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Everything posted by Dumanios

  1. After correcting the formating on all the posts, I made this.
  2. Oh god. (blatant self-advertising mode activated) This video tells/shows all you need to know about this character. From description. "2: Aaron Roulette, by 2010LifeGame. This is one of the worst characters I've ever fought, full stop. It's a spriteswap of Homer Simpson, with several moves outright stolen from Pepito or Iori. In addition, it possesses bloated stats, coupled with regenerating health and a hitbox job worse than AngryNoahs' Noah. " (blatant self-advertising mode deactivated)
  3. Oooh, this stage looks nifty. I'll be taking it.
  4. Yet another potentially eternal beta. Audible Sigh.
  5. If I ever make another Pgrs video, then it won't be for a while. The next video will likely feature Mamaluigi's Soul Eater characters, then who knows? Maybe some crappy Dragon Ball or Naruto characters - or more crappy KH or Pokemon characters. As for the music, your welcome!
  6. I might get to those. In the mean time...
  7. These people have the same voice! Which will come out on top?
  8. Great episode. Was expecting Marisa's opponent to have been Reimu or Mima, but Alice works too. I knew who Mami's opponent would be, but didn't expect her to lose.
  9. It's Kongtastic! Well, it does seem that meep is ashamed of these, as he himself pointed these out. At least, I think that's the case.
  10. In this episode, things get done a little... differently.
  11. Really powerful characters, but they're of high quality, comparable to SSJ3 Goku or the Z2 characters.
  12. Indeed. Just from what I've gleamed from S-Kai's video of this guy, not only are the main sprites of Yugi pretty bad, the assists tend to have crappy sprites as well. And as I recall, didn't we already have a good Yugi? [One check later]. Well, it's either this thing or an s-scale Yugi. Honestly, I'd stick with the small Yugi.
  13. Nice collection. Now, onto Orochi.
  14. I'm... not sure if she has unique moves. On the other hand, she has the voice of Norio Yakamoto, which helps balance that out. Plus she can take down two Rare Akumas at once.
  15. While ya'll are taking on Ironfist Ryu, I found one of the worst boss characters EVER, including Herobrine.
  16. Well, if you're taking requests, then how about Seravy's Lelouch + Code MENT?
  17. I'm pretty sure I've already fought some of the worst characters I'll fight this year.
  18. Huh. Seemed to fight better than I remember him being.
  19. Serious. I'm the type of guy who likes to see crap get destroyed.
  20. Dat English Cloud soundpack. And is that an AI patch, too? Good fights, lad.
  21. Well that was a fun fight. I personally use Fraps to record, and then VideoPad to merge videos and/or add other stuff.
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