small characters. That logo also never leaves the center of the screen. Speaking of the characters, one of them may be a little bit NSFW, but it's blurred, though. Music wise, it comes with a rather enjoyable mix of people talking about sushi, I guess, and it even goes retro, sounding as if it's a Mega Man song.

  4. (Picture)







    A VERY odd stage. Honestly, this stage is just a collection of random images. It has a LOT of animations, or just a LOT of pictures. Some reference other characters in the fullgame. There's even pictures for when the screen moves to the left, right, or upwards. It even has a intro, of sorts. Also, for whatever reason, it says REC in the corner, which might mean this is a T.V. show or something? The music for this is the same as the first Nijikaku stage I shared, Defense of Nijura. Not much else to say...

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