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Posts posted by GTFoxN6Y

  1. On 6/11/2020 at 8:23 AM, mulambo said:

    Have you checked the controller instructions in sctrls file from mugen/docs ?

    probably there's some parameters you're missing.

    PosSet and PosAdd, as far as I can remember, make the character move or be positioned in a specific part of the stage.


    KFM is a good char to start, but I suggest you to use and adapt (this means to study it, by looking at the controller from sctrls doc file) the code from  another char that uses more complex stuff, like a SFA or MVC character.


    First of all enable debug in mugen.cfg.

    Then go to practice mode with a char that uses hyper bg.

    Press ctrl+D to enable debug messages, make the char do the hyper bg move.

    Check STATENO and that's the state you should look for in the char's cns to see how the creator of the char managed to make it look right.


    btw, I thought I have responded to this but my comment wasn't posted or is it deleted?

    I just deleted the old one and remade the new one so you can understand better.

  2. 19 hours ago, Jansen121 said:

    [State -2, HCF]
    type = Explod
    triggerall = !numexplod(id) 

    trigger1 = enemy,life = 0

    trigger1 = winko

    trigger1 = hitdefattr = SCA,HA,HT,HP
    anim = insert anim here
    ID = insert id number here
    pos = (x, replace with any number),(y, replace with any number)
    postype = back  ;p2,front,back,left,right
    bindtime = insert binding time here
    removetime = insert remove time here
    sprpriority = 9
    ontop = 1
    ownpal = 1
    removeongethit = 0


    If i use this part:


    triggerall = !numexplod(id) 

    trigger1 = enemy,life = 0

    trigger1 = winko

    trigger1 = hitdefattr = SCA,HA,HT,HP

    to the helper, i`ll work corectly, right?

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