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Everything posted by Risotto

  1. Wow a touhou chibi like version ! Interesting !
  2. Changes from previous Yoroko's release : -Better sprites and animations -New super directly inspired from his JJBA ASB incarnation -Amarimono's quality EDIT : the video : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21963300 https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=B733B36D722D358F&id=B733B36D722D358F%21135&sc=documents
  3. Whow cool down guys ! Technical issue like zoffset can be corrected after if it pose a trouble. Your stage is very nice AM, i'm already impatient for the next one
  4. Hi guys. Since some time I thought about a colour-change for Risotto Nero from JJBA part V Vento Aureo. Truly, before we had a black Risotto, this one was made by japanese creator "Metallica", like it : However, after some search it seems this char has a pale white skin, silver bells and yellow belt as we can see with his official (and unused in this game) model in Golden Wind ps2 version : So I corrected all the sprites and pal to obtain which we can call a "more accurate version" of this character and here is the result : You can download him there : http://dfiles.eu/files/ft784rffx Minor change : the char now yell "Metallica !", his stand name, when doing his "Aerosmith" super. P-S : Narcisso Annasui, made from Chiyuri sprites, is actually a wip of mine. P-P-S : in the "rizotto" cns file, change the xscale from 1 to "0.97", better result.
  5. There you have : http://dfiles.eu/files/k8p7y0q0l Your favorite puppet master.
  6. Don't know for the music title, you can ask to Zinesis since its his works. And for the japanese website you can see for the follow link : http://mugen.miterew.com/Kiterew/f/TAG:58/ Japanese people introduce generally their character in nico nico with releases links, however this is not systematic, some characters aren't publisheds for some reason as the Stroheim char there, which nevertheless seem complete (seen in the "mugen" section with google trad) : http://wakoubou.blog117.fc2.com/
  7. Very nice stage ! Keep up the good work, mugen 1.1 need gifted stage makers like you. P-S : try to add some animations like shining stars or passing clouds.
  8. There you have : http://dfiles.eu/files/hv0qhg4qq My custom diavolo.
  9. The true link : https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=F5F81E26E399B727&id=F5F81E26E399B727%21116 Select "gyokuto" folder, this is the char. The vid : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21799856
  10. At last maybe a decent redskull, thx !
  11. Never, people (essentially japanese) keep creating more jojo's chars to add to the roster, I think the next one will be Pucci.
  12. Cute one. If you plan to make the others dolls this can be the beginning for a new collection !
  13. Diavolo tested, except he cant crounch he is an overall good boss-like character, his moveset is very accurate to his PS2 vento aureo incarnation and his "time eraser" move work fairly. However he need some tweaks like an "time stop" black/gray/white effects for this move (same as dio or jotaro). I rescale the char to match other jojos, 5 points less for x and y scale and this is good.
  14. DIAVOLO !!!!!!!!!! AWESOME ! 1000 thks ! This is truly a great news for mad JJBA mugen collectors like me...and tomorrow its my birthday...truly...some strange occurence...
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