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Everything posted by Basara-kun

  1. Yeah, MA is indeed banned here, so their links aren't allowed anymore. Thanks for reupload them Also, Andres Borghi updated all his chars to 1.0 and now they're hosted on POTS' site, so here's the new link for his Bubblum https://network.mugenguild.com/pots/
  2. All added, thanks =D Too bad what happened to you with MEGA. Also, you never specified about which name would you want for the collections XD OK, I put the new name and eventually will change your name in the other ones where your creations are Didn't think or get time to do it, probably I'll do it in a separate collection, but there's already a lot of work updating the other existing ones
  3. All added + added Mastertkof's 2.5D WIPs Also, I'm not sure, but I think there's a Laura WIP out there that uses her Alt. outfit (the green "Bonita" t-shirt and jeans shorts) but I'm not sure, only know the normal outfit WIP by Chuchoryu (if he released yet), didn't added yet since there's no news of it
  4. Almost all added... -Hayonik and GreatFunk: Thanks for the link, but CVS Yuri is one of the chars Ironmugen already has in his actual site, that's why I didn't added it here -mpower: Sorry, don't have it, so I marked as red (offline) until me or someone else find it again
  5. All added, but these by @snowy997: -Hsien-Ko Hi-res edit by You Mugen (edited from who??) -Not sure if these count, but they have Felicia's hair (me neither, so I got them apart for later)
  6. All added, thanks guys =D @Scarlet Lupercalia, since you didn't give me the names of creators, your last entries were added as "unknown"
  7. I think this is going out of control with the spam of chars you put in these last 2 pages. But yeah, the objective of this collection is to get OCs that were based on actual shotoclones, not Evil/Rare/Violent/Etc shotoclones that actually exist. Saying this, I won't accept any new entries and the ones before my last post won't be added until I make a cleanup of this thread... and eventually make a new collection with edits of Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Dan and all the others. Again I don't have enough time recently to update my collections, so you'll have to wait a bit until I fix this
  8. All added, thanks About AOF collection... I didn't think about it yet... maybe eventually I would do it, not sure when, but will be included in my plans
  9. Tremendous finding, thank you very much!! =D Also, all the other stuff has been added as well, thanks to all n_n
  10. Bah, I forgot to update this thing Added my N.Boss and the WIPs of Dr. Kiln and Taffy
  11. I didn't, he made 2 versions of Laurent and the second one (the one edited by Duracelleur) is based on KOF sprites, both being based on Yamazaki, you can see it in his collection Well, yes and no... it's the self-insert of Ironmugen's brother, AFAIK the auto self-insert in his fullgame is one of Yamazaki brothers, not sure which one
  12. Thanks, all were added + Shim's edit of FFWA Geese stage by EnvyMask666
  13. Added Dark Storm and Silent Storm SFA (it would be interesting to find that)
  14. Phew, I thing I got them all, so I added them, thanks for your entries =D But, I got some stuff to remark: -Since there're a lot of chars of him (don't have idea all his chars were leaked/released at some point), SS5ACE OCs now have their own section in Creators Section. Also added Ace and Enmko from OC Shotoclones collection -Will be added those ones that also belong to other sections (like Supergirl in OC Shotoclones and ShotoGuile in SFIII) -Cyborg was left out since has more of Marvel vs. sprites than SFA -And... For which SF2 Dan?? There're like 3 of them BTW
  15. All added/fixed after my last post here
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